I admit, when you ended up with 150 Lis while making Top-100 - it was funny, but right now I am in the same boat

Finally decided to update my list and add visuals and I stuck with 120+ at the moment

. Outside of my special list of LIs (top 25) - I just can't decide who to get rid off and who to keep. This is a disaster.
Despite playing the game years ago, Elizabeth and Jenny are still one of my most favorite girls, and personally I consider Elizabeth one of the most beautiful woman in AVN universe. In general - in my personal rate only Anna from The Grey Dream and Kimmy from Yesterday Crossroads beat her.
When I saw it on steam (maybe a year ago) - just for a brief moment I got a glimpse of hope) Oh well, it didn't last long( It was some imposter.
Don't wanna be a smart ass here, but I think Bobby, if he could talk - would argue about being put into the "Other Girls" category