RPGM May's Summer Vacation [v0.05.0] [Otchakun]

4.50 star(s) 13 Votes


Jun 24, 2020
Oh the Ember part is planned to be in the 2nd major city update, so kinda far in the future. This month's update is gonna be a little... special xD
I wont pry further, but I will safely assume that it will be.. hopefully as good of a scene as the beach one!

Who am i kidding tho, it def will be lmao
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Game Developer
May 11, 2020
The beach episode (v0.04.0) is public now! Check the main post for links.
Have fun! ;)

Patch notes:
v0.04.0 (26 May 2024)
- The beach area is now accessible if you wear any swimsuit
- You can now borrow Abby's bikini if you've tried it in her questline before
- May's Diary will now make it clear how much of a questline is available
- Different soundtrack will play in the city and beach now
- The frilly bikini and cheap bikini now look slightly different
- You can now visit the beach at sunset and night
- Added animals and more filler NPCs to the city area
- Minor changes
* Public Release changes (02 Jun 2024):
- Restaurant scenes will now be shorter the 2nd time forward after the update
- Scenes where May pees will actually empty her bladder now
- Slightly buffed Ember's clit (you heard me right)
- Minor changes


Apr 26, 2020
is baobao a trap or a futanari? there's that line in the chestpiece of the restaurant uniform....


KYAAAAA i'm so moved by this game! i just can't shake how wholesome it is :3 there really is nothing like it right now! after exploring the beach and kissing abby and baobao, i had a few thoughts:
  • i think the "smaller"(?) scenes should still be in the recollection room. i didnt backread the 20 pages of development here so i'm not sure what the terminology for this sort of thing is. but you really wanna have everything in the recollection room, having everything in one place is what makes these things the best. maybe there could be a separate "section" for these sorts of things? especially since not all of it might feature a character - like, you could have a section for all the peeing scenes (which isn't my jam, but that's okay, some people in this thread do like it)
  • also! when you kiss abby and baobao and they're both open to do more of that later, that ABSOLUTELY needs to be a thing :3 like right now abby in her room doesn't do anything if you don't have another 'thing' with her unlocked, it would be so cute if you could just walk over to her room to have a little light soft fun <3
edit: forum ate my spoilers, fixed
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Game Developer
May 11, 2020
is baobao a trap or a futanari? there's that line in the chestpiece of the restaurant uniform....


KYAAAAA i'm so moved by this game! i just can't shake how wholesome it is :3 there really is nothing like it right now! after exploring the beach and , i had a few thoughts:
  • i think the "smaller"(?) scenes should still be in the recollection room. i didnt backread the 20 pages of development here so i'm not sure what the terminology for this sort of thing is. but you really wanna have everything in the recollection room, having everything in one place is what makes these things the best. maybe there could be a separate "section" for these sorts of things? especially since not all of it might feature a character - like, you could have a section for all the peeing scenes (which isn't my jam, but that's okay, some people in this thread do like it)
  • also! when , that ABSOLUTELY needs to be a thing :3 like right now abby in her room doesn't do anything if you don't have another 'thing' with her unlocked, it would be so cute if you could just walk over to her room to have a little light soft fun <3
Ohh I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3

Baobao is meant to be a trap/trans girl. You can interpret that line as you want xD

As for the recollection room, yeah it'd be nice to all the scenes there but, due to the way I program scenes and how the engine works, I only really know a viable way to add the non-repeatable scenes there (basically scenes that are tied to one variable and managed by an autorun event). Maybe if I rewrite how those are managed and use a bunch of new variables it's possible, but, well, they're repeatable anyway so you can just go there and have fun anytime (another solution would be to copy/paste the whole scene into the recollection room and have the text and illustrations run there without any characters present tho). I could also add a gallery for the game's CG, but at that point you can also just browse the "img/pictures" folder. Something nice I CAN do is add a little cheat in the recollection room so the player can unlock everything right away tho. Also, scenes in the recollection room are organized by character/questline and scenarios. I think that's probably the most intuitive way for the player, but who knows.

And yeah! You bet there's gonna be a follow-up to those things! Abby in her room is always there because, unlike the other characters who get teleported around, she's always in the same place so there was no need to make her disappear (don't ask how she's both home and in the beach at the same time tho lol). I could definitively add an option in the future to, when talking to her, you choose whether to do the next step in her questline or have some fun. But we'll have to wait and see xD

(Also, I think the stuff you marked as spoiler is bugged cause I can only read it now in the quote lol)
Edit: oh you fixed it now lmao
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Jun 24, 2020
- Slightly buffed Ember's clit (you heard me right)
Perfect game development doesnt exi-

I ran around a bit on the public build. I'm sure it'll get added at some point because of the clothes changing in general but I noticed when drinking orange juice wearing any other clothing (Or nude) it just reverts back to Mays base clothing. Potential outdoor/public nude wetting/peeing in a later update? :unsure:
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Game Developer
May 11, 2020
Perfect game development doesnt exi-

I ran around a bit on the public build. I'm sure it'll get added at some point because of the clothes changing in general but I noticed when drinking orange juice wearing any other clothing (Or nude) it just reverts back to Mays base clothing. Potential outdoor/public nude wetting/peeing in a later update? :unsure:
*Cough cough* xD
Sorry but I just never drew the scene of May peeing herself in any other outfit. I should probably just prevent the player from drinking when not in her default outfit or smth or I'll have to redraw this for every single outfit in the game lol.


Jun 24, 2020
*Cough cough* xD
Sorry but I just never drew the scene of May peeing herself in any other outfit. I should probably just prevent the player from drinking when not in her default outfit or smth or I'll have to redraw this for every single outfit in the game lol.
It sure sounds like a lot yea
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Apr 26, 2020
oh, repeatable scenes! that's the word. here's my problem:

okay so like, let's say you want to watch may and baobao kiss again- you'd have to take the bus to the city, go to the restaurant, start working- and then when you serve the top-right table, the event doesn't 'always' happen? so you might have to load a save, go back to the restaurant, save, and hope it kicks in the second time, and load if it doesn't. but then you can't load from the menu, which means if it doesn't, you have to end the game, go back to the title screen, and then load to try again

once you've saved in front of a repeatable scene you might want to repeat, you have it on the backburner, but- if the game ends up getting bigger (which i hope it will because its SO CUTE >3<) that's one less save slot you'll always have, capped at 19 + 1 (autosave). and increasing that cap still wouldn't be great because managing lots of separate save files is confusing @@ and because loading is removed from the menu, if you guess which save was at which scene, and your guess was wrong, its back to the title screen to try again

also! once the scene is done, if you, like me, are still trying to rub one out >~< you have to reload the save again. not the worst thing in the world but a little annoying to do with one hand. or if you change your mind and want to switch to looking at recollected scenes instead of repeatable scenes, you have to go to the recollection room-- and then if you change your mind again you have to reload the save

like, functionally the repeatable scenes are in fact, repeatable (real game design genius from me right here) but it's really inconvenient. in h-games where you get animations by getting hit by enemies (usually action games, platformers, some RPGs), you can repeat those as well, but then you have to go around looking for the right enemy and then walk into them to take damage multiple times @@

on a similar note, i think adding the cg to the recollection room would be really good! a lot of jp h-games in their gallery rooms will ask you if you want to just look at the pictures, or if you want to play the whole cutscene all over again. this gives people some good options because sometimes the context makes things more enjoyable but sometimes you just need the picture. the super important thing here (imo) is that it could work as a good stop-gap solution. like, repeatables could have their CG in the recollection room (since, in terms of tech, its basically just an NPC that shows a few pictures) and that could be a temporary fix while you think about what you want to do

but i'm just some rando who's mooching off your h-game, so i don't want to seem too pushy or anything here D: i just want to plead the case for repeatables in the recollection room, it's really nice to have everything all in one place


Game Developer
May 11, 2020
okay so like, let's say you want to watch may and baobao kiss again- you'd have to take the bus to the city, go to the restaurant, start working- and then when you serve the top-right table, the event doesn't 'always' happen? so you might have to load a save, go back to the restaurant, save, and hope it kicks in the second time, and load if it doesn't. but then you can't load from the menu, which means if it doesn't, you have to end the game, go back to the title screen, and then load to try again
Yes you really have a point here. There's a trick to guarantee the scene will happen (it's a pity system, just leave the table you want for last and say no to any other) but that's not smth I should expect the player to do. For now the best I can think of is replicating the scene in the recollection room without the moving characters and tie it to any other variable that makes sense. Gonna have to think well about this one.

once you've saved in front of a repeatable scene you might want to repeat, you have it on the backburner, but- if the game ends up getting bigger (which i hope it will because its SO CUTE >3<) that's one less save slot you'll always have, capped at 19 + 1 (autosave). and increasing that cap still wouldn't be great because managing lots of separate save files is confusing @@ and because loading is removed from the menu, if you guess which save was at which scene, and your guess was wrong, its back to the title screen to try again
The game is planned to get MUCH bigger, so don't worry about that ;)
I've actually increased the saves cap from 20 to 100, as you just reminded me of its existence lol. I don't think anyone is ever going to need that many save slots, but who knows (I have like 10 right now and that's just because I do all the playtesting). Giving the player more options is almost always a positive.

Btw a quicker way to reload is pressing F5 to straight back to the menu. No idea why RPGM doesn't let you load from the pause menu but I didn't write the engine so not complaining lol

i think adding the cg to the recollection room would be really good
While you can just go the pictures folder, some of it is layered so you can't just see everything properly with an image viewer. Having it be managed from an event is much better for the player.

I hate programming menu navigation tho, so I may procrastinate on it a bit (sorry I'm a bad programmer, I just want to lewd cute girls and boys xD) but I should definitively do it, even if it's just for some scenes.

but i'm just some rando who's mooching off your h-game, so i don't want to seem too pushy or anything here D: i just want to plead the case for repeatables in the recollection room, it's really nice to have everything all in one place
That's okay, don't worry. Any feedback is welcome.
Thanks for playing too! <3
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2023
Sorry, but update after update, I find no new content anymore. I go to the beach: can't go there because I don't have a bikini, the gf only says: "Hi May", the shopping center: everybody says hello, but offers no content. Going to the forest: "I don't need to be there now".

Where the heck are the events! In the post here above there's mention of a restaurant where I can work, but I don't find any restaurant anywhere. All there is is npc's that tell me to wait 'till the next update.
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Game Developer
May 11, 2020
Sorry, but update after update, I find no new content anymore. I go to the beach: can't go there because I don't have a bikini, the gf only says: "Hi May", the shopping center: everybody says hello, but offers no content. Going to the forest: "I don't need to be there now".

Where the heck are the events! In the post here above there's mention of a restaurant where I can work, but I don't find any restaurant anywhere. All there is is npc's that tell me to wait 'till the next update.
Well that's very weird.
Are you trying to buy a bikini in the clothing shop or the convenience store?
The restaurant is the large, fancy, chinese-looking building across the city, north of the park.

If you're in the v0.04.0 but the rest of the city is blocked off, I'm assuming you're loading a pretty old save file. If that's the case, try sleeping in May's bed so the game understands you're in the 2nd day.


Game Developer
May 11, 2020
My only real complaint is that, since every update requires beginning again, we have to grind for money every time. Would be nice if there was a developer secret to get some funds faster
You don't have to replay from the beginning! Just copy the "save" folder from the previous version into the new one.
Maybe I should leave a note on that for the people not used to RPGM games.
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New Member
Jun 12, 2023
Please add some kind of indicator on progression.
Have played it for 2 hours, not sure if I am missing something.
I bet I am.
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Dec 13, 2018
Please add some kind of indicator on progression.
Have played it for 2 hours, not sure if I am missing something.
I bet I am.
You can see how many scenes you have unlocked by checking the diary in the key items' section. I think it's bugged a bit because I got three groper scenes and it still says 0/3, but the other stuff is updated as far as I know.

I played the last update and I think the art is as cute as ever. I hope we'll get to have sex scenes soon.
My biggest hope isto continue Ember/Dark Avenger's quest with the possibility of her gettingfucked by the panty stealing shotas and the molesters. Cute tomboys need to be corrected!
The marker as a new item gives me hope for more body writing, I'll keep an eye out for it.

Continue with the great work!
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4.50 star(s) 13 Votes