Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas to every horny nerd here at F95

Every day I catch up with this thread, and you all inspire me to improve my own renders... I would cuddle the fuck out of every sexy lady in this thread!
I want to give a special shoutout to awesome people
jojozz (Your VN is awesome! You shouldn't be hard on yourself, you've got so much to be proud of!),
hotnloaded (I adore your MILFs, and truly hope you make a VN sometime!),
NeverEast (Some of the hottest MILFs I've seen here! F95 will always be here to appreciate your amazing work),
Asmodeus_ (Your writing and art are inspirational! I'm always looking forward to a new update!),
Ace_X (Your games are amazingly creative and awesomely sexy!), and many more
Merry Christmas and Happy Festivus, everyone!
12 Days of Christmas (2022 edition!)
< Part 12 of 12