I loved this game, simple and easy, but not boring, well made for an RPGM and, in particular, I liked the art style very much.
I also think it has a nice pace, that alternates very well action and "action"

Maybe not an indisputable masterpiece overall, but, especially if you are into girls who looks like her, surely Mirena worth it all!
I've found Mirena wonderful, I really like characters like her, both in her figure and in her captivating and bewitching personality, feature that I generally love, especially in girls with a body like hers, like the girls from the games of Studio Sirocco
I've also noticed that this game, under the name of "Milena's manor house" or ミレーナの館, will be released on Steam as well, on August 23, 2021. However, unfortunately and unbelievably, it looks like a censored version without the sex scenes, because I didn't found it on the Adult Only category
Edit: Milena's Ranch as been released on Steam as well, as a free DLC to Milena's manor house and with the name ミレーナ牧場, presumably it has been released in a censored version too, so it will be necessary to go to the publisher site muso-project to download the uncensored patch separately.