2.50 star(s) 2 Votes

Pink Chaos

Dec 4, 2019
There are undoubtedly furries in Japan, however the difference between their furries from the rest of the world is the fact that the J-furries would rather keep their 'hobby' to themselves, and they don't wear fursuits nor do they spend a mountain of money to make artists draw the most disgusting artworks you will expect from the western furries.
Also; the J-furries preferred the softcore cute and sexy kind rather than the 'realistic' abominations shown in 2nd pic being fawned over by western furries.
Also; 1st pic shows what is essentially some women with animal ears, they're distinctly not furries since they are more human than animal unlike picture 2, that one needs the exterminatus treatment.
lmao cry your delicious tears, furries will keep furrying
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Pink Chaos

Dec 4, 2019
I expect no less from a schizo furry such as you, always with the insults, never a smart answer.
A dumb post deserves a dumb reply. Seriously, it's impossible to take seriously a post calling for exterminatus over a furry picture that's extremely tame and SFW, particularly on a board full of often really extreme porn. (You can download games where a girl get infected with parasites, raped, literally eats shit, etc.) As for commissioning artists for porn, they wouldn't do it if they weren't willing (and if the artist dislikes what they're drawing that much, maybe they shouldn't have accepted that commission in the first place). It's a simple service transaction and many artists are kept aboard by the money of rich furries.

As for fursuits, I could point to things some weebs do like aheago shirts that are far more embarrassing. Seriously, the majority of fursuits are far more sfw than those stupid porn face shirts. Most fursuits could outright pass for mascot suits. And most furries don't even wear fursuits for NSFW purposes, they just want to embody the character like how cosplayers embody various characters. In the end fursuits are harmless and if someone really wants to do the dirty in one of those things, they've got serious guts I can only applaud them for because the things are really hot to wear and hard to clean. Plus not even all furries do fursuits, whether it's because they aren't interested, don't consider it worth the money, or can't afford them. (Those things are expensive and a lot of work went into them.)

Another fun fact: hotel staff have commented that furry conventions are cleaner and easier to deal with than anime conventions. This isn't to say that furries are superior to anime fans, it's just that both groups have people who can get up to dumb shit.

My genuine, non-sarcastic advice to you: when you see something you don't like aesthetically, just move on and look at something else. I certainly do that regularly. I probably should've just ignored this game instead of mocking it, I was just used to monstergirls having more monstery features so something that appeared to barely even try was funny to me. (And Japanese stuff has ample examples of more monstery monstergirls, I don't know why that poster posted about Japan not being able to do them.)


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
As for fursuits, I could point to things some weebs do like aheago shirts that are far more embarrassing.
True, which makes Apex Weebs all the more comical:

"Oh cool this manga has an underage loli girl who's tied up in rope bondage being gang raped and impregnated by a swarm of giant hornets and forced to become a bloated brood mother for all their larvae... wait, what's that over there? A real furry having vanilla sex?! OMG, that's just too weird and disgusting for my refined and delicate sensibilities!"
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Active Member
May 5, 2020
->Monster Girl<- Breeder

Are you sure you this title is correct? looks like the other one is ("Aliases: Fuck-All-You-Want Harem Village") and the one up sure as fuck aint


Active Member
May 5, 2020
Weebland can't handle real monster girls. This is about as far from the vanilla tree that they dare roam.
Cant even call it that though it's like accusing a pancake of being a real cake or calling a fiat a ferrari

Sadly alas real monster girls are still niche but this aint even some half assed bullshit cheap cosplay with stuff all bought from the 100 yen store


Jan 4, 2019
Download android final APK Mega
P/s: Request Link Android Game at my
There's nothing here, or your site... Again maybe :unsure: By the way thnx for all your work at importing these titles to android for all of us on the road fappers :p


Engaged Member
Aug 22, 2019
this is an unofficial android port Monster Girl Breeder [Final] APK -
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Active Member
Feb 18, 2020
Just some chill sex with lots of girls that love to fuck and love the male mc a very positive story probably the kind of isekai we all love, i mean as far as fantasy worlds go this one is great, for a vn you get what you think you are going to get, it is not realy a game but if you are into reading breed them all storys with some boobs on screen this is for you, no idea if they are monstergirls, i mean no spiders nothing realy weird like planet flesh or plant girls but they are all sexy norn and miel know how to do these
2.50 star(s) 2 Votes