Oh my, let me go through each in order xD
1- I think you're going to like the next update

2- Not a bad idea! Tho that's kinda out of Abby's questline structure. I could find an excuse for May to be bottomless in another setpiece tho (I can't just let her go pantyless all the time since a lot of scenes are made with her with panties on, and I'm not making variants for each of those scenes just to account for that)
3- The first half is actually planned to happen... eventually xD The second half could be fun too, if I find a good way to make it fit
4- Other tools for May to use when masturbating are also planned for the future!
5- Sorry but forcing the player to shower every time they wake up could get annoying really quick. I could make it an optional scene tho, or part of a setpiece.
6- I don't hate the idea! Just not sure if I want to make an RNG scene where that can happen in the bus and interrupt the player's travel plans. Could be part of a setpiece tho, like if she goes on a school trip with the other kids in town xD
7- May can already pee as long as she has drunk orange juice! Just beware if you drink too much in a row without using the toilet, smth may happen... Poop is entirely out of question tho.
8- Gauges were planned at some point, but I eventually decided to scrap the idea. I want the game to be carefree and for the player to just feel the stakes rising organically. You do have hidden values like May's bladder, and later on how comfortable she is with public nudity, but I'd rather communicate that in more immersive ways rather than having a meter reminding the player that they're playing a game.
9- Almost everything in the game is meant to be optional, especially who May's first kiss or sex scene will be. Rn there's just one kiss scene, but you'll be able to do it with the rest of the cast too, and even get closer to them — or not, if you so choose. Those scenes will be added over time wherever they make the most sense tho, so it's possible your favorite character won't get the scene you want very soon.
10- There's a tracker of how much money May has gained from working in the restaurant. Once it reaches a certain value, in a future update, that's going to unlock more scenes with different customers in a different room and different kinds of services will be available

11- Glad you like her too <3 The main 3 are just Abby, Ember and Jun tho, so they'll inevitably get more attention than the other characters. But I do plan on giving the secondary characters as much love as they deserve! Baobao for now just has a thing with that one old man, since he was there since she first started out and helped her get comfortable with that job, but maybe I could make it a thing where she also just likes old men in general for more flexible scenes!
OK I think that's all. Hopefully it helps! And thanks for the ideas! As always I'm taking notes on them xD
Ahh, yes that's kind of planned to happen! There's the spot behind school where couples meet, and I'm also thinking of expanding the town with a farm area to the east somewhere in the future.