You are serious ?
He exploded during Incest Story 2 and Milf's Villa as well

, hell he wouldn't even be making Milfy City if it wasn't for those...
Yet he rushed those 2 games as well.
And everything is going exactly like during that development cycle.
Promising start.... Check
Asking backers for ideas.....Check
Motivational problems.....Check
Break that he supposedly never had.....Check
Promises that this game is going to be finished(with side characters)....Check.
Next step will be "i have started work on a second project....My estimate is in the next 2/3 months).
And on what am i basing those facts, on all the e-mails and messages i received when i still was a backer(even before Patreon).
Are the main 3 woman going to be finished of this game...probably yes...
But if you really think that all the side characters will be finished as well.....Well, sorry..I stopped believing in fairy tales a couple years ago.
Icstor is the perfect example that most people don't give a fuck about past projects and how trustworthy a developer is.
When he rushes this game to completion and starts another incest themed game that looks even better, people will forget about this one again and the cycle continues
Hell, would even bet that most people on this thread would even back Irredeemable if he came back tomorrow with a new incest game