
Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
If thats the case then i kinda doubt your straight claim...but thats none of my business. In straight porn games i only care to look at the female so i prefer male mc as vague shape like this since i dont have to look at him and because he has no shape he could be anyone's avatar.
Genres and specific kinks aside, in graphic porn games I care about the visuals, as well as playability and lewd charge. If you're living in 2021 and somehow are able to eroticize this steaming pile of low-res graphics with a transparent blue blob pouring itself all over what appears to be a 12-year old's best effort at drawing a nekkid schoolgirl lefthanded then I kinda question your taste in art.

Depersonalized depiction of male lust used as aid to those viewers who think that being aroused from watching faced men other than themselves having sex with a woman is somehow not entirely straight can be executed much much better than what this 'game' offers.

By the way, do you realize that the author of this game is a male? And the things, persons and situations he depicted are only figments of his perverted imagination? And he published this game with intention of reaching male public, preferably as perverted as himself? And this is true for almost any other porn game, or movie or smutty literary work. So basically, in 99,9% cases of porn experience, male players/viewers/readers are fapping to graphic made-up stories communicated by other males. Doesn't that bother you?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
By the way, do you realize that the author of this game is a male? And the things, persons and situations he depicted are only figments of his perverted imagination? And he published this game with intention of reaching male public, preferably as perverted as himself? And this is true for almost any other porn game, or movie or smutty literary work. So basically, in 99,9% cases of porn experience, male players/viewers/readers are fapping to graphic made-up stories communicated by other males. Doesn't that bother you?
Not really. If i personally know the author or directly witnessing the progress of him creating the game then maybe but normally i don't bother.
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Active Member
May 5, 2020
Holy fucking shit those images aint even 240 or 140

Downloaded and gave it a go it is even worse wtf this is quite literally the worst thing I have seen in regards to graphics for a while
May 23, 2017
I don't like necroing, but I feel compelled to point out that the art in this game is partially, if not entirely ripped and/or traced over art assets from other games. I'm embarrassed to even admit I know this but, here's a prime example:
From a separate DLsite game with the exact same premise and point system/UI style. The game in OP was.. some kind of imitation of the one in the screenshot? I have no idea why.. the games are virtually identical in both premise and presentation, barring the worse art. Bizarre behavior.

The dev for this one seems to have completely abandoned their page with no communication before or after this game was diarrhea'd onto the site. It's possible this was an art flip meant to earn a quick buck, but considering the price is only a dollar on, and considering it's not even being sold on DLsite (it probably would've been removed for stolen art assets), who knows.