- May 11, 2020
- 341
- 942
While I love that idea, the issue is implementing it in a game that lets you go anywhere and do anything. If you can start any scene in any outfit, I'd have to draw every scene with every outfit, which isn't the best in a hand drawn game that isn't pixelart or just uses the same 2-3 poses for everything. So while I am adding new clothes to the shop over time, I'm limiting their use to specific areas and scenarios. So in the restaurant May wears the china dress, in the beach she'll have some bikini options and so on. One of those bikinis will be kind of a consumable, so having more outfits that can be bought several times is a good idea.well the purchasing of clothes could be a good way to deal with the extra money. run ins with gropers, staining during assorted jobs, or getting stolen when wearing a work uniform. i look forward to the ENF run ins with the people in town. that could lead to more of those, and a need to spend the money. i would like to wear clothes or accessories that increase wardrobe malfunctions and attention from those around me. completely accidently of course. though a chance run in with wandering hands on the bus wouldnt be a bad thing. also how about a movie theater to adjust your opinion of different situations. a movie for innocence, and one for perversion. afterall a weekend trip to the theatre would be a way to burn a couple of days pay from the bar.
Funny thing is, one of those ideas is almost literally something that will happen in the beach update xDAnother way to burn money would to allow the purchase of some big ticket items like a bicycle so she could go on a ride with Ember. A camera or video camera could be used with a photography class or on adventures with Jun. She could also fall for a scam where she damages something and has to make regular weekly payments, but it is something that she won't want to tell anyone about. This option would open the possibility of being encouraged to do lewd things to reduce the debt each week. An example could be the clothing shop guy slipping the expensive swimsuit into her bag and her setting the alarm off; unfortunately, the dress got damaged in the process and she has to pay the full price and if her parents find out, she'll have to spend the summer in her room. She could do some modeling, cleaning, stocking the store, or eventually actual lewd stuff .
- The dress thing could also be a way for to work and not get a wage, it just goes to the debt, while keeping her from working the other job and gaining more money.
- The bicycle could lead to an adventure with ember where May can be influenced to be more comfortable with showing her body, like Ember. Maybe taking a break at a secluded lake and going skinny dipping.
But yeah I like those! Having to buy certain items to take part on some quests is a great idea. The only problem is that most times May doesn't do anything herself, but things happen to hear. I really like the Ember one, tho I'm not sure if I want to gate content for the main 3 routes behind a purchase or side content, but we'll see! One idea is to have optional scenes with the main 3 outside of their routes, so you could meet them in the beach, hangout and so on.
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