Ren'Py - Completed - Milfy City [v1.0e] [ICSTOR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    easiest 5 star of my life!

    best adult game out there! and it's not even close. good ui. nice feeling gameplay. no crazy grind. best looking girls, great cast of girls. amazing animations. already loads of content and sex content. story is basic but good. writing is good. all the characters are great. mc isnt an annoying beta cuck bitch. overall just a must Play! a lot of Things are optional so even people who don't like incest (or blackmail) can Play this game and will enjoy it.

    spoilers about the sex Scenes:

    mum up to bj, lil sis up to bj, older sis up to hj, teacher up to anal/bj (no vaginal pen), lil sis friend (lily) kissing/she lets you peek her panties, your class friend (dont remember her Name, i think she was blonde) no content, swim girl no content, neighboor 1 peek Scene with spanking (1 Scene Overall), Therapist no hscene, older sis friend 1 bj/tj Scene, sex shop girl no Scene, aunt no Scene.

    1 small recommendation to the Players: watch the secret Scenes and bath dreams AFTER you finished the game's content, since it could spoil/ruin some canon Scenes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one hell of a first release. Easily among the top games of 2018 thus far. It's not perfect, suffering from some spelling errors and a small bevy of bugs, but it offers a large amount of content right out of the gate with the promise of much more on the way. Animations are top notch and female characters are incredibly sexy. Worth your time and bandwidth, play it now.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders. The interface is pretty easy to use and well... the girls are hot. I loved the opening. Got a good chuckle out of it. Everything moves pretty fluidly though there are some places it could be easy to get stuck on without guidance. The hidden card content was all very nice too. Can't wait for future updates.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The artwork is really good though even if it's just an early stage there's a lot of time put in it which is surprising because not a lot of creators could put a lot of work with their games in patreon it's worth a try guys even if it's incest there's a patch if you guys don't want incest relationships.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's good. I mean really good. As of this review the version is 0.1e and even at this early stage there is a large amount of content that makes it worth downloading. I highly recommend this game to anyone who has a fondness of incest games. There are issues with the quests being nondescript and you have to pretty much try everything to complete them, but I suspect this will be fixed via a quest menu or some method to give hints in the future.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an ICSTOR game so what can you expect ?
    Stunning artwork, great animations, a walkthrough on the creators web page, music, witty dialogues and an avalanche of women that want to do naughty stuff with the MC.
    So if you have not found and downloaded this game you're missing loads of fun.
    And yes it is just a first release but it has already got more gameplay than some games that claim to be at 0.6 or something like that.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Diamond Spectre

    This game has to be my favorite so far this year maybe of my entire existence. The dialogue is clear cut and refreshing to read without broken english. The Characters are fresh and new. And for being early in it's development stage to have animated scenes is straight insane. This developer knows what he's doing, and takes his time. I am looking forward to seeing more updates as well as future games from them.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game from the start. Nice visuals with animated sex scence instead of just pictures. Freedom of which character stories you want to follow without restricting other storylines. For a 0.1 version there is already a lot content to begin with. Looks very promising.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    God Damn.

    Oh, does a review need to be longer than that? Fine.

    The characters are hot as hell. The animations are hot as hell. The super aggressive mom is hot as hell. The "here's how you blackmail your teacher" therapist is hot as hell. All the women are hot as hell.

    The MC isn't a douchebag. The MC isn't an idiot. The MC doesn't act like a pathetic virgin who doesn't know what his cock is.

    It's Renpy and not RPG Maker, which is huge plus for me, if for no other reason than editing things in the console is easy.

    Assuming they can keep up the pace of actually releasing updates reasonable, this one is "go give them your money" levels of good.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fucking amazing, always liked Icstor, one of the best artist, and now he's finally developing with Renpy. Impressive. Hands down best animations ever in an erotic game. Clean gameplay, fun to play and easy to understand UI, the plot is what you'd expect, no one is looking for Tolkien here. This was my first review and daaaaaayum were those five stars earned, I really felt I had to drop my vote.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 376272

    The renders in this game are spectacular. Game play is about exactly what I like because the use of the MC's time flows along smoothly. Not a whole lot of sitting around killing time or moving time forward to wait for something to do or something to happen. The women that MC is pursuing seem to fall along a spectrum that ranges from "corrupting the MC" to "being corrupted/blackmailed by the MC". I find Caroline to be the one I most want to pursue, but all of the ones the MC is engaged in pursuing have things about them that keep me interested. Looking forward to having routes open up with Lily and Macy as well as the therapist and aunt. The story is not entirely interesting, but running around getting things lined up for events to occur kept me engaged from start to finish. I enjoyed playing the game and I am definitely looking forward to playing future updates.

    Big kudos for getting the bugs lined out from version 01.d to 01.e so quickly.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    *Reviewing this as 0.1*

    So far best ICSTOR game, the Ren'Py usage is brilliant, plus it have a really good content for a first release, the transitions and movies are soo smooth, it is trully a open world sex game, no bullshitting on content.

    Also on a CON note, some overly sized boobs models, but eh, thats what some people like i suppose.
    Could explore more of the incest with some extra steps, like using condoms on the first time and what not, just to increase the fantasy immersion. (Eg: Sister shy to giving brother head so she uses a condom for the first time). Stuff like that is a nice touch.

    Really recommend, and as far as i know ICSTOR games, probably going to be finished and full of updates. Looking foward ;)
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 24507

    one of the best arts ever made for characters for games on the Renpy platform! The story is also very promising, without much development! How much interfaces and menus very easy to understand and access the commands required! In minigames and secret good development items too!

    very much time between one update for other...:confused::rolleyes::oops::cautious::cry:
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The best version 0.1 of any game ever. Renders are awesome, mechanics are good, there's lots of content. The only minor complaint that I have is that map is not accessible everywhere. It's inconvenient since you need to be in map screen to wait.

    Thankfully he no longer uses RPGM!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.1d...

    This is a pretty darn good game so far, sort of a mix of adventure game and grind mixed together with some story elements in each woman's story line... As good as it is, it is still yet another Family Sex themed game in a sea of the same...

    The visuals are some of the best I've seen in any adult/erotic game or even visual novel to date... The animations are absolutely top notch... The backdrops are all unique and creative looking... The navigation map is superb looking and easy to use... And there are hidden secret items to click on randomly in certain locations... Even the few mini-games are pretty well done and super easy to figure out...

    The script is excellent as I don't remember running into any spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around a male protagonist student who was recently completely embarrassed by a teacher, and has to see a school therapist... During the initial session, he learns some things about his sexual desires that he didn't fully realize up to that point... From there the game portion begins, interacting with various characters, such as his family (mother, 2 sisters, and father) and other characters at his school...

    The game play sort of works in 2 different ways... The first being an adventure type game with several things that need to be done in order to push forward each characters story lines... Some of the things can be done in any order, but some have required steps to be performed in a linear fashion... So it's a mix of free play and linear steps... The game day is also broken down into days and each day is broken down into 4 time periods... Depending on story progression, certain characters will only appear in certain locations at certain times... You also have to manage money, mostly just for purchasing items needed for both required progression and optional play... Certain locations on the navigation map also do not open right away, requiring certain story progressions to get to the correct step...

    There are a few minor issues I ran into... Once you get far enough into the older sisters story line, trying to go into her bedroom at night will throw errors, that if you ignore will throw you back to the main menu... So it's best to select Rollback instead... Also, once you get all the way through the youngest sisters current content, she vanishes from the game entirely... She can not be found anywhere, not even in her room at night... The older sister does something similar, but she does appear in the morning, in her room, but she acts like you've talked to her already every time, and she can still be found in her shop... The mother can still be found at work in the afternoon and in the protagonists room at night, once her current content is done... I'm very surprised they all are not available at least at night, like the mother... The father is only available in the afternoons in his room, but he is mostly there for comic relief and story progression for the mother, at the moment...

    There does appear to be some sort of relationship stat built into the game as well, but they do not appear till the end of each woman's current story content... So for the time being, there is no telling what that stat will effect or open up... Have to wait for further updates...

    Overall, this is a very well polished game, both visually, text, and game play... There are some grind elements such as class in the morning, and a few other minor repeatable things, but this game is mostly adventure story line type game play... It does have story elements, even if it sort of feels like a porn fest reward type game... So in a way, it has small amounts of visual novel built into the game... And each characters personalities are unique and I love the fact that they do not feel the same as most other games with family based characters... Nothing feels pressured, and beyond one case of blackmail, everything else feels consensual and not forced... There are some love/romance themes going on, as well as lust themes... It's feels like a balanced game for not having tons of story in it... I will most definitely have to revisit this one somewhere down the line, to see how it progresses...

    My only recommendation would be perhaps either a hint system, or quest list like system to help get through some steps of each woman's story lines... Mostly because many a times, the next step may not be obvious or is difficult and time consuming to figure out... Takes a lot of experimentation and sleuthing sometimes to know exactly what step is missing in a given woman's story line...

    Bravo to it's creator/s... I can see a lot of love and passion went into this games creation so far...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    In the era of shitty incest games, our messiah ICSTOR comes with his new title called "Milfy CIty" to save us from that inevitable doom.

    I know i'm putting my review too early considering only the first version rolled out, but hear me out. Milfy City is the best incest VN out there(yes you heard me right its THE BEST and thats coming from a guy who have played countless renpy VN with incest on it).

    The story is extremely well written with great emphasis on skinship (mom-son), the renders are phenomenal and the release is almost bugfree just a few hiccups here and there. What stands out the most though, is the mom in this game, man never in my wildest dreams i hoped to see a woman this ravishing, her beauty is so captivating its almost as if she bewitches you through the screen.

    What makes this already great game the best- is the sheer amount of content they have incorporated in just the first version reflects there diligence and how much the team is committed to deliver for the project. They have toiled very hard for months and the results are paying off. Very keen to see how the conclusion turns up hopefully in 2 years cuz i don't want this game to end.