
Jun 11, 2017
I'm so glad ICSTOR mustered the courage to finally make this post, more than anyone he needs a break, he have been relentless with his updates for past few years, he is the one who revolutionized the adult gaming always breaking the boundaries and thinking outside the box. And its amazing he is still going to flesh out the main characters more after we reach the max level with them, i can't wait to screw around with Caroline again. My best wishes for him :)

Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
Developing games for 4 years straight and never taking a well deserved break/vacation, that's some serious dedication right there, and at the same time no wonder why he might be feeling rather burned out now. And also, being mentally and physically exhausted, it's no wonder if health problems start to occur, so it's a very wise decision to take a very well deserved break, relax and get better, that's what matters.
And of course, who knows, maybe while taking a nice long leave, new ideas might come to mind for the game, hehe :)
I hope ICSTOR will get better soon and hope he'll enjoy the well deserved vacation! :)


Mar 25, 2018

News #13 - Progress + Important informations + Break!

Hi everyone, it’s about damn time I gave you all an update. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been having a few problems in my personal life which have taken a toll on my health. It’s now been more than FOUR full years that I’ve been developing adult games without taking a vacation. (Not even once!)

I’m completely broken and exhausted, so I need a break to recover. I’ll be taking a month or two away from developing to get my health back on track. I really am sorry to each and every one of you who believed in me - I pushed myself too hard.
I don’t want to put out shitty updates with no actual passion behind them. In fact, the reason I started making games was for the love of it, they might not have been perfect, but I always gave those games the best of my ability at the time.
It’s not right for me to get paid when I’m not working, so at the beginning of next month the following will happen:

Of course, I want to be fair and do my best for my loyal fans. Everyone who pledged this month is going to get the next update with Caroline and Celia for free!

I know that many of you really like the characters I have created. I promise that I’ll finish every single one’s story, but to do that we need to change a little how the game is made. For example no more character polls. I’ll create updates for characters that I’m in the mood for writing about. This should help me avoid getting burned out again.
The second change that we’re probably going to implement is changing relationship points to percentage points. (0-100%) This will allow me to work on more characters, as well as adding content to other characters without needing to make massive updates for them. This will hopefully make a lot of people happy - your favourite character that was always skipped now has a much greater chance to receive content.

What about the polls now?

- Polls will focus on different aspects of the game. What kind of poses would you like? Animation angles? Small story aspects? Styles of pubic hair on the girls?
If you have any more ideas for good polls please let me know. I’m open to giving Patrons like you more control of aesthetical side of the game. :)

The final question that I noticed cropping up a lot of times was:

What about Caroline after she reaches 5/5. Is it over!? No more Caroline!?

The short answer is absolutely not! Reaching 5/5 will NOT end the story for a main character. It will open two different paths to choose, but I prefer keeping these as a surprise for the players. I’m sure you will all be more than happy with what I have planned.

Current progress:

The current progress of the next version is 60% because I predominantly worked on Caroline. There’s are about 600 renders with her. Some of them were really hard to make, but also very very sexy. I’m not pausing my Patreon page now because I’m still trying to finish her content this month. The longest scenes are done, but I can’t promise that I’ll manage to do that, and if I’m not sure I even want to release an update with just her alone. Here’s all the current previews I published. Please be sure to follow me on Discord because I’m there very often online.


-I will be taking a break for 1-2 months due to health issues.

-I will pause my Patreon account during this time so you will NOT be charged.

-Caroline has 600+ renders already done.

-Everyone who pledged for this month will be getting the next Caroline and Celia update for free.

Thank you again for your continued support over the past four years. I really appreciate it.

I’ll be back in good health and working at full speed come May/June.

I’ll see you all then, but if you want to chat feel free to hop onto my Discord server.

All the best,
Can someone pin/highlight this or maybe move it to OP? Cuz I'm sure people are gonna be askin about it and it's gonna be hard to find as the thread keeps rolling.


Aug 5, 2016
Imo, best case scenario for us is that he finishes Caroline and releases it. Then takes two months off and comes back with the Celia part of it by taking 1st completely off and only working on Celia if he feels like it and 2nd month to work on it gradually more and more as the month progresses to ease back into work. That being said, we'll see what happens. Icstor surely deserves a break, I just hope he's okay with posting solely the Caroline content because I know we are fine with that.


Jul 27, 2017
I have seen the Celia model in another game and I was wondering if there are others with Caroline too?


Aug 22, 2018
:LOL: I make a bet: This won't happen :LOL:
I guess there will be an update in late August, and it will be the last one for this game.
I'll direct you to my post a couple hours before this : P

I really do hope that Icstor gets his shit back together when he takes his rest, and i really do hope that everything will work out in the end again for him..
But my gut agrees with you.
BUT!!!!!, i have to applaud and respect him for his decision to halt his Patreon for the time being.
There are a couple devs out here who would never do that(Gumdrop, Iredeemable... Looking at you)...

My bet is that he used his money for drugs, and now it fucked him up
He has no obligations to work hard on the game, he can just work at whatever pace he wants. So I don't find it believable that work alone burned him out. So, it's probably drugs like opioids, and now he's addicted to them.
Please don't do that...
Lies and Rumors are even worse than developers who take a break/leave..
99.99% of the people here don't know exactly what's going on, so let's just wait and see.

I do agree with the point of putting this thread on hold with the notification of developer taking a break or something.
Because the horde of idiots will come, and they will conquer....


Apr 23, 2017
My bet is that he used his money for drugs, and now it fucked him up
He has no obligations to work hard on the game, he can just work at whatever pace he wants. So I don't find it believable that work alone burned him out. So, it's probably drugs like opioids, and now his addicted to them.
He also may or may not have shot a hooker during one of the meth and blow parties he might have been hosting instead of working on the game. Or, you know, he's been feeling unmotivated lately and has been distracted by personal stuff. Both equally
likely possibilities.


Engaged Member
Dec 7, 2018
Icstor, take care of yourself. Don't worry about us. Health is most primordial thing in the life. If anyone deserve to go and rest, specially after 4 long years without a good vacation, it's you. I hope you recover soon, and with renewed health and strength.

And with this statement, I hope that all those who doubted him, starting to point to him as another of those developers who only dedicate themselves to milk their patrons (as Don Milking, aka Kyle, aka Gumdrop Games), to start showing their apologies to him.

Deleted member 662393

Game Developer
Jun 5, 2018
I can relate honestly, as a one man show myself aside from coding and with a way worse rig than his I can see how this shit burns you out especially if you do it since 4 years. Fuck the haters that are jelly of what you achieved and the well deserved cash you made and get healthy again nothing is more important than that. He inspired me to make my own game and I hope one day I can reach his level, love you man and I hope you get better really soon.
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