Take it easy bruh, it's just a stupid game. Damn !! That's some heavy shit you wrote right there, and you call out the peeps who "bitch" about NTR ?? Actually, it has, the motherfucker steals the wimp's girl or friend (can't remember that) before making his mom a walking cum dumpster. Like you said, no sane mother would do that to her kid, and no sane kid (with a dick in his pants, not an oversized clit) would sit like a dumb retard and let that cunt treat her like a cheap slut... the least he should've done is tell her what that asshole did to him and what he want to do to her.
That's kirsESS' trademark storytelling tho, weak, pathetic MC's watching they moms getting fucked by the "alpha" bois... bonus to that, the women humiliate their sons/brothers/BFs. I'm not into this shit, so I checked it just for the laughs to see the "dev" of the mom from "respected model" to future 10$ cumdump. She a smokin' hot bitch tho, would love to see more positions and animations with the bois fucking the shit outta her like she's the last woman on Earth.
The big minus IMHO is the narrative... it always says
you which means the game is intended for ppl who dig cuckolding and humiliation. Something like femdom, or DEVdom in our case.

It's been a long-ass time since he hasn't updated his "masterpieces", so expect an incoming abandoned tag... he still taking cash like the smart dudes do, 0% work for the same monthly income, can't say NO to free dough, right ??
I'm calm man, I was just saying as an aside, if my mother was like that, that would essentially be my response. What got me tilted was the whole comments thread screeching about adding tags to indicate content that isn't being accurately represented. Now granted, yeah, kirsESS's content is typically heavy NTR, heavy "this is for the bois that empty the colgate from feeling abused & degraded". I get it. I've read his shit before wondering who likes this shit? I mean even if I was into this shit, it looks like it was written by a 12 year old incel in desperate need of therapy. & yeah, I'm aware that the antag banging the MC's "best friend" is part of the overall story.
Frankly I haven't read enough of it to really speak to details, mainly because every time I tried I could hear my brain cells scream as they died, but even taking his "best friend" into consideration, my understanding was it was a platonic friend that he had a crush on, but never had the balls to make a move on. Sad & pathetic, yeah. But if she isn't his actual girlfriend, it's not NTR. Also, my understanding is that content was from the previous game, which means it's not part of this piece of media.
See, that's the thing that annoys me about unchecked fetishization &/or revulsion. Apparently the IQ of the people on both ends of the spectrum drops to ham sandwich. NTR is your partner cheating on you or being taken away from you against your will. It's relatively specific. It necessitates the absence of consent or awareness of the MC. So things like Swinging, cuckholdry, polyamory, etc... are NOT NTR because they inherently are not cheating. If the MC is aware, consents to or even encourages the wife's extramarital antics, then the context is totally different.
So for context, let's look at cuckholdry. That's when someone gets off on watching other's fuck their partner, like husbands that get off on other men fucking their wife. It caters to a specific fetish. Now in contrast, I personally am polyamorous. I have multiple partners, most of them have other partners besides me, we all are aware, consent & encourage this in our circle. Hell, a lot of my Metamours, (my partners other partners), are friends. Now there is a similarity between poly & cuck in that the women I'm with are also with other men & women. But that is the only similarity. with poly though, I don't get off on my partners relationships with others, nor do I even really think about them because frankly, it has nothing to do with me. My relationship with that partner is my business, their other relationships are not my problem unless there's issues they need my help or support with. Likewise the smae goes for them with me. Despite that, I've had people comment to me before. "So you're a cuck." The fuck? No, I'm not a cuck, in fact, usually when one of my partners is with one of my meta's, I'm usually not even there because I'm with one of my other partners. Also, I don't have broken legs. "Broken legs? What? Neither do I." You will if you keep going down this whole calling me a cuck thing. You can see how this shit gets me kinda heated. & it's not like being called a cuck triggers some sort of "NO! ME ALPHA MALE! ME BIG BOI!" insecurity feelings. It's the fact that their chromosome deficient brain is so stupid that it spawned the whole "polyamory = cuckholdry" bullshit to begin with. It triggers a "You're too stupid to justify the oxygen you breathe" kind of feeling. The "never vote, never reproduce, your window licking ass is a burden to the gene pool you human deficit" kind of feeling".
Sorry, was trying to give some context & it turned into a bit of a tangent. My point is, NTR fanboys & haters alike are so desperate for / repelled by anything remotely involving non MC penis that they turn their brains off & shove all of it into the NTR box & then shriek like retards & frankly, that annoys the shit out of me.
"What? There's another man in this game fucking one of my love interests? NTR!"
Yeah, but the guy is the woman's HUSBAND in the game, so her fucking HER OWN FUCKING HUSBAND is NOT NTR.
*NTR Fanboy/Hater.exe has stopped working* "NTR! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
So when I see threads like this of page after page of failed abortions shrieking "YOU TRICKED ME DEV, DIS NTR & YOU NEED PUT NTR TAG! REEEE!" & "THIS BEST NTR! I LURVE DIS NTR!", I get a little tilted because what I'm looking at is a bunch of idiots with constipation of the brain & diarrhea of the mouth, (or keyboard in this case), whom are all freaking out about shit that isn't actually there in the first place & they are just too fucking stupid to comprehend it. I know, I'm probably letting it annoy me more than I should, but it is what it is.