Why do you wear your tinfoil hat for a straightfwd observation that I made? I don't think ICSTOR has the secrets of Area51 or any other whistleblowers that are clues in the game. If that happens, that'll be something!

The evidence is there for you to see -- check the games I mentioned in my comment i.e. Where The Heart Is, Sins of the Father, heck even Life with Pleasure, the devs reach out and drop a line or so for the fans for promos but especially delays. Doesn't hurt anybody.
Unless you're on ICSTOR's team, I'd urge you to see beyond the smoke. As I said previously, MC is a great game but ICSTOR has tough competition so unless he delivers, I don't see how he can sustain long.
Peace out mate!
Why do you wear your tinfoil hat for a straightfwd observation that I made? I don't think ICSTOR has the secrets of Area51 or any other whistleblowers that are clues in the game. If that happens, that'll be something!

The evidence is there for you to see -- check the games I mentioned in my comment i.e. Where The Heart Is, Sins of the Father, heck even Life with Pleasure, the devs reach out and drop a line or so for the fans for promos but especially delays. Doesn't hurt anybody.
Unless you're on ICSTOR's team, I'd urge you to see beyond the smoke. As I said previously, MC is a great game but ICSTOR has tough competition so unless he delivers, I don't see how he can sustain long.
Peace out mate!
I don't go for projection, sorry.
sandstorm1872 said:
instead of being mum, he could come out and state the future of this game NOT least because this game _perhaps_ got him his bread-n-butter and all the fans on this forum and elsewhere. The game update % won't mean anything if after this or couple of updates the game gets canned. What could help him is if he's been honest about his release cycle.
But with the current chaos and delayed update, it would help ICSTOR's case if he establishes a timeline for future updates, also accounting for any mishaps.
As I stated twice already, ICSTOR quite publicly announced the cause of his most recent slowdown and need to take a health break, then came back (after much gnashing of teeth and wailing with sky-is-falling predictions at this site) and soon afterwards advertised the current release schedule for v0.6 content, then had a poll for content which made few people happy and announced adding neighbors+mini game content to v0.6, plus has mentioned which characters will get more attention in the followon installment. There have also been communications about writing, coding and renders to be done - including how those might push out an August v0.6 deliverable. Preview and fan favor images, etc. Meanwhile, he's also kept the % completion for the current installment updated, but that's a somewhat abstract measure.
Oh, and he's also reinforced his enthusiasm for keeping this game going since returning from a health break.
So, he's met all your criteria that you seem to feel are not being addressed.
Yet you dog-whistle that Milfy City could get "canned" in a couple of releases and that he should be "honest" (as if he hasn't been already), despite the evidence of his sharing about its future and more.
Every Dev has a different style and ICSTOR hasn't changed much in years. Considering it's still working for him, not sure why it's suddenly seen from the peanut gallery that he needs to change, lest he pull a fast one on people (as you clearly insinuate).
You also throw out the characterization of "chaos," then again insinuate that ICSTOR hasn't put up a timeline to meet your expectations - even though he has to meet his (and apparently most of his Patron's) expectations for what's coming soon and then in the next 1-2 installments. Doesn't sound like chaos or dishonesty to me - that noise comes from misleading comments and trolls, IMHO.
These are your words. If you can't live up to them, then I can't help you - only call out nonsense when it adds noise to what I'm reading and seeing.