Anyway, we are already rethinking that idea

Maybe we will make if fully free from next month on so current pledgers did not pay for nothing. Censored or not I hope you guys enjoy the game
10 USD for the very first version is a kinda suspicious move... even if your game is the best ever... think about it... 10 USD a month... development is pretty much gogin to take 24-36 months... so a supporter is going to pay about 360 USD? ... make it 1 USD... than the game is going to cost a supporter the usual indi game price... you will attract more people... you will have much more reviews... you show that you believe in yourself getting this done.
About the game...
- the start is funny... I wouldnt let the bus do sooo many turns... long distance is usually kinda straight...

- the dialogue controls are kinda laggy... I would just display text... and let us hit the mouse button anywhere within the text... not just on the tiny arrow... this is annoying.
- story is fresh - normal people doesn't talk that way... but hey, parents in limbo... freaky uncle... a villain in the shadows... go on!

- maybe you want to add a map... or quest direction markers... quality of life is a thing in modern games

- you really need to add a way to skip text... really.

- the story seem to be funny... did I mention that the dialogue/text handling really could be improved...
- why the heck do you even build that censorship ... that way? For me it looks like a huge waste of time you could have spent programming a better dialogue handling! (you see where I am going... do you?)
- quick travel would be nice...
- a map? (what I said about directions)
- ... and it seems I am stuck... house of a cliff... hmmm...
So... I spent way more time beta testing your censored alpha 0.1 version... which means the game can't be total crap. And it isn't - but you guys really need to understand... you have to deliver first. Then you can start asking from the community.
I am looking forward hearing from you. Bye for now.