you might have a bigger problem than that if you downloaded a windows version of this recently.Guys, I have problem 'this application can't be open'.
Should they make any at all?does any1 know when is the next update
Buy it on Steam and you'll be notified.....albeit it might take 5 years.does any1 know when is the next update am I supposed to make $2600 on $25 a day minigames. Am i missing something
I'd love to see Caroline 'negotiate' her jewellery back from the Boss herself. Or Linda getting some BBC loving.this game should get separate Bonus Episodes (NTR)
and not some hidden single screenshot (just expand these scenes )
From what I can read, the new "update", if we can even call it like that, it's a rushed mess ending, which add almost nothing, lots of the old content got cut, and most story lines are clearly force-ended in a rush as well.something got fucked up..?
i see a whole school bus of angry reviewers poping out..
It fits the icstor pattern of: make a game; update until you get bored, about halfway through; disappear for a long time and either abandon the project; or rush the ending, so you can claim it's 'completed,' meanwhile you ignored every open story thread; go back into hiding and wait for the smoke to clear to start the process over again.something got fucked up..?
i see a whole school bus of angry reviewers poping out..
I´m stuck on monday and can't advance at night by sleeping, guess needs bugfix
I dont get it. I have selected the camera / or spycamera but wich door do you mean? I mean in the middle of the night is nobody in the bathroom they sleep ....Go into your inventory and use the camera on the door.