RPGM - Completed - Memoirs of a Battle Brothel [v1.11] [A Memory of Eternity]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Game under-delivers on the premise, the combat is piss easy once you figure out what works. The dev really veers into what i can only assume is a deep concern with mortality towards the ending that felt less connected to the story or the fact it's a fucking porn game and more with what was on the devs mind. The porn is pretty ass for a porn game, pixel art porn in this case doesn't appear too appealing. There's very little actual porn variety.
    Likes: dorn6
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Lot of potential with horrible execution.
    The story and plot idea was nice, creative UIs and a take on the RPG genre, but sadly the gameplay and mechanics are awful including the combat system with positioning. There is a mix of art as well, where we have nice CG models but any H scenes would be pixel art, that mixture just does not go well and breaks the game immersion, which seems two different styles are joined together.
    Overall felt very grindy with very unintuitive game design and progression.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Memoirs of a Battle Brothel is a cyberpunk game inspired in old Syndicate from snes I believe. Very tactical, very slow pace, very text based, and very boring. My experience with the mechanics and gameplay was not a good one. The combat is a tactical positioning that moves painfully slowly. The fact that you have to actually turn your characters to face a side manually after each round for better defense is pure obnoxiousness. You have to click multiple times on everything because one click is to select the window and the second is to confirm the command. Every single time. The art is nice but nothing special, the scenes are just some heavy pixelated low quality animations flourished with some text. Very underwhelming considering the effort put on so many mechanics like base upgrade, tactic combat, multiple factions, etc. Considering the genre one would think that should be the focus. The city's districts are huge, and you move very slowly without access to a map or instant travel, so you better memorize every npc location and every accessible building location because you will need it and the game will not help you with it. Your quests have no direction at all, just the name of the guy you have to talk and maybe his district. Pretty much a npc hunting. There is also a clunky overworld map similar to fallout 1, but you move insanely slow and it is the most janky thing imaginable to navigate. All controls are jank actually, the idea of being isometric ruins the ability of properly using a mouse, and personally I don't want to play this kind of games using both hands. The writing tries very hard to be this deep universe of factions and wars and crime but is mostly boring and way too complex to throw at the player immediately. It takes hours of slow walking and walls of text until the first actual fight in the game literally called Battle Brothel. This game seems too big for a single guy project. After five painful hours I cheated in everything I could and I don't think is worthwhile. And really, for a cyberpunk degenerate world this one has very few kinks. Definitely do not recommend it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Its not a bad game. I like the story setting and im a big SPRG fan. It is certainly an ambitious title. It just kinda promises one thing but delivers something entirely different.

    The combat system is too slow and easily broken for me to really like it. But most h-games have subpar gameplay so i can live with that.

    The h-content though is really underwhelming and i feel i didn't get what was advertised. This might be the most prude brothel game i have ever seen. Most of the cast want a closed relationship status that you can maybe reach by the very end of the game before you can do anything with them. There is also no brothel management. You just build rooms for stat upgrades. Thats super boring!

    In fact there is 0 content in the game where h-interaction actually influence the game at all. That would be fine but its bizarre in a game that is about managing a brothel.

    The h-scenes themselves are pretty much copy paste the same 5 pixel animations. Really low effort and kinda misadvertised in this regard. All in all as an H-game i cant reccomend it. If you are just looking for a cyberpunk SRPG the the shadowrun series is superior in every regard.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Interracial UglyB NTR Fan

    a great demo but according to the dev it's finished so I guess 5 star potential aside I have to rate it as a full game

    the above is confusing as many scenes and parts of the game are gated behind a "will be aaliable in future release"

    also seems fem protag seems to of been an after thought so playing as male would be advisable
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    it's an alright game but it suffers from a sever case of an identity crisis it doesn't know what it wants to be cyberpunk? zombies? magic? ancient mystery? murder mystery? and whilst it sounds cool to have all of them in one story it fails to do any one of them justice and explore them properly.
    the characters are alright but they severely lack enough time to actually make you care about them.
    the ending is a convoluted mess that wasn't handled nicely at all.
    the sex scenes aren't that great especially compared to other pixel art scenes.
    the combat is alright but is way too slow and there needs to be a difficulty setting because it gets easy real fast.
    the rpg elements are cool but faction rep sorta becomes a joke when the overall map unlocks and you can just grind faction points like oops sorry i killed all your guys that one time let me roll some dice to become pals lol and whilst i'm at it the whole overall map at the moment is stupid and the game would be better without it.
    overall i'd give it a 2.5 the game in its current state is just barebones in every department story, gameplay, mechanics, locations etc it was clearly made by a game dev who has passion but is overambitious
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Story and worldbuilding are very good, as is the pixelated graphics and the combat system. But I have to give this game a mixed rating as the sex scenes themselves are basic/repetitive and the pixel animations aren't very attractive (not easy to fap to imo). Decent game overall though.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the porn, stayed for the plot.

    A magnificent game I must say! Very seldomly we see products of such high quality, and playing one is always refreshing.
    The game features exceptionally well-made worldbuilding, with vast lore and gracefully crafted politic intricacies between many fractions. Party characters intertwine seemlessly into the web of fraction interactions and their stories guide you as a player in this dangerous and confusing world.

    That's a great RPG and I highly recommend it to anyone who just happens to enjoy an amazing story being told skillfully :love:

    The review is written at the moment of 1.0.5 version and I am eagerly waiting for the updates and sequels! Please support the developer if you're able to!
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Good battle system and decent story, but there's a lot of out-of-combat mechanics that are just downright aggravating. Plus, it's unfinished, there's a lot of areas "left for future development"

    Namely, the character movements both in cutscenes and when you're walking around are just plain sluggish. Second, there seems to be no real way to advance time, whenever I try to go to bed, 98% of the time, the PC refuses. It makes it annoying as hell when you're waiting for an upgrade to be constructed.

    Oh, did I forget to mention that? Yeah, whenever you order some construction done on your guildhall, it takes between 18 and 36 IG hours to build (literally, construction time will say "18-36 hours" instead of just telling you how long it will take).

    Overall it has a lot of potential, but is held back by some awful design choices.
    Likes: mc247
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    This is a 10/10... on a porn game scale. As a solo project its an ambitious attempt at a dystopic future taking heavy inspiration from Cyberpunk and the SCP project (surprisingly). And the dev did a great job of building up a monumental framework complete with fascinating character, grand storylines and tactical combat.... But for a project so big, the framework was the easy part.

    Its hollow, for lack of a better word. At every corner it seems like there are things that should be in the game but just aren't. Explanations of important mechanics (like the overworld), world map design that's obtuse, lacking, or just not finished, and a complete lack of balance

    Balance would probably be my biggest grip, cause you have two real ways to play. You can either sleep away the days until your guild is profitable and then buy all the shit you want, or you can head into the wild and get your ass-kicked once the game stops holding your hands. The big culprits here are the active clock and level-ups. The unchecked clock giving you incentive to just sleep for 60 days and then buy everything you want. As for levels, while they normally aren't to big an issue, in a free-roaming open-world game with minimal signposting for difficulty, that changes; cause getting curb-stomped gets old. This ain't an action game where I can work around my low level with skill, I need to be a certain level to not flat out die.

    In short, It feels like I'm being incentivized to grind and twiddle my thumbs in this story heavy rpg, they just don't mesh. This wouldn't be a problem if there was a well-structured difficulty curve or an abundance of side-quests and areas to explore, but as discussed already, this game doesn't have that.

    I like hidden gems, which is why I like this game. But if I wasn't so unique (a.k.a retarded) then I'd probably just play a normal game (porn ain't great here). I'll probably work my through the remainder of the game slowly, and if your a panning for hidden gold like me, this might be your jam.

    If your here for the porn or aren't willing to put up with some jank in your games, I recommend rambling on stranger.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the game overall, it's surprisingly well written considering the premise. The grid movement battle system is far better than the usual rpg maker systems, my only major complaint with it is the sluggish speed that the ai moves at. I liked the music too.

    It's not good as porn though, even more so if you choose female PC, as some animation/scenes are obvious modifications of the male version. The writing for the x-rated content is solid there's just not enough of it. The visuals that aren't low detail animations do look good but again there's not enough of them.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    As a game for porn, Memoirs isn't very impressive tbh. Your looking at maybe 3 sex positions per character, with probably a paragraphs worth of text and some low detail pixel art.

    I rate the game as a 5 regardless because I had a genuinely good time with the story and was interested in knowing more about the factions, the history, the characters, etc. Enjoyed the story enough to actually write my first review.

    • Genuinely interesting storyline
    • Some solid characters (more mirror moments please)
    • Better combat than most porn games
    • Really strong worldbuilding
    • RPGM is dogshit. Slow movement, 5 second lag time on save, bad ui, etc
    • Despite being better than most, combat remains clunky and unsatisfying (at least partially due to RPGM limitations no doubt)
    • Sex scenes are not especially satisfying
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game.

    Animations 5/5
    Characters 5/5
    MC 5/5
    MC options 5/5
    Combat 5/5

    It's a solid, well done, well written game. There isn't really much more to say on that note. The characters are awesome and have varied personalities. The MC isn't a douche, always a plus and also well written. The MC has quite a few sprite options to choose from, great job. The combat and mechanics are reminiscent of RPG Tactical games of old, well done. I also love the theme of the game.

    Animations are well done and very smooth. Now for the elephant in the room. This is a brothel game, however everything is done from the perspective of the MC. You will not see any H-scenes from any other perspectives. The opening scene can be skipped, if you choose, which I did.

    Highly recommended and easily a 5-star game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Eh it's pretty good so far. I like the isometric view and the cyberpunk setting. A bit barebones at the moment, but lots of potential here. Looking forward for future releases. Reminds me a lot of cyberpunk 2020.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    First off, I really like the cyberpunk aesthetic this game has as it helps make the artstyle stand out. A mix of anime drawn art and 8-bit-esque pixelated sprites.

    The combat system kinda reminds me of Fire Emblem. Which I admit, had a hard time getting a handle of at first, but eventually, I got a handle on and felt much easier. Thankfully, it doesn't game over when the main character dies which is always a sore spot in these sort of games. My only gripe is midway through the demo, enemies started using techniques that one-shot kills my party members, even with armor which got really frustrating when it happens. Also, why can't I use healing items outside or during combat? Like, how does that work? Seriously. I also wish there's a way to see how much time is left before room upgrades are complete.

    Most of the characters are okay, and I like the art drawn for some of them. From the cold, stoic Zafra, to the by-the-books Diana. Kore is also kinda cute in her unique sort of way. It's also kinda disappointing that there's not much in terms of sex scenes minus the one during the prologue and when Kore visits your room, but I do hope that there's more to come.

    I like the music selection on offer, a mix of dark and foreboding, to upbeat and peppy with synth techno, and bassoon sounds for good measure. I just wish there's a track list to pick which song to play rather going to music box over and over 'til you find the track your looking for.

    As for the main story, I was already engaged and wanted to see what happens next. The writing is good enough, minus a few typos here and there, what I really have a gripe with is that characters address you as male (sir, mister, guy) even when playing with a female character model which ruins the immersion.

    I'm also curious to what factions you've sided with, affects the story going forward and how it affects characters and their relations towards you. Like siding more with Traditionalists affects your trusts in a Traditionalist like Diana, from a Progressive like Windress. It really sucks the demo ended abruptly just as the story got interesting.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First attempted this game during the first release and became frustrated at a general lack of understanding of where I was supposed to go and what I was supposed to do.

    v0.10 as of writing this, is a totally different kettle of fish.
    The directions are clear, characters have distinct personalities, interaction is high for an early edition of the game, combat feels like an actually decent turn based strategy.

    There are *some* rough edges, but they're very minor. I had the music track go silent until I slept at one point, and theres some clunkiness involved with accidentally selecting conversation options if you use Enter to talk occasionally. No where (that I was able to find) to indicate when construction would be complete.

    All in all though this game has the highest potential from any RPG-style adult game I have seen in years. Unique design, great characters, great narrative thus far. 5/5.

    Edit: This game deserves **far** more credit than it gets. I made a review two years ago at *5* and it has done nothing but improve exponentially since. Hard recommend, there are so many games here which are significantly worse with higher ratings.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Review base upon the 0.8 version of the demo game.

    Story :

    Original, easy to understand , plenty of potential story line that could be developed in the future, naughty conversation but still retain quality of roleplay not entirely smut crappy porn lines , cyberpunk with magics that is kind of not many type of storylines being threaded in rpgmaker games.

    Standard rpgmaker arts with a modification to make it look like 3D using module plugin or something same with the charcter sprites, The 2D cg character art is well drawn. The pixel sexual scene is working.

    Sound :
    There is new music sound tracks and not using default rpgmaker music music that is refreshing and easy on the ear.

    Gameplay :

    The tactical aspect of the game added new flavor in rpg maker games where it just usually as a dungeon crawler type but now it is a tactical game so new things and new experience to enjoy. There is character customization that is modest but at least there is one, also you can play as female protagonist.

    Playability :

    With the way mechanism of the relationship work you may want to replay the game a couple of time to see how your main character progress with certain character in the game as at time your choices may or may not improve your relationship with a character. Plus there is a branch of storyline that could potentially lead to different bit of storyline and perhaps different endings, it's too early to tell from the demo version of the game.

    Performance :

    For me, during early period of the game it bit laggy but I don't know if it was due to the synch option, I turn it off and I regain speed in the later game but mostly I can manage then again I can't really comment on this matter too much as I am using old potato computer. But the game still works even despite I am using potato computer so that count for something.

    Animations :

    Pixel Sprites motions, it is adequate for me at least to get the point across.

    Voice acting :

    None , maybe a moan or two ? I can't tell.

    Grammar :

    I can't comment on this as my understanding of english language is basic I am not a college professor that hold a degree in English language thus I can't comment on this matter.

    Amount of content :

    I would say the amount of content it is adequate for a demo version.

    Added note :

    Extra point for making the 3D plugin work for me. I been eyeing out for this game for a long time glad that I finally see the master piece of rpgmaker of this game to it's full potential.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    At the time of this review only the demo 0.03 is out.
    The artstyle is very nice and polished
    The world and options you have in the game are vast. This could be both a good or bad thing though.
    It really does make for a high quality game.
    But the production time scares me.

    Another detriment is that you get so many character option in the beginning with no real idea what they do or mean. I would have loved if you gained more of them through your choices in the story instead of just at the character creation.

    This game has huge potential and i will for sure keep up with updates i just hope the project isn't too ambitious and actually gets finished.