Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
So, I'm a bit behind the loop here.

Last I recall, he was taking a break due to "health issues." Legitimacy of this claim aside, did he not make it so nobody was charged during this time or for the following update as per his post? If this is the case, what is everyone up in arms about? If he is charging people and still constantly delaying, why is this practice being defended?

I am all for people being held "accountable" (for lack of a better word) for their actions, and I've had some choice words for other projects in which case it is blatantly obvious the dev is milking his fanbase, but is that actually the case here? What exactly am I missing to where people are this upset? :unsure:
He paused payments for 2 months. If you count the Christmas special. That means he has collected 6 out of the 8 months this year.
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Sep 20, 2017
He paused payments for 2 months. If you count the Christmas special. That means he has collected 6 out of the 8 months this year.
Right, but has he enabled charges? I'm not gonna fault the guy for charging 6 of 8 months and then having to take a break. Nobody plans to be sick. It's only an issue to me, in my opinion, if he came back and started charging again while delaying it further. If that's the case, then I don't understand why anybody is defending that. If it's not the case, I don't really see the problem.


Sep 17, 2017
I hate when I get sick for 6 months straight. Shit sucks. Also I thought I read when he first took his break that it was just due to being burnt out and he also said something like he's just gonna work on characters he wants to work on and not what people vote for? Never heard anything about being sick.


Forum Fanatic
Aug 10, 2018
He paused payments for 2 months. If you count the Christmas special. That means he has collected 6 out of the 8 months this year.
I doubt most actually care about whether ICSTOR paused payments, only those who are subs would really be bothered I don't think all those who are complaining here are subscribers some maybe but not all.
I think the big issue is that they just really really want their Caroline fap content and the wait is driving them nuts.
That's all it really is they are pissed ICSTOR has blue balled them for months and they are jonesing for Caroline but are being forced to wait while ICSTOR adds the neighbor content.


Sep 20, 2017
I hate when I get sick for 6 months straight. Shit sucks. Also I thought I read when he first took his break that it was just due to being burnt out and he also said something like he's just gonna work on characters he wants to work on and not what people vote for? Never heard anything about being sick.
He literally said "health issues" in his post.

Again, don't give a shit what his reason is or the legitimacy of it. If he's charging still, it's a dick move and the criticism is deserved. If he's not, I don't see the issue. All I see in this thread are people bitching about not being able to fap, but not much information on what he's actually doing.

Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
Right, but has he enabled charges? I'm not gonna fault the guy for charging 6 of 8 months and then having to take a break. Nobody plans to be sick. It's only an issue to me, in my opinion, if he came back and started charging again while delaying it further. If that's the case, then I don't understand why anybody is defending that. If it's not the case, I don't really see the problem.
Well, that is what he did. He took the break in March and April. He started charging in June. There was supposed to be a june release that was push back until august. Now it has been pushed back again to an unknown date.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
I kinda don't like how people depict this patreon pausing a big deal. Seriously :unsure: Its like some people think that its the Devs duty to make financial decisions that pledgers should be making!

Sure, its a nice, decent gesture to pause which i advocate but come on! Whether a patron pledges or not is a decision that is up to the patron to make! Every single one of them should decide if they wanna keep pledging or not regardless if the Dev is absent or not. Which is totally irrelevant. Dev says he is sick, won't be around indefinitely? What forces you to keep pledging? Nothing ffs! Cancel it. Its your money, your choice!

The importance of this "pause the patron" is grossly overrated. Let the pledgers decide if they wanna keep supporting. Its their call. Nobody is holding a gun against their head to keep paying.

Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
I doubt most actually care about whether ICSTOR paused payments, only those who are subs would really be bothered I don't think all those who are complaining here are subscribers some maybe but not all.
View attachment 388407
I think the big issue is that they just really really want their Caroline fap content and the wait is driving them nuts.
That's all it really is they are pissed ICSTOR has blue balled them for months and they are jonesing for Caroline but are being forced to wait while ICSTOR adds the neighbor content.
I was just answering the question as best as I could without any comment.


Sep 20, 2017
I kinda don't like how people depict this patreon pausing a big deal. Seriously :unsure: Its like some people think that its the Devs duty to make financial decisions that pledgers should be making!

Sure, its a nice, decent gesture to pause which i advocate but come on! Whether a patron pledges or not is a decision that is up to the patron to make! Every single one of them should decide if they wanna keep pledging or not regardless if the Dev is absent or not. Which is totally irrelevant. Dev says he is sick, won't be around indefinitely? What forces you to keep pledging? Nothing ffs! Cancel it. Its your money, your choice!

The importance of this "pause the patron" is grossly overrated. Let the pledgers decide if they wanna keep supporting. Its their call. Nobody is holding a gun against their head to keep paying.
Odd way of thinking. :unsure:

I don't really care what he chooses to do; you're absolutely correct that it's up to the patrons to choose how they spend their money. However, I kinda don't like how people depict the act of a dev milking their fanbase as not a big deal, instead normalizing it as the responsiblity of the patron. Yeah, it most certainly is, but that really doesn't mean what the dev does is okay or shouldn't be talked about. I think people should complain about this practice. I just don't believe they should complain if they're still paying him while they complain about it. It's pretty common sense that the more people enjoy a game, the more they care about the direction it's taking. It's completely understandable to see people upset about it on principle.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
Odd way of thinking. :unsure:
Not at all. But my gut feeling is that you just worded your thoughts politely here. I hope i'm wrong.
I think people should complain about this practice.
Just not here.
However, I kinda don't like how people depict the act of a dev milking their fanbase as not a big deal, instead normalizing it as the responsiblity of the patron.
Me neither.
you're absolutely correct that it's up to the patrons to choose how they spend their money.
I was talking about this and ONLY about this. Don't mash it with what you said afterwards.
I just don't believe they should complain if they're still paying him while they complain about it.
And you say my thinking is odd :sneaky:
It's pretty common sense that the more people enjoy a game, the more they care about the direction it's taking.
Yes, absolutely. Again, we aren't talking about the same thing.
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Jul 18, 2018
I kinda don't like how people depict this patreon pausing a big deal. Seriously :unsure: Its like some people think that its the Devs duty to make financial decisions that pledgers should be making!

Sure, its a nice, decent gesture to pause which i advocate but come on! Whether a patron pledges or not is a decision that is up to the patron to make! Every single one of them should decide if they wanna keep pledging or not regardless if the Dev is absent or not. Which is totally irrelevant. Dev says he is sick, won't be around indefinitely? What forces you to keep pledging? Nothing ffs! Cancel it. Its your money, your choice!

The importance of this "pause the patron" is grossly overrated. Let the pledgers decide if they wanna keep supporting. Its their call. Nobody is holding a gun against their head to keep paying.
I agree with you. It's basically a passing off of responsibility to someone else. Subconsciously, but still. If I'M not responsible for something I don't like happening, that I get to shine about it! Not MY fault I make poor decisions with my resources, it's the OTHER guy! Fuck that guy!


Sep 20, 2017
Not at all. But my gut feeling is that you just worded your thoughts politely here. I hope i'm wrong.

Just not here.

Me neither.

I was talking about this and ONLY about this. Don't mash it with what you said afterwards.

And you say my thinking is odd :sneaky:

Yes, absolutely. Again, we aren't talking about the same thing.
  • You hope I.. wasn't.. polite? :unsure: Sorry to disappoint.
  • Unless someone creates a separate thread to offer criticism, a la Summertime Saga, then here is as good a place as any. I stand by what I said.
  • Neat.
  • I think we were both pretty clear in our comments.
  • I believe so, yeah. ;)
  • Lol, okay, look. If you're going to make an argument, be prepared to be criticized for any implication or aspect it directly relates to. Whether you accept it or not, the devs stance on pausing it or not pausing it reflects his character and/or commitment to his fanbase. Again, it's up to the end-user on how they spend, but this doesn't excuse the dev, and so again, it's understandable people are upset. Pause/Unpause decision included.
You can be contrarian all you like, but it doesn't really change that his decision to continue to charge after the massive hiatus, while extending the hiatus further, understandably leaves a pretty bad taste in people's mouths.

I'm just approaching this from a logical point of view. I just don't think it's right, and I understand why people are upset.

It's like going to the detailer, paying him on the hour to detail your car. You really fucking love that car, it's got great character, you wanna see it be the sexiest thing it can be and can't wait to drive it after it's done. The detailer says: "Yo son, I'm pretty tired man. Gonna take a break. I won't charge you for the remaining hours, but I'll have it to you real soon." Sounds reasonable, right? Except instead of a few days, it takes over a month, he charges you per hour anyway, and says "Lol, sorry man, Idk when it'll be ready, but soon I think!"

Dunno about you, but I'd be pissed. I'd be a dumbass who fell for it and continued to wait that long while paying, but the detailer is still a jerk, and I'm right to think of him as such.

Anyway, it's whatever you or anybody wants to consider it. We're on a porn pirate fap site, and that's my opinion on a porn pirate fap site. I'm sure my parents are real proud. If you're trying to word your opinion in a different way than how I've presented you, it just doesn't flow in that respect from my point of view, so if I've still got you all wrong, and I've misconstrued what you're saying, well, my bad.
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