On another note, I just want to say I really loved the update, and with what is being set up, it's looking like Day 4 will be another one to really look forward to.
First I wanna say, I'm usually not a fan of dream sex scenes (cause in most games they are scenes that mean nothing to the overall story and something that never happens), but I enjoyed the ones in this game, at least they were flashbacks instead of just useless filler sex scenes with no real relevance to the story. I also liked the fact that we even got choices within them as well, definitely made them feel more important and not just useless filler.
Now I wanna really talk about Maria, what a goddess she is, always gotta love when the father/uncle in a game is a neglectful useless waste of space that way you can swoop in and have the gorgeous MILF(s) for yourself.
Also the twins watching and not only NOT reacting badly but apparently being turned on by it, that was an interesting development, definitely looking forward to seeing where it all goes.
Lastly I just wanna say, I'm glad things are moving along with mom, I choose to
not trick her into the room, because I don't like going down the creepy/corruption routes (usually) with family members if it can be avoided. She still kisses you even if you don't trick her into your room, so I'm really hoping that means no mega creepiness is required to make her our woman. 
(No big deal either way, as long as she's ours)
Really enjoying your game so far and can't wait for more!