The game feels incomplete, minimalistic and rushed.
You can probably beat the game in 10-15 minutes if you know what you're doing, skip the dialogues and focus on progression, but unless you're really wasting your time by trying to pointlessly micro-manage things or re-reading the exact same dialogues over and over again, it still shouldn't take much more than an hour to beat.
At the core of the gameplay it poses as a management game, but there's not a whole lot to manage to be real. While you can try to min-max the management aspect, it doesn't require much though and yields diminishing returns, and it is unnecessary also. So don't bet on the management aspect to entertain you on the long run, it won't.
You get 2 (/3?) slots initially for monster girls you want to whore out, because that's the only reliable way of making bank and bank you need because this isn't a sandbox game where you can just expand as you like, this is a game of weekly deadlines you have to meet, or else.
Anyway, this initial 2-3 slots you can increase up to 6 before you're revealed the fact that at most you can whore out 6 of the 20+ different girls, so the rest stay in storage, like good Pokémon. Why not all? Because while that would make sense, it'd be "too easy" so let's not make sense instead.
This artificial difficulty increase is actually the most "management"-like aspect the game offers, as the various customers have various preferences (race, personality traits, body features) which you cannot fully satisfy with 6 characters only. Weird thing is, you can actually check what kind of customers will come the next night and swap out your Pokégals to cater to their preferences.
Not that satisfying them full is even necessary, it really isn't, it just yields you more money.
You can train the monster girls by clicking on one of 8 scenes (some of which are available only at certain times or after reaching certain stats), you get a single image with some text that's stereotypically Japanese in nature, and you get (and/or lose) a certain amount of "xp" of a number of stats. You can level up certain stats to meet the increasing demands of the customers, and you can copy certain personality traits from one monster to the other using the training points you accumulate from training them.
And that's roughly it. There are no events that'd spice up the gameplay or reward you for your achievements, and there are no secrets to uncover either. You also cannot personalize your monster girls, neither appearance-wise nor behaviour-wise, at most you can copy personality traits which will only affect the amount customers are willing to pay.
If you want a lewd scene, you have to train your girls (even if they don't need it), which you can do only twice at first, 6 times at most I believe, or you have to whore them out for a single image yet again.
Rinse and repeat until you either get a game over or be presented by the endings you unlocked. Later on the latter.
The story is incredibly simple and straightforward with nothing interesting going on, but I'll not spoil it, instead I'll highlight the tonal clash of the game. You're literally buying enslaved girls, raping them and forcing them into prostitution when they'd "want to go home" as they will tell you, and too often the game tries to set a mood of cutesy. "Yes, very cute monster girl thing gets spooked by a music box! And that one likes berries? How adorable. Back to sucking cock, whores." It really doesn't work.
There's also little to no interaction between the player and the monster girls outside of training, and there's exactly 0 interaction between the various monster girls. They are, for the most part, soulless dolls, not characters.
The only one even remotely like an actual character is Milia.
Visuals are decent in quality, poor in quantity and creativity. The style is stereotypically Japanese, and like I said, you can expect only about 8 or so images/girl, with minor variations to their expressions and such.
One thing to note, the "creativity" bit. Pretty much all of these "monster girls" are on the "safe side", again, typical to the Japanese when it comes to women. Their head+torso are always pretty much fully human with the exception of the slime girl (who's slime). The only thing(s) "monster" about them are the extremeties like arms and legs, and/or "accessories" like horns, tails, tattoos, animal ears and the like. But sometimes it's none of that, even. The "mummy" for example is literally just a girl semi-wrapped in bandages. So don't come expecting catering to extreme kinks, it's about as safe and marketable as possible, with the rare exception.
There are no animations whatsoever, if that wasn't clear until now.
Sounds are minimalistic, you have some generic "lounge" music that'll get old in about 10 minutes, a "tender" music which tries to make you forget that you're pimping out slaves whether they like it or not, and about 4 sound effects in total.
Not voiced of course.
Now, I thought the game was kinda mediocre (3/5) but the endings made me give it a poor (2/5) rating. That's how disappointing they were.
Reading "20+ different endings" I should've seen it coming, but I wasn't thinking about it.
In essence, those are all "unique" ending are for each monster you buy, which always consist of 1 (yes, one) image, and a couple of lines of text, the contents of which often come out of the blue and make little to no sense.
The only 3 or so endings that even remotely deviate from that template are:
1, the harem ending where you get a single image with a couple of lines of text,
2, the "keep going" ending where you...keep going,
and 3, the Emilia ending which honestly just didn't make any sense whatsoever, but at least it wasn't just one image with 3 lines of text.
It was like 2 images and 15 lines. Yay.
Couple of random thoughts I couldn't/forgot to coherently build into the review:
-- I couldn't for the love of God find an insect girl. Some customers specifically request that, so I assumed I'd get one at some point. Turns out it's basically a request for the (only) spider girl you can get. Spiders aren't insects, they're arachnids.
-- Customers come with a max budget of, say, a hundred thousand (because why keep numbers small when you can make them big for no reason?) but with certain modifiers on your sex slaves, they can end up paying multiple MILLIONS, because that somehow makes sense and totally isn't game breaking when monsters, upgrades and the weekly instalments all cost a fraction of that.
-- You get monsters from exactly 2 sources: From a trader, and from an auction house. The latter offers "unique" mosters, I believe 6 or 7 in total. 4 or 5 are literally just recolored versions of monsters you can buy any time from the trader, only 2 I believe are actually unique.
-- There is an items shop in the game, which is just a money sink, and a trainer, which is a time (and so, a money) sink. Neither are particularly useful, in fact, they can prove to be quite a hinderance for people who fell for them.
-- You can buy more than 1 of each monster from the trader. However they will always be exactly the same, in every way. Same stats, same traits, same CGI, same scenes, same everything.
Overall, it was pretty short and shallow all around. It builds towards the typical New Game Plus you might have come to expect from a Japanese game, but doesn't really offer much of an incentive to play it again. All the scenes (training) you may enjoy the first time around become a grindy waste of time you skip pretty fast, as they remain exactly the same throughout.
The game is not "garbage" though, but I don't think it's worth the time either.
The game feels incomplete, minimalistic and rushed.
You can probably beat the game in 10-15 minutes if you know what you're doing, skip the dialogues and focus on progression, but unless you're really wasting your time by trying to pointlessly micro-manage things or re-reading the exact same dialogues over and over again, it still shouldn't take much more than an hour to beat.
At the core of the gameplay it poses as a management game, but there's not a whole lot to manage to be real. While you can try to min-max the management aspect, it doesn't require much though and yields diminishing returns, and it is unnecessary also. So don't bet on the management aspect to entertain you on the long run, it won't.
You get 2 (/3?) slots initially for monster girls you want to whore out, because that's the only reliable way of making bank and bank you need because this isn't a sandbox game where you can just expand as you like, this is a game of weekly deadlines you have to meet, or else.
Anyway, this initial 2-3 slots you can increase up to 6 before you're revealed the fact that at most you can whore out 6 of the 20+ different girls, so the rest stay in storage, like good Pokémon. Why not all? Because while that would make sense, it'd be "too easy" so let's not make sense instead.
This artificial difficulty increase is actually the most "management"-like aspect the game offers, as the various customers have various preferences (race, personality traits, body features) which you cannot fully satisfy with 6 characters only. Weird thing is, you can actually check what kind of customers will come the next night and swap out your Pokégals to cater to their preferences.
Not that satisfying them full is even necessary, it really isn't, it just yields you more money.
You can train the monster girls by clicking on one of 8 scenes (some of which are available only at certain times or after reaching certain stats), you get a single image with some text that's stereotypically Japanese in nature, and you get (and/or lose) a certain amount of "xp" of a number of stats. You can level up certain stats to meet the increasing demands of the customers, and you can copy certain personality traits from one monster to the other using the training points you accumulate from training them.
And that's roughly it. There are no events that'd spice up the gameplay or reward you for your achievements, and there are no secrets to uncover either. You also cannot personalize your monster girls, neither appearance-wise nor behaviour-wise, at most you can copy personality traits which will only affect the amount customers are willing to pay.
If you want a lewd scene, you have to train your girls (even if they don't need it), which you can do only twice at first, 6 times at most I believe, or you have to whore them out for a single image yet again.
Rinse and repeat until you either get a game over or be presented by the endings you unlocked. Later on the latter.
The story is incredibly simple and straightforward with nothing interesting going on, but I'll not spoil it, instead I'll highlight the tonal clash of the game. You're literally buying enslaved girls, raping them and forcing them into prostitution when they'd "want to go home" as they will tell you, and too often the game tries to set a mood of cutesy. "Yes, very cute monster girl thing gets spooked by a music box! And that one likes berries? How adorable. Back to sucking cock, whores." It really doesn't work.
There's also little to no interaction between the player and the monster girls outside of training, and there's exactly 0 interaction between the various monster girls. They are, for the most part, soulless dolls, not characters.
The only one even remotely like an actual character is Milia.
Visuals are decent in quality, poor in quantity and creativity. The style is stereotypically Japanese, and like I said, you can expect only about 8 or so images/girl, with minor variations to their expressions and such.
One thing to note, the "creativity" bit. Pretty much all of these "monster girls" are on the "safe side", again, typical to the Japanese when it comes to women. Their head+torso are always pretty much fully human with the exception of the slime girl (who's slime). The only thing(s) "monster" about them are the extremeties like arms and legs, and/or "accessories" like horns, tails, tattoos, animal ears and the like. But sometimes it's none of that, even. The "mummy" for example is literally just a girl semi-wrapped in bandages. So don't come expecting catering to extreme kinks, it's about as safe and marketable as possible, with the rare exception.
There are no animations whatsoever, if that wasn't clear until now.
Sounds are minimalistic, you have some generic "lounge" music that'll get old in about 10 minutes, a "tender" music which tries to make you forget that you're pimping out slaves whether they like it or not, and about 4 sound effects in total.
Not voiced of course.
Now, I thought the game was kinda mediocre (3/5) but the endings made me give it a poor (2/5) rating. That's how disappointing they were.
Reading "20+ different endings" I should've seen it coming, but I wasn't thinking about it.
In essence, those are all "unique" ending are for each monster you buy, which always consist of 1 (yes, one) image, and a couple of lines of text, the contents of which often come out of the blue and make little to no sense.
The only 3 or so endings that even remotely deviate from that template are:
1, the harem ending where you get a single image with a couple of lines of text,
2, the "keep going" ending where you...keep going,
and 3, the Emilia ending which honestly just didn't make any sense whatsoever, but at least it wasn't just one image with 3 lines of text.
It was like 2 images and 15 lines. Yay.
Couple of random thoughts I couldn't/forgot to coherently build into the review:
-- I couldn't for the love of God find an insect girl. Some customers specifically request that, so I assumed I'd get one at some point. Turns out it's basically a request for the (only) spider girl you can get. Spiders aren't insects, they're arachnids.
-- Customers come with a max budget of, say, a hundred thousand (because why keep numbers small when you can make them big for no reason?) but with certain modifiers on your sex slaves, they can end up paying multiple MILLIONS, because that somehow makes sense and totally isn't game breaking when monsters, upgrades and the weekly instalments all cost a fraction of that.
-- You get monsters from exactly 2 sources: From a trader, and from an auction house. The latter offers "unique" mosters, I believe 6 or 7 in total. 4 or 5 are literally just recolored versions of monsters you can buy any time from the trader, only 2 I believe are actually unique.
-- There is an items shop in the game, which is just a money sink, and a trainer, which is a time (and so, a money) sink. Neither are particularly useful, in fact, they can prove to be quite a hinderance for people who fell for them.
-- You can buy more than 1 of each monster from the trader. However they will always be exactly the same, in every way. Same stats, same traits, same CGI, same scenes, same everything.
Overall, it was pretty short and shallow all around. It builds towards the typical New Game Plus you might have come to expect from a Japanese game, but doesn't really offer much of an incentive to play it again. All the scenes (training) you may enjoy the first time around become a grindy waste of time you skip pretty fast, as they remain exactly the same throughout.
The game is not "garbage" though, but I don't think it's worth the time either.