Just saying right now but unless you're RitaXMordio or like me(I'm not sure if you actually downloaded and played MBB but you did react to my comment from 2022 so I'm just gonna assume that you have) who would play this despite the fact that there is no sexual content which if I'm being honest would've been twice as better with some of it.
This goes without saying but don't play "My Mad Scientist Roommate Turned Me Into Her Personal Robotic Battle Maiden!" if you're the kind of person who wants sexual content which is fair since we're all on a site mostly filled with *thrilling debauchery*.
If no one reacts or comments to this I will either:
1. Send it to the shadow realm(immediate removal)
2. I will eventually forget I even typed all this which is very likely to happen
Final note: and no I'm not assuming anyone who prefers to have sexual content in the game they will eventually play would not download and play Lach's latest visual novel.
I may have gone on a bit of tangent there sorry for that.
Good day, good afternoon, and good night to anyone who would take the time to read this.
Extra: I did this merely on a whim and someone actually read it?

Props to you I guess