If you pay attention to this thread, EVERY single time I share an update I have some randoms whining for the fucking Elite tier code, and every single time it's asked the same way. Posting to kwak and ask about something is fine, it seems, but adding a simple"please" and "thank you" suddenly becomes an insurmountable effort.
So, no, I won't relax. I'm not gonna make the effort of being nice and smooth towards people to whom asking something politely is too much an effort.
It goes for you, but it also goes for all the innevitables future demi-brained fucktards who are going to whine and beg for the same thing as you in the same exact fashion, because they can't seem to be capable to read more than five words in a previous message.
EDIT : and I'll curse any single one of them as much as I'ill want and deem necessary, as a fair payement towards the burden of repeating myself ad nauseam for people that don't give a single fuck about it, nor about the guys who actually pay money and share for others to get it free