There is a big difference between fantasy and reality my friend, so do not fret too much over it, as it's quite normal for most people, if not all, to get turned on by something in games (or video's), even literature, that they normally would never even think about participating in for real.
One of the most "popular" sexual fantasies, on top 10 if not top 5, for most people, male as female, is rape. That's a surveyed fact. However very very very few, of either gender, would actually consider committing it, or enjoying it in the flesh.
Another popular fantasy is incest, I think it's the forbidden fruit that turns people on, however I am pretty darn sure most brothers would be very protective of their female family members and not dream of them sexually, hot or not.
I think that those who censor/forbid certain fetish material in games and the like, are afraid that people would start to think such stuff is normal in the real world and eventually make their fantasies a reality.
I'm more concerned that suppressing peoples fantasies too much could make them do exactly that!
Personally I'm more comfortable with getting my kinks out of the system by playing games such at this one

So you're far from alone and not weird at all