I have a simple request for the followers of this thread, new and old.
When you see someone "helping" out a fellow reader of this thread(or any thread really) looking for help. Give their post a "like", even if you did not need the posted information. I see a few people always helping. And many times, the person given the assistance does not leave a "like". This type of good behavior here should get "likes" here. I get a lot of likes for pointing Icstor's flaws or disputing "minion" posts. These guys\gals(probably not any of those

with Icstor's writing.) are a real asset to threads. At times, I see
Alpine Eagle answer 5 or more questions and not receive a single "Like".
So please, take a second to leave a "like" and reply with a "thank you" if it was your question that was addressed.
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