VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Melody [v1.00 Extras] [MrDots Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though the game isn't finished this is by far one of the most compelling stories yet. The girls are beautiful and the images/graphics are exelent.

    My computer are very old though and when I press esc to get the main menu up it takes a little while. Other than that the game is so far my favorite here on the site.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this first and now second update.
    It's another great game from dev.
    Pictures are of real quality and the storyline is also one of the better novels around.
    In my opion dev has done another top game.
    (Although the game has clearly some relation to Dating My Daughter, as in characters portrait and scenery, I hope dev will be continuing both sories. Still I would prefer dev's attention on just one game until the end before starting another. this game is of such a quality I can't say I'm not looking forward towarts another update and/or the extra packs.)
    I'm not in the position to support this dev, but I do suggest if anyone has the room to support devs, this one really deserves the backing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Evan Treborn

    what can i say... at first i was skeptikal but without reason. i love it,'s as good as DmD... very great story and a very very sweet girl... and the same nice mouth movement as DmD, i love it.. it was very fun play it and read the story... i really hope that Melody and DmD both will be further developed.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty interesting game so far, in this first version of the game it gave me the impression of a very well made dating game with an overall better than average story.
    What are my hopes? Sincerely I hope that the ex girlfriend doesn't show up ever again, and that dating multiple girls doesn't end up screwing me in the end, that would be the case in real life but this is a game, right?
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome story, good character development. Looking forward to what this has in store. First update I wasn't blueballed! I think I may have lost some interest in DMD, because this update made me almost completely forget about it. Well done Mr. Dots.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Just perfect, even tho is still under develment i just hope it get completed, very good game. I usually say after playing games that i wasted my day, but not with this one. .
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the concept of this game, its something completely different. fully enjoyed the dialog as well in some parts , *justin lumberpond* i spat my drink out reading that ;) i will be keeping a close eye on this game

    keep up the good work
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Another great game from a great creator mr dots doesn't let down no matter what even thou so far it's only a small part of the up cooming game it still leaves me speachless from the very start, i personally recommend this game to those who look for quality gaming experience and great story this game is becoming no douth one of my favorite games. You all should thank Mr dots for his hard work that he puts in every single time he surely deserves a reward for this wondefull piece.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    best VN on this site. Awesome story, good character development from the initial release. Looking forward to what this has in store. First update I wasn't blueballed! I think I may have lost some interest in DMD, because this update made me almost completely forget about it. Well done Mr. Dots.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent character modeling but I’m sure anyone playing a Mr. Dots game will expect that. Interesting storyline with a believable progression. MC doesn’t come off as a creaper which is a good thing. Main female is interesting and has depth to the character. Nice game that blends storyline with good fapping material. Also, all the AU band names are hilarious.

    Over all a great initial release. Can’t wait to see more.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I give the initial release of the game 4 stars for being decent in length and good in production value. As there will hopefully many updates, this evaluation may change.

    The dev has many fans and also critics, so I am going to give an overview as to what has led to me to deduct one star, or give 4 stars, respectively.

    Story / Gameplay: The meat of the game. It is mainly a story driven VN with lots of small choices that allow for minor changes in the narrative, thus personalizing the experience to a degree, which is good in my books. It is overall a pleasant narration, with little drama. There are some minor inconsistencies though, some of which might be changed in the future, but one that annoyed me is the breakup in the prologue. The girlfriend, not wife, decides to break up with the protagonist. They dont have children and both are working, with no indication of any major "offences" on either side (no affairs, or domestic violence). Still, she decides to keep all major assets and then sue for more money. I cant imagine a legal system in which this is realistic. It doesnt have any impact (yet), and is more of a side-note, but if it will come up again it will be a big annoyance.
    Coupled with the rather unsurprising story-flow, I can only give this 4/5, with potential to go either up or down in the future.

    Technical aspect: The game is made in Ren'py, which is a good choice for this type of game. The developer surely has some experience in making the needed mechanics work well in the background. While the interface isn't fancy or innovative, it does not have to be. 5/5

    Character models / other 3D art assets: All the models are well-customized and the backgrounds, clothing and items used are fitting and well utilized. I'd give this 5 stars, but have to deduct one point for unrealisticly young looking characters. If the dev wants to make a game featuring twelve year olds, he should just get off patreon and do that openly, not claim they are of college age. 4/5

    Erotic content: Not much to see here yet, in relation to the non-erotic content. There are some scenes though, mostly involving side characters, including one full sex scene at the beginning. Very vanilla, and while not cringeworthy, not very exciting either. As the game is in early development, I dont give too much weight to the ero-content for now, but a few updates down the line I expect much more. 3/5
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    story : interesting
    render : high quality
    models : looks great
    content : a lot

    I like the story, and the choices of girls are really good. Mrdots really know how to make beautiful girls. Melody is gorgeous!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say, it looks and feels like Date my Doughter devs made another game. With similar things added together but better. Especially models of characters, dick of our Mc.. should be more normal looking than the one from dating my doughter. For now we have one main target of our affection, one sex partner which most likely is one time thing. Friend from new town Becca, Aunt of our apprentice etc. Till now we have wide veriety of cute girls to choose from.

    I hope that it will only get better. One bug which I found was when I helped Melody choose a present for Aunt. Game did not recognize my decision to abandon job application with someone else.. it might be couse It was a wrong choice to do by authors. Yet it doubled my music notes of affection with Melody, so I don't really can tell which I chose then.

    For a first release I need to say that it has much content, likeable characters and sweet models of those characters.

    Like Dating my doughter but more refined. I still hope for ending of that game..

    Lets hope for as much content in next uploads of both DMD and Melody.. Especially DMD, couse after endind that I wish thet devs will focus their full attention on Melody. Which has better models and incest.. NOT. Which is nice couse after getting through INCEST BOOM, we have need for more normal games.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Jeff Steel

    Damn good if I may say so - then again, I have a vested interest as a no pay developer, so what does my vote really mean...but the characters are fairly well developed as the game begins for and adult VN; the first sex is realistic given the pregame relationships; and all the female characters are very attractive - although the jury is still out in the librarian who I’m hoping does not smell like vapor rub.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked DMD a lot and this has a similar vibe. In fact it is better beccause that father-daughter fetish gets a bit annoying after a while i find. So this is a nice change. I also really like the facial expressions on the girls. it is not something other games really focus on.
  16. T
    5.00 star(s)


    Review v0.01:
    I was really very pleasantly suprised by the amount of content already!
    Some games need v0.6 to reach this...

    As for the game, Melody has a similar character as D in the sense that she's sweet, naive and not extremely intelligent. However she has the above less extreme as D and combined with a few quirks makes her a very believable and likeable character.

    The other women, the aunt and the neighbour are also very likeable characters to the point that it may become difficult to chose...

    The renders are excellent, especially of the characters.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game from the get go. MrDots really knows what he is doing, both with story telling, and character appearances. The game Melody has great potential and the character of Melody just looks sweet as well.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    [Early Impressions]

    Came into Melody somewhat skeptical as the setting isn't really my bag but the Mr Dots gang is off to a great start with this.

    Top notch renders, nice models (Isabella, Becca and Melody are hotties but in very different ways) and although there's some inconsistencies in the writing, it's still better than 95% of the other VN's out there.

    This is a meaty 0.01 too, the team have given us a good introduction to the initial characters and have proven to me that they're still worth supporting.

    Can't wait to see where this takes us, let the hype train roll on!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty early to cast any serious impressions since at this time it's only version 0.001 but in my humble opinion it looks like it really has some kind of potential. The game does indeed have that "MrDots fingerprint" on it and for some (as me) it can be a big plus or for others it can be a big minus.
    So far the storyline looks intriguing and promising in that it can be nicely expanded in many ways regardless that the "teacher - student" thing is kinda of a cliche it kinda compensates with the other characters and again..we shall see where all this will go.
    The characters in the game look absolutely gorgeous and as far as visuals go i think are more then decent.
    My overall impression about the game is that it's something more then average and exactly what i had expected to be and maybe that's one of the biggest drawback, that it isn't more then that...come to think of it it's biggest drawback is that it's not DMD but then again it's a huge hole that it had to fill.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Some people play games for erotic content others play it for the story. Story wise the game is solid erotic wise it lacks. If you like panty shots, bend over shots, and cleavage shots this is your game.

    If you want actual sex well other then a one off fling for two weeks the MC gets nothing except hugs and pecks on the cheek.

    I can't give this game any higher rating star for this reason. When Mr. Dots starts deciding to make porn games instead of soft porn I'll raise it but anyone who play DMD knows that will never happen.
