All the women are skinny. Not sexy at all

Kat, not sexy ??, you need to visit spec savers (other opticians are available ;-). As well as the clone feel to Cybernetic seduction (City of Broken dreamers), which is understandable given 1thousands love for phillygames, it's too dark (light) and ALL the women have un-natural over emphasized bodies, Sarah in Deliverance is by far my least fave character in Deliverance because of her enormous cartoon butt, and 1Thousands fave character (or used to be), is Pearl, a normal milf like character with NO exaggerating cartoon body parts, Kat's repeated flying attempts crashed and burned and A deliverance DE would wipe the floor with CS, but sadly the developer can't see it, deliverance has it's flaws; it meanders and bores near the end, the PI segment is over way too quick, Giselle, Magnus and Sondhiem aren't used enough, scenes are needed; coffeee shop bj flashback, Magnus 2, spa 2 (originally intended but didn't happen), Magnus and Trevor in office with Kat, more of Pearl, dahlia, and definitely more of Rebekah, I'd have liked to see more darkness; Kat abused when captured and seen as a sex slave in one ending. 2 1/2 years on Deliverance still gets gr8 reviews, bad reviews on steam tend to come from people who've played it for an hour, when there are 8 different endings and each play thru taking hours you have to wonder about those leaving said bad reviews. Yes there's NTR but IT's TOTALLY avoidable and for a change the alternative scenes are just as good. The comments here also seem to make you realize how popular said unsexy wife is.