Platform? Pc/android/mac?
When you download a save file a number is attached to its front which renders it unrecognizable by Ren'Py which may be the issue for you. You have rename it the way it was intended. Check your save folder and see how a save file should look like. Rename the downloaded one accordingly and check if it works.
Actually I was referring to this post: duke100 said:
how do you finish the caroline event? I have the mod and it tells me to open the text and go to her room. And I've done this like 10 nights in a row and nothing progresses. Any help?
Actually I was referring to this post: duke100 said:
how do you finish the caroline event? I have the mod and it tells me to open the text and go to her room. And I've done this like 10 nights in a row and nothing progresses. Any help?
I will see if I can finish the game. I have played very little content of .6e. The writing is just so brutal. And the neighbor renders and not something I am looking forward to.
i have questions... i already finished sara story on this version.. but i think replay for sara gallery too few.. anybody here have sara gallery full views?.
i have questions... i already finished sara story on this version.. but i think replay for sara gallery too few.. anybody here have sara gallery full views?.
You can't miss anything. Try to do something else that will distract her. (I don't remember going through this update way back in 1935 year.)
Or give me a save. I don't have this mod, maybe I'll take the key.
Figured it out. Despite the prompt from the mod, the next thing I needed to do was NOT go get the key, it was to return to spying through the window one more time. After that, things played out fine. Not sure if there was a glitch, or if there's an actual mistake in the mod's walkthrough, or if I misread something... anyway, I'm back on track. Thanks.
why its showing to read text and go to caroline room while i just met her outside the house had chitchat in moon then came to her room also??what do i need to do now? stuckd
(Note: Please don't get pointlessly sarcastic if you think this is too much tribute to that character, written from scribbled bits of notes collected over many weeks. Exactly why I used Spoilers ... if not interested, pls just skip, ignore ...! )
(On the other hand: Anyone also interested /repelled by Celia - any thoughts of your own about Celia, or other characters?)
In praise of Celia: the fantastically dangerous - also to herself - sexbomb of the game. (Though Violet and Cindy are also powerful sexbombs in constant danger themselves ...!)
Praise despite her corruption, as a corrector of student assessments. And partly because of her corruption, sexually. Which I'll say (below) is not entirely her fault. That gives her more "edge", sexual crackle.
And - more to the point, in this game - I say she's a radiant character despite strange "physical inconsistencies"! (See Spoiler 2. & Attachment 2)
((Attachments 1-4 (below) - referred to in the text under the SPOILER cowls. Note e.g. the delicacy & precision of Celia's fingers in Attachment 1! Brilliant artwork, there. What a girl ... & what a character.))
why its showing to read text and go to caroline room while i just met her outside the house had chitchat in moon then came to her room also??what do i need to do now? stuckd
well i have tried to look into it but nothing good for what i did ,i had seen her text with whiskey bottle then at night meet her outside the house also had same chat in open and came i only see in mod to check text and go to her room.
btw i am uploading my save as well if you need to see the problem.with her i can't trigger anything? Alpine Eagle bro help me out please!!!