- Jul 21, 2017
- 208
- 575
Here's the thing: you're arguing that none of us "know what kind of hardships artists have to go through." Perhaps we don't. But I'd argue that most of us ARE familiar with working for a living. Now you want to say "This man is producing art. Art should be free of normal, mundane constraints." As if art is something "special." And it is, in a way.The problem with patreon is that it makes assholes like this guy see themselves as The Boss of the artists. And, like all capitalist bosses, they see their employees not as people, but as inanimate objects they can squeeze content out of, and they can always get just a little bit more by squeezing even harder. To a Boss, you'll always be a lazy slacker who should be doing more for them. No amount of performance will ever be satisfactory.
If ICSTOR came back and immediately dropped an update, they'd be bitching that he took a break in the first place. If he dropped another update with 1000 renders the very next week, they'd be bitching "Well why can't you do that every day?" If he somehow started dropping an update like that every day, they'd bitch "Well if you weren't so LAZY you could do it twice a day!"
But then you go on to say that since he's making a living off the income he gets from this, that we should cut him some slack.
You can't have it both ways. Either art is done for art's sake, in which case, by all means, go to it. But if you want to claim that he's using this as a primary source of income, then how is it in any way fair that he doesn't have any constraints put on him to actually produce something?
If I go volunteer at a soup kitchen or something because I feel it's a morally just thing to do and I gain some personal growth out of the experience, that's all well and good. I shouldn't expect to be paid for my efforts. But if I go to my actual job and then say "I need money to live but I don't want people to demand I actually finish any of the tasks I've been assigned," that... isn't going to fly, is it?
Again, let me for the record state that yes, there are plenty of entitled babies whining and that their demands are unreasonable. But to say that anyone, anywhere, for any reason must be in the wrong just because they're expecting actual work to be done, and to be able to see tangible results out of the process, that's hardly fair. It's arguably even disingenuous.