RPG Maker VX formula for stat and money are value *2 then add 1 = cheat engine value
- So if you have $50, you take 50 *2 to get 100 then add 1 = 101
- Put the 101 in the find value box and search for it. It'll return several hundred to several thousand addresses.
- Buy or sell something to change the money value and put the new value in. If you bought a $5 candy bar, you now have $45 which makes the new value 91.
- Put 91 in the value field and click "find next". It will show anywhere from 1 to a few thousand addresses.
- Keep buying and selling things until you're down to one address. Double click the address and it'll drop into the bottom pane. Remember the formula and then change the value. If you want $10,000, you need to change it to 20,001.
- In the game, access the character menu or go into a different room and it'll show your ill-begotten gains.

- In the bottom pane, there's also a check box next to the address. If you check it, it freezes the value which would be great for something like hit points.