
Jul 21, 2017
The problem with patreon is that it makes assholes like this guy see themselves as The Boss of the artists. And, like all capitalist bosses, they see their employees not as people, but as inanimate objects they can squeeze content out of, and they can always get just a little bit more by squeezing even harder. To a Boss, you'll always be a lazy slacker who should be doing more for them. No amount of performance will ever be satisfactory.

If ICSTOR came back and immediately dropped an update, they'd be bitching that he took a break in the first place. If he dropped another update with 1000 renders the very next week, they'd be bitching "Well why can't you do that every day?" If he somehow started dropping an update like that every day, they'd bitch "Well if you weren't so LAZY you could do it twice a day!"
Here's the thing: you're arguing that none of us "know what kind of hardships artists have to go through." Perhaps we don't. But I'd argue that most of us ARE familiar with working for a living. Now you want to say "This man is producing art. Art should be free of normal, mundane constraints." As if art is something "special." And it is, in a way.

But then you go on to say that since he's making a living off the income he gets from this, that we should cut him some slack.

You can't have it both ways. Either art is done for art's sake, in which case, by all means, go to it. But if you want to claim that he's using this as a primary source of income, then how is it in any way fair that he doesn't have any constraints put on him to actually produce something?

If I go volunteer at a soup kitchen or something because I feel it's a morally just thing to do and I gain some personal growth out of the experience, that's all well and good. I shouldn't expect to be paid for my efforts. But if I go to my actual job and then say "I need money to live but I don't want people to demand I actually finish any of the tasks I've been assigned," that... isn't going to fly, is it?

Again, let me for the record state that yes, there are plenty of entitled babies whining and that their demands are unreasonable. But to say that anyone, anywhere, for any reason must be in the wrong just because they're expecting actual work to be done, and to be able to see tangible results out of the process, that's hardly fair. It's arguably even disingenuous.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
Icstors certainly makes way too much money for what he creates, but his value doesn't depends on both on how we value his stuff and how many people went to buy into into it. Currently, people are starved of good porn game content, there's not enough supply of quality, so that's why Icstors earns a lot. It's a good thing, because it motivates people to create similar and/or better content.

So there really shouldn't be anyone complaining. We should rather rejoice ourselves, because the future is bright for porn games.
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Here's the thing: you're arguing that none of us "know what kind of hardships artists have to go through." Perhaps we don't. But I'd argue that most of us ARE familiar with working for a living. Now you want to say "This man is producing art. Art should be free of normal, mundane constraints." As if art is something "special." And it is, in a way.

But then you go on to say that since he's making a living off the income he gets from this, that we should cut him some slack.
You misunderstand: Art is not special, and he doesn't deserve extra slack because he's making a living off of his income. My position is that no one should have to work. In any reasonably-ordered society, the idea that we would let someone starve to death or die of preventable illness because they aren't "productive" enough would be an unthinkable impossibility. In light of this, criticizing someone because they're not producing fast enough is absurd.

We of course, live in a capitalist society where you either get enough money to live, or you die. So I don't fault any artist for trying to get money out of their work, so long as they don't resort to abusive, exploitative tactics to do so. Far as I know, ICSTOR produces all of his images himself and isn't running some sort of sweatshop where emaciated orphans spend 20 hours a day posing 3D models.

Which means the only people he could possibly be exploiting and abusing are his patrons. Patreon is not kickstarter: When you support someone on Patreon, you are not giving them money in exchange for a promised product delivered by a promised date. (And even on kickstarter, it's only exploitative if you take the money and run and don't even intend to produce anything at all: A project falling apart due to internal creative differences, or due to going over budget, is incompetence, but not necessarily abuse.) You are giving them money to support them in doing whatever it is they decide to do. If you don't like what they're doing with your money, then... stop giving it to them. And if you aren't giving them money, then... what do you possibly have to complain about?


Respected User
Former Staff
Nov 11, 2017
your also forgetting that the last update was in Nov of 2018, its now coming to Sept 2019 which is 10 months for an update, this dev does not release hugh updates maybe 15 to 30 min gameplay if you use your save, he came back after his and announced adding more to the update that no one ever asked for setting the 0.06 update further away from release,i could see less people complaining about the update if he finished something before he went on break but didn't. Instead he left came back adding to the update new content and delaying it, yet his patreon was still being charged with no new content and no reason to why he added new content,just being delayed over and over again. And keep white knighting him there should be no reason for a dev that makes that much a month not to release content ever 2-3 months not ever 10 months.
I didn't forget anything you've mentioned, actually. It's just that none of it is either (1) Relevant or (2) Accurate, by all objective accounts.

Or, you can tell me where I'm wrong in this high-level recap:

I'm just an objective observer ... it's posts like yours - complaining about asumptions of the Dev's private actions and inner motivations with the gall to make what he wants - that I find silly and the worst kind of armchair quarterbacking. Not sure what you're really striving for, honestly. Is there a purpose to the accusatory attitude?

Then, we have other posts full of whataboutism (i.e., other Devs have X styles, etc.), which I also addressed earlier, but haters gonna hate. Some folks could stand to learn a new tune or two in life, I suspect.

Meanwhile, the game is at 90% and the zaniness on this pirate forum soundchamber is only noise.


Game Developer
Sep 3, 2017
Guys I don't know about U but In next update am gonna get my hands on celia thats gonna be epic.
I need to cool down a little
the humiliation i felt when the game started was something else an am enjoying that cause i entered my name on that
i'm so gonna get my revenge
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Jan 7, 2019
I didn't forget anything you've mentioned, actually. It's just that none of it is either (1) Relevant or (2) Accurate, by all objective accounts.

Or, you can tell me where I'm wrong in this high-level recap:

I'm just an objective observer ... it's posts like yours - complaining about asumptions of the Dev's private actions and inner motivations with the gall to make what he wants - that I find silly and the worst kind of armchair quarterbacking. Not sure what you're really striving for, honestly. Is there a purpose to the accusatory attitude?

Then, we have other posts full of whataboutism (i.e., other Devs have X styles, etc.), which I also addressed earlier, but haters gonna hate. Some folks could stand to learn a new tune or two in life, I suspect.

Meanwhile, the game is at 90% and the zaniness on this pirate forum soundchamber is only noise.
if you work for a company and are getting paid to do a job and if your not meeting deadlines or when your boss wants it done then you don't get paid or better yet you get fired. So we are his boss because we are paying him to make the game not sit on his ass for 10 months, as for keeping us up to date about the update he never did from Jan to March when he went on his so called health break ya hes an artist but guess what its still a paying job no matter how you look at it. Now we can keep doing this back and for Bs, but this is my opinion that only reason he took his so called health break was to keep us out of the loop about him not wanting to finish the game.


Active Member
Oct 10, 2017
if you work for a company and are getting paid to do a job and if your not meeting deadlines or when your boss wants it done then you don't get paid or better yet you get fired. So we are his boss because we are paying him to make the game not sit on his ass for 10 months, as for keeping us up to date about the update he never did from Jan to March when he went on his so called health break ya hes an artist but guess what its still a paying job no matter how you look at it. Now we can keep doing this back and for Bs, but this is my opinion that only reason he took his so called health break was to keep us out of the loop about him not wanting to finish the game.
Just because you (I assume) and I are Patrons, doesn't mean we're his "Boss". We don't have any right or position to tell ICSTOR what or how to do things. All we can do is withdraw our support for any reason we want. If you or anyone else here is unhappy about Milfy City then you should just cancel your monthly subscription.

ICSTOR makes a living currently off of making games that people like and want to buy. He's a creator, and if enough people don't like the way he's doing things, or what he's creating, then he'll need to change or he'll be out of work. But don't ever assume or think you're his boss or you hold some position of authority over him. You don't like how things are going? then you're free to withdraw your support. Nothing more.


Nov 12, 2017
another one thinks just because he paid tax, he own the country, yeah..if only it works that way..
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