People! Update is almost done, i just download videos from the game so i can see design errors, i wish my internet where faster

I check for errors and our programmer repairs them fast, after that he can save out the file, in a few days we will have the update.It wont take long, we hope for no bugs.
Communication: This forum is super cool and it gives us a nice load of happiness to read your comments, your ideas help us to get better as well.
It is like, not everyone can buy a game, but you can play it, enjoy and show it to other people who maybe have an option to support, this way teh person who can not give money can help us to get to be known.The thing is we make games to get played, and people can help us to focus on that by support.
Me personally: I just get motivated if even one person writes nice things to my works(game or image) if you write a critiq i try to see the reason of it, i really try to give my best and get better.Only critiqs get me depressed to be honest XD but i try to get rid of it and work even harder

So be safe and wait for teh new update with us!