
Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Hello everyone, how have you been? Apologies for the radio silence and lack of update news and responses, work has been exceedingly busy due to the infection count and the latest dominant variant in the area. This has further been compounded by losing yet another coworker, not directly to the pandemic this time but likely as a consequence of the stress from the conditions and increased workload, and a poor misguided soul issuing threats after losing their significant other that have resulted in being moved to an area where I could not use my personal laptop during my brief breaks at work. I'm otherwise well and am still healthy, just dealing with complications that have placed further constraints on my free time in addition to a still abnormally large workload. Thanks you very much everyone who has answered questions and provided information while I have been away.

I see that you already received assistance on this matter, but as a tip for the future if it was not mentioned at the time, most events just reward or reduce progress/affection the first time they are played or the first time a response is given as the blank flag for that particular event will be set afterwards with the way you responded or handled the situation. So the first time you handled the Blue Slimegirl rewarded a certain amount of progress depending on how you handled the situation. However, future attempts do not reward more points and can just be considered as reminiscing on the event instead. This goes for all characters in the game, so you can't just farm for affection by spamming a single line or event over and over again. A few exceptions include buying Holy Water from Lillian, showing Elena attention and complimenting her when she is drinking, or sitting down to drink with Mara as she is lonely and desires companionship.

I do hope that this helps you with your future attempts at wooing characters in MGD, Sarojin.

While it is useful information for other users, it is not much use for Threshold unfortunately as this error is due to changes with Ren'Py itself, and MGD using the affected functions, rather than a problem inherent to MGD. That said, out of curiosity, are you using an ATI or an older AMD graphics card? Ren'Py's developers have determined that to be one of the potential causes for the error but have not been able to replicate it. They have attempted a blind patch to attempt to rectify the issue, but the results for that won't be seen until MGD updates to said Ren'Py version as well.

Thank you for sharing what did work and correct the issue on your end, Blissful.

While this is late and may not be of use to you any longer, I do have cheat start saves scattered throughout the thread. In an effort to make them more readily available and easier to find, I've attached my cheat start save to my signature repositories that can be found here and there in the thread.

If you require a save again in the future, I do hope that you'll find this helpful, Burger Gurger.

Beyond story events which go without saying, the most notable non-repeatable event would be Feng's reaction to the Holy Headpat during the very first fight with her as that allows you to bypass the fight and have a cute scene. A non-repeatable story adjacent scene would be ignoring and not even attempting to speak with Minoni when entering the Power side of the Temple and going through the trials by yourself until the Kunoichi Succubi decide to make Minoni aware of a challenger in a rather disruptive fashion.

I do hope that you find this informative, Master of Puppets.

It should not be much longer until work begins on the Labyrinth and main story in earnest once again. v23.9, and any associated bugfixes as needed, will be followed by work on the Labyrinth as v24. At this time, it is not certain if the Labyrinth will be completed in a single update or if it will need to be split up into multiple updates in order to be completed.

I do hope that this gives you hope with regards to the main story advancing again, EdgeOfShadow.

Rather than a bug, it was more of an oversight with regards to how her hidden addiction value was reduced during the event. When you triggered the addiction event and chose to either want out or not pass the relationship check and were given the medicine to reduce your addiction, it would reduce your hidden fetish that represented your addiction to Manticore Venom by 50 points. The issue being this event assumed you would visit the Manticore and trigger the event shortly after reaching 100 or more points of addiction but if you had built up a large amount of addiction points, then this event would fire again and again reducing the value by 50 each time until it finally dropped below 100. This has been corrected in the latest version and the medicine now sets your addiction to 50 rather than reducing the value by 50, making certain the event will not fire immediately the next time you visit the Manticore unless you spent time building the value by up whether by shooting up Manticore Spikes or by servicing the Manticore at the Inn's brothel.

I do hope that you find this informative, Schlong50.

A valid concern, but one I do not think will be an issue here. Given that art being created depends on artist availability and that Threshold is creating scenes at a faster pace than the art can be created, and the very high possibility of not every scene having a CG, the writing will still be the focal point for the erotica of MGD. So, personally, I do not believe that the existence of art will lead to a reduction in the quality of writing given that art will most likely not cover every scene.

As for Jora artwork, while that would be lovely, that would depend on what commissions Jiffic has going on. Jiffic is responsible for the artwork for a large number of characters already and would be the artist commissioned for their CGs as well as Jora's artwork. So Shizu, Sofia, Jora, Himika, Mizuko, Elly, Elena, Tabitha, Feng, Nicci, Nova, Camilla, the Bubble Slime, Venefica, Gren, and our beloved Red Slime dastardly Nemesis Perpetua, would all have their CGs handled by Jiffic along with any other future characters that Jiffic is handling the art for as well.

I do hope that this is a satisfactory response to your questions and concerns, Mustang Flex.

In general, it is safe to delete the old version of MGD when updating to the new version. However, I recommend waiting until you verify that your old saves were recognized by the new installation before deleting the old version. An additional reason to hold off on doing so is that MGD's event engine requires that saves from older versions be made in certain locations like the Town Square/Plaza in order to successfully transfer and not break. So keeping the old version around in order to move your character and save in an appropriate area for a save transfer is useful as well. Once your saves are confirmed transferred and working in the new installation, then it should be completely safe to delete the old installation of MGD.

I do hope that you find this helpful when updating MGD in the future, imperium of horny.

This title does have a planned ending, but I could not say for certain when we'll reach it. It will likely be a few years away at the very least. Now, as it stands, this game is quite enjoyable already and you can have quite a few hours of enjoyment depending on how thorough you are with hunting down content. There is the main quest, but there are also side quests and relationships that can be built up with the majority of the unique NPCs in the game. Personally, I'd say give it a try, you'll likely find at least one, if not multiple, characters that you'll like and want to romance. Now, it is also worth noting that no character really has their romance content complete, but quite a few do allow you to progress a fair amount down their romantic content. You may not be able to move in together or become married or have children yet, but you can become the mate/lover/etc. to a number of Monster Girls and can even start building up relationships with some Human Women if you'd like as well.

I do hope that you decide to give MGD a try now, but it is completely understandable if you'd rather wait for the game to be finished, poomaster.

Sofia's perks are double-edged, but they are very rewarding for builds that take advantage of their boosts. Succubus Sex Toy is obviously geared to boosting penetration focused builds, allowing you to devastate your opponents in a fairly straightforward method. Semen Dispenser, and Succubus Sex Toy to a lesser extent, make Holy builds more effective and can help make your Demon Layer strikes the bane to most enemies in the game. Mysterious Allure is for Allure builds and further increases its scaling when taken alongside other Allure boosting perks, boosting your damage globally as well as making your character a potent seducer and/or a wall upon which your opponents will break themselves due to recoil damage. Finally, Touch of Ecstasy boosts both Crit focused builds as well as physical non-penetrative builds such as Breast and/or Ass damage specialists, make-out artists who kiss their foes into submission, and even sadists who prefer to dominate their opponents in a more painful fashion. So, Touch of Ecstasy can make you into a Crit Monster or a master of foreplay.

I do hope that this adequately answers your question, Wolven Moonlight.

As I mentioned earlier in this post, v24 will be moving the story forward once again. So yes, story expansions are on the horizon and will be arriving relatively soon. v23.9 is dedicated to fleshing out Stella and bringing up more up to par with other characters in the game already and will have a few other changes to help boost our characters before that next piece of story content arrives.

I do hope that this is an adequate answer to your query, Troutmask90.

While AoE is the most effective option, it is not your only tool. Being tanky and able to take advantage of recoil and indulgent attacks is one way to defeat the horde as they break themselves upon you. Having high power strikes and taking them out one at a time such as with the Demon Layer is another option. Then overleveling and just steamrolling them with your tactic of choice is valid as well given that Vili is a somewhat higher level encounter.

Yes, saves are forward compatible, but there is a caveat to this as the custom event engine that MGD uses will more likely than not cause a save from a prior version to break when created in the middle of an event or battle and loaded in a newer version. In order to guarantee that your saves are compatible, you need to save in the Town Square/Plaza, the place where you can select going to the Adventurer Guild, Inn, Church, and so on. If you save there, your saves will work when brought over to newer versions of MGD.

Holy Headpat is largely a joke skill but it does have a few specific uses. It allows you to instantly defeat Feng during the very first fight with her, it can be used to end combat with Gren, it reduces Venefica's Spirit by 2 the first time she is hit with it during a fight and leads to special dialogue when used to finish her, and it will cause Sofia to instantly delete you with her Lust Spirit Bomb if used during her first two fights or buff herself with 50% Damage Reduction and 100% Global Damage Boost for the rest of the fight when used once she has donned her Arch-succubus combat attire in the third fight. Against most other characters, it will deal a small amount of damage and trigger unique flavor text that will either be cuter and more wholesome in nature or will enrage the target and grant them a 50% Global Damage Boost for 10 turns.

This on the wiki covers Holy type damage and abilities including the only other Holy damage skill currently in the game, the Demon Layer.

This on the wiki may help with Kotone's relationship progression and there are a few other walkthrough pages for other characters as well. Unfortunately, current constraints on my time are preventing me from fleshing these out more as well as creating guides for other characters, but I will resume doing so once I am able. For Kotone, if you have been kind and chosen supportive options and have advanced her affection/progress enough, you need to ask about her hypnosis, how it is a pain while adventuring, and accuse her of not trusting you. If you have advanced properly, she'll break down and admit it which also starts the process of helping her move forward and healing the trauma that was inflicted upon her centuries ago and has scarred her mind and warped her behavior ever since. A good indicator of how you have been progressing is whether or not you can ask Kotone about Feng and learn the backstory of how Feng became the Jiangshi that she is today.

General advice for advancing relationships with any character in the game is to be nice and understanding. Being kind and a good person will go a long way towards winning the heart of the girl you are pursuing. Now, there are some specifics as some characters may not appreciate overly lewd and lecherous behavior, such as Ancilla, or may have additional factors that can be boosted such as Confidence and Submission for Tabitha in order to mold her into a Hypno-Domme or confident submissive respectively once the next part of her relationship content lands.

I do hope that you find these adequate answers to your questions, Quintilus.

Yes, it is quite easy to do so in fact. This of the console for the MGD wiki can walk you through altering your Fetishes using the console. If you do not know how to enable or use the console, then that page contains a step-by-step walkthrough for that as well.

While this is a little late, I do hope that you find this helpful, Cross Zero.

No, not really, especially when the planned eventual level cap will be level 100. We will also have the Rebirth system that will reset your level to 1 for some benefits akin to Disgaea's Reincarnation mechanic as well as an NPC who will offer Level Drain "services", but I could not say for certain when those mechanics will arrive.

While this is not much, I do hope that you derive some use from this information, BigJohnny.

Ah, that error should be able to be corrected by opening the script.rpy file in the game folder with your editor of choice, going to line 405 or searching for .gl2 = True and then replacing that particular True with False. Out of curiosity, do you use an ATI or older AMD graphics card? Ren'Py's developers have pinpointed that as being one of the potential causes for this particular issue. They are not able to replicate it but have attempted a blind fix that should be in the next Ren'Py update.

Hopefully, this temporary solution and the future Ren'Py update will correct the error for you, Ronraydan.

This is a little late, but are you still experiencing this issue, tony_redgrave?

Rather than efficiency, it is more based on artist availability. ADOPOLICH is the artist for a few characters like Aiko, Kotone, Mimi (Bed-chan), and the unnamed Lumiren, and had a slot for commissioning a CG. Beyond that, a CG for a unique character does have more potential utility than one for a generic as unique characters can have more scenes and interactions beyond the combat encounters for generics, so that one CG can see more potential usage than a CG for a stance that players may potentially never see if they are never hit with that stance when fighting the generic that uses it.

I do hope that you find this enlightening, M1st1K.

Interesting that you bring the Tengu up as she is technically a unique character. The Tengu is the only one at the Will-Power Temple, just she is currently unnamed. Having her be unnamed and slotting her with the generics leaves an out in the event there is not time to develop her sometime in the future. So, she is a unique and can potentially be expanded in the future but is classified as a generic for now due to not being expanded upon and to give a way to make her presence properly mesh in the event she is not expanded upon.

I do hope that you find this information useful and that you enjoy the Tengu even more should she ever be expanded upon, Gwedelino.

She is getting a complete overhaul as she is being drawn by a different artist. , the artist responsible for the art for the Succubus Campers, Catherine, Heather, and Jennifer, is responsible for Vili's redraw as well as the upcoming redraw for the generic Imps as well. It's still Vili, her sprite is still recognizable as her, but there have been a few changes to her design and the art being in 00tani's style rather than NickBeja's style along with her increased baseline bust as well as an even larger option. You could probably classify her and the Imps as being a bit more smug and a little less bratty now.

I do hope that this is an adequate answer to your question, FaekNaem.

Now as for the update news, as has previously been mentioned, v23.9 is focused on implementing Stella's artwork as well as fleshing out her content a little more so that it can actually be enjoyed. In addition to this, a teaser sketch of the new generic Imp artwork and a teaser for Vili's new artwork, both by , can be viewed by supporters. Thank you to Oluap and lazyrick for mentioning this information.

In addition to working on Stella, v23.9 has seen a little balance work that will make player characters stronger ahead of the v24 Labyrinth update that will move the story forward. All players will receive 1 extra per level, this change is retroactive, so you'll see a boost to your overall power once v23.9 arrives. Additionally, there are some extra perk points awarded for lower levels, 1 at level 5, 2 at level 10, and 2 at level 20 to be specific, and the level requirements for perks have been cut in half. So you'll be able to power up some more before having to face, or evade, the Hellhound Guardians of the Labyrinth.

As for Stella, her first encounter and its repeat variants have been tuned up and her personality fleshed out a little more. She's still cheerful, but she should have more personality beyond just that trait and is now more distinct from the generic Mimics. Here is a brief changelog about what you may expect with regards to Stella in v23.9:

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I do hope that everyone interested in this update news finds this at least a little useful.

Now on the modding news front, the Oneiros mod has been updated and now uses Beris' art for the Minotaur dream. A second update to Oneiros separates the mod dreams from the random dream system and adds them to its own menu of dreams. If you used the previous mod, make certain to delete it before installing the new version due to changes in the mod's structure.

Oneiros v1.4 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

The Sitting Mod has received a few fixes and tweaks to give some of the attacks a little more power.

The Sitting Mod v1.33 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

The Challenge Mod has received an update targeting the Mystic Forest and Forest Dungeon, a second update for Lizard Girls, and two bugfixes that also include a small amount of content:

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The Challenge Mod v1.32 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

The Basic SFX mod has received a compatibility update for MGD v23.8.

The Basic SFX mod v3 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

The Moaning Forest has received two updates that will be detailed in the following changelog.

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The Moaning Forest v0.9 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

Waifupocalypse has received a small bugfix update fixing a music call for Imps.

The new Waifupocalypse update can be downloaded from Github .

rmjwmmd has released a new Dragon Girl mod that also includes the Whelpling along with 7 other new Dragon Girls. Changelog for the Dragon Mod is as follows:

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The Dragon Mod v1.01 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

I do hope that everyone interested in this modding news finds this at least a little useful.
The mods seem impressive. The game is quite starved for content as is, how do they stack in writing quality against the base game itself? I'm thinking of giving the dragon mod a try.


Dec 24, 2017
While it is useful information for other users, it is not much use for Threshold unfortunately as this error is due to changes with Ren'Py itself, and MGD using the affected functions, rather than a problem inherent to MGD. That said, out of curiosity, are you using an ATI or an older AMD graphics card? Ren'Py's developers have determined that to be one of the potential causes for the error but have not been able to replicate it. They have attempted a blind patch to attempt to rectify the issue, but the results for that won't be seen until MGD updates to said Ren'Py version as well.

Thank you for sharing what did work and correct the issue on your end, Blissful.
Indeed, I was using an ATI, that is probably the issue. And yes, I understand that it is a Ren'Py issue, but I thought that it perhaps might be noteworthy. Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 4, 2017
Regarding L30 post, I understand then that every character you can't fight in a 1v2 situation (or more like imps) is in fact a unique monster.

So, those monsters girls are just considered as "generic monster" as long are they are unnamed and doesn't have side story or expanded content

Which mean that currently Alraune / Minotaur / Mimic / Tengu / Lizard Girl (not sure about that one) COULD ( I said could not would) receive more content and become unique girls.

ALRIGHT ! we NEED to know what happens to MC when he lose to Tengu in face sitting stance but suddenly next patch make his warp stone doesn't work.


Jan 7, 2018
This is a little late, but are you still experiencing this issue, tony_redgrave?

Yeah, I'm still getting this issue with mods. I've taken to just disabling them all for now.

EDIT: I tired a couple other mods, most notably the Sitting mod and Challenge mod. While the monsters in the sitting mod had their new attacks etc, the events from the Challenge mod werent showing up. Might be an issue specifically with events?

EDIT 2: Tried a fresh install of the game along with a new save file and the mods worked. Loaded up my old saves and was able to play them fine on my old saves. After saving , closing and reopening/ loading my game however, the mods disappeared again.

EDIT 3: Think I may of fixed the issue by deleting persistent and auto save files out of the appdata/renpy/mongirl folder.
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Cross Zero

Active Member
Jun 12, 2018
L30 DAAAAAMN! It was a bit late, yes. I already altered it via online savegame editor. Thank you anyway, didn't know there was a console! o_O
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Dec 11, 2019

Rather than a bug, it was more of an oversight with regards to how her hidden addiction value was reduced during the event. When you triggered the addiction event and chose to either want out or not pass the relationship check and were given the medicine to reduce your addiction, it would reduce your hidden fetish that represented your addiction to Manticore Venom by 50 points. The issue being this event assumed you would visit the Manticore and trigger the event shortly after reaching 100 or more points of addiction but if you had built up a large amount of addiction points, then this event would fire again and again reducing the value by 50 each time until it finally dropped below 100. This has been corrected in the latest version and the medicine now sets your addiction to 50 rather than reducing the value by 50, making certain the event will not fire immediately the next time you visit the Manticore unless you spent time building the value by up whether by shooting up Manticore Spikes or by servicing the Manticore at the Inn's brothel.

I do hope that you find this informative, Schlong50.
Yes, I might have enjoyed sparring with her a bit more than usual and... oh well lets be honest, my guy had 100% pure Manticore venom as blood and oozed it as sweat. The moment her addiction mechanic was introduced he was done for. :LOL:

Already found of about you guys taking that problem; thanks a lot (y)
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Dec 8, 2019
Hello everyone, how have you been? Apologies for the radio silence and lack of update news and responses, work has been exceedingly busy due to the infection count and the latest dominant variant in the area. This has further been compounded by losing yet another coworker, not directly to the pandemic this time but likely as a consequence of the stress from the conditions and increased workload, and a poor misguided soul issuing threats after losing their significant other that have resulted in being moved to an area where I could not use my personal laptop during my brief breaks at work. I'm otherwise well and am still healthy, just dealing with complications that have placed further constraints on my free time in addition to a still abnormally large workload. Thanks you very much everyone who has answered questions and provided information while I have been away.

I see that you already received assistance on this matter, but as a tip for the future if it was not mentioned at the time, most events just reward or reduce progress/affection the first time they are played or the first time a response is given as the blank flag for that particular event will be set afterwards with the way you responded or handled the situation. So the first time you handled the Blue Slimegirl rewarded a certain amount of progress depending on how you handled the situation. However, future attempts do not reward more points and can just be considered as reminiscing on the event instead. This goes for all characters in the game, so you can't just farm for affection by spamming a single line or event over and over again. A few exceptions include buying Holy Water from Lillian, showing Elena attention and complimenting her when she is drinking, or sitting down to drink with Mara as she is lonely and desires companionship.

I do hope that this helps you with your future attempts at wooing characters in MGD, Sarojin.

While it is useful information for other users, it is not much use for Threshold unfortunately as this error is due to changes with Ren'Py itself, and MGD using the affected functions, rather than a problem inherent to MGD. That said, out of curiosity, are you using an ATI or an older AMD graphics card? Ren'Py's developers have determined that to be one of the potential causes for the error but have not been able to replicate it. They have attempted a blind patch to attempt to rectify the issue, but the results for that won't be seen until MGD updates to said Ren'Py version as well.

Thank you for sharing what did work and correct the issue on your end, Blissful.

While this is late and may not be of use to you any longer, I do have cheat start saves scattered throughout the thread. In an effort to make them more readily available and easier to find, I've attached my cheat start save to my signature repositories that can be found here and there in the thread.

If you require a save again in the future, I do hope that you'll find this helpful, Burger Gurger.

Beyond story events which go without saying, the most notable non-repeatable event would be Feng's reaction to the Holy Headpat during the very first fight with her as that allows you to bypass the fight and have a cute scene. A non-repeatable story adjacent scene would be ignoring and not even attempting to speak with Minoni when entering the Power side of the Temple and going through the trials by yourself until the Kunoichi Succubi decide to make Minoni aware of a challenger in a rather disruptive fashion.

I do hope that you find this informative, Master of Puppets.

It should not be much longer until work begins on the Labyrinth and main story in earnest once again. v23.9, and any associated bugfixes as needed, will be followed by work on the Labyrinth as v24. At this time, it is not certain if the Labyrinth will be completed in a single update or if it will need to be split up into multiple updates in order to be completed.

I do hope that this gives you hope with regards to the main story advancing again, EdgeOfShadow.

Rather than a bug, it was more of an oversight with regards to how her hidden addiction value was reduced during the event. When you triggered the addiction event and chose to either want out or not pass the relationship check and were given the medicine to reduce your addiction, it would reduce your hidden fetish that represented your addiction to Manticore Venom by 50 points. The issue being this event assumed you would visit the Manticore and trigger the event shortly after reaching 100 or more points of addiction but if you had built up a large amount of addiction points, then this event would fire again and again reducing the value by 50 each time until it finally dropped below 100. This has been corrected in the latest version and the medicine now sets your addiction to 50 rather than reducing the value by 50, making certain the event will not fire immediately the next time you visit the Manticore unless you spent time building the value by up whether by shooting up Manticore Spikes or by servicing the Manticore at the Inn's brothel.

I do hope that you find this informative, Schlong50.

A valid concern, but one I do not think will be an issue here. Given that art being created depends on artist availability and that Threshold is creating scenes at a faster pace than the art can be created, and the very high possibility of not every scene having a CG, the writing will still be the focal point for the erotica of MGD. So, personally, I do not believe that the existence of art will lead to a reduction in the quality of writing given that art will most likely not cover every scene.

As for Jora artwork, while that would be lovely, that would depend on what commissions Jiffic has going on. Jiffic is responsible for the artwork for a large number of characters already and would be the artist commissioned for their CGs as well as Jora's artwork. So Shizu, Sofia, Jora, Himika, Mizuko, Elly, Elena, Tabitha, Feng, Nicci, Nova, Camilla, the Bubble Slime, Venefica, Gren, and our beloved Red Slime dastardly Nemesis Perpetua, would all have their CGs handled by Jiffic along with any other future characters that Jiffic is handling the art for as well.

I do hope that this is a satisfactory response to your questions and concerns, Mustang Flex.

In general, it is safe to delete the old version of MGD when updating to the new version. However, I recommend waiting until you verify that your old saves were recognized by the new installation before deleting the old version. An additional reason to hold off on doing so is that MGD's event engine requires that saves from older versions be made in certain locations like the Town Square/Plaza in order to successfully transfer and not break. So keeping the old version around in order to move your character and save in an appropriate area for a save transfer is useful as well. Once your saves are confirmed transferred and working in the new installation, then it should be completely safe to delete the old installation of MGD.

I do hope that you find this helpful when updating MGD in the future, imperium of horny.

This title does have a planned ending, but I could not say for certain when we'll reach it. It will likely be a few years away at the very least. Now, as it stands, this game is quite enjoyable already and you can have quite a few hours of enjoyment depending on how thorough you are with hunting down content. There is the main quest, but there are also side quests and relationships that can be built up with the majority of the unique NPCs in the game. Personally, I'd say give it a try, you'll likely find at least one, if not multiple, characters that you'll like and want to romance. Now, it is also worth noting that no character really has their romance content complete, but quite a few do allow you to progress a fair amount down their romantic content. You may not be able to move in together or become married or have children yet, but you can become the mate/lover/etc. to a number of Monster Girls and can even start building up relationships with some Human Women if you'd like as well.

I do hope that you decide to give MGD a try now, but it is completely understandable if you'd rather wait for the game to be finished, poomaster.

Sofia's perks are double-edged, but they are very rewarding for builds that take advantage of their boosts. Succubus Sex Toy is obviously geared to boosting penetration focused builds, allowing you to devastate your opponents in a fairly straightforward method. Semen Dispenser, and Succubus Sex Toy to a lesser extent, make Holy builds more effective and can help make your Demon Layer strikes the bane to most enemies in the game. Mysterious Allure is for Allure builds and further increases its scaling when taken alongside other Allure boosting perks, boosting your damage globally as well as making your character a potent seducer and/or a wall upon which your opponents will break themselves due to recoil damage. Finally, Touch of Ecstasy boosts both Crit focused builds as well as physical non-penetrative builds such as Breast and/or Ass damage specialists, make-out artists who kiss their foes into submission, and even sadists who prefer to dominate their opponents in a more painful fashion. So, Touch of Ecstasy can make you into a Crit Monster or a master of foreplay.

I do hope that this adequately answers your question, Wolven Moonlight.

As I mentioned earlier in this post, v24 will be moving the story forward once again. So yes, story expansions are on the horizon and will be arriving relatively soon. v23.9 is dedicated to fleshing out Stella and bringing up more up to par with other characters in the game already and will have a few other changes to help boost our characters before that next piece of story content arrives.

I do hope that this is an adequate answer to your query, Troutmask90.

While AoE is the most effective option, it is not your only tool. Being tanky and able to take advantage of recoil and indulgent attacks is one way to defeat the horde as they break themselves upon you. Having high power strikes and taking them out one at a time such as with the Demon Layer is another option. Then overleveling and just steamrolling them with your tactic of choice is valid as well given that Vili is a somewhat higher level encounter.

Yes, saves are forward compatible, but there is a caveat to this as the custom event engine that MGD uses will more likely than not cause a save from a prior version to break when created in the middle of an event or battle and loaded in a newer version. In order to guarantee that your saves are compatible, you need to save in the Town Square/Plaza, the place where you can select going to the Adventurer Guild, Inn, Church, and so on. If you save there, your saves will work when brought over to newer versions of MGD.

Holy Headpat is largely a joke skill but it does have a few specific uses. It allows you to instantly defeat Feng during the very first fight with her, it can be used to end combat with Gren, it reduces Venefica's Spirit by 2 the first time she is hit with it during a fight and leads to special dialogue when used to finish her, and it will cause Sofia to instantly delete you with her Lust Spirit Bomb if used during her first two fights or buff herself with 50% Damage Reduction and 100% Global Damage Boost for the rest of the fight when used once she has donned her Arch-succubus combat attire in the third fight. Against most other characters, it will deal a small amount of damage and trigger unique flavor text that will either be cuter and more wholesome in nature or will enrage the target and grant them a 50% Global Damage Boost for 10 turns.

This on the wiki covers Holy type damage and abilities including the only other Holy damage skill currently in the game, the Demon Layer.

This on the wiki may help with Kotone's relationship progression and there are a few other walkthrough pages for other characters as well. Unfortunately, current constraints on my time are preventing me from fleshing these out more as well as creating guides for other characters, but I will resume doing so once I am able. For Kotone, if you have been kind and chosen supportive options and have advanced her affection/progress enough, you need to ask about her hypnosis, how it is a pain while adventuring, and accuse her of not trusting you. If you have advanced properly, she'll break down and admit it which also starts the process of helping her move forward and healing the trauma that was inflicted upon her centuries ago and has scarred her mind and warped her behavior ever since. A good indicator of how you have been progressing is whether or not you can ask Kotone about Feng and learn the backstory of how Feng became the Jiangshi that she is today.

General advice for advancing relationships with any character in the game is to be nice and understanding. Being kind and a good person will go a long way towards winning the heart of the girl you are pursuing. Now, there are some specifics as some characters may not appreciate overly lewd and lecherous behavior, such as Ancilla, or may have additional factors that can be boosted such as Confidence and Submission for Tabitha in order to mold her into a Hypno-Domme or confident submissive respectively once the next part of her relationship content lands.

I do hope that you find these adequate answers to your questions, Quintilus.

Yes, it is quite easy to do so in fact. This of the console for the MGD wiki can walk you through altering your Fetishes using the console. If you do not know how to enable or use the console, then that page contains a step-by-step walkthrough for that as well.

While this is a little late, I do hope that you find this helpful, Cross Zero.

No, not really, especially when the planned eventual level cap will be level 100. We will also have the Rebirth system that will reset your level to 1 for some benefits akin to Disgaea's Reincarnation mechanic as well as an NPC who will offer Level Drain "services", but I could not say for certain when those mechanics will arrive.

While this is not much, I do hope that you derive some use from this information, BigJohnny.

Ah, that error should be able to be corrected by opening the script.rpy file in the game folder with your editor of choice, going to line 405 or searching for .gl2 = True and then replacing that particular True with False. Out of curiosity, do you use an ATI or older AMD graphics card? Ren'Py's developers have pinpointed that as being one of the potential causes for this particular issue. They are not able to replicate it but have attempted a blind fix that should be in the next Ren'Py update.

Hopefully, this temporary solution and the future Ren'Py update will correct the error for you, Ronraydan.

This is a little late, but are you still experiencing this issue, tony_redgrave?

Rather than efficiency, it is more based on artist availability. ADOPOLICH is the artist for a few characters like Aiko, Kotone, Mimi (Bed-chan), and the unnamed Lumiren, and had a slot for commissioning a CG. Beyond that, a CG for a unique character does have more potential utility than one for a generic as unique characters can have more scenes and interactions beyond the combat encounters for generics, so that one CG can see more potential usage than a CG for a stance that players may potentially never see if they are never hit with that stance when fighting the generic that uses it.

I do hope that you find this enlightening, M1st1K.

Interesting that you bring the Tengu up as she is technically a unique character. The Tengu is the only one at the Will-Power Temple, just she is currently unnamed. Having her be unnamed and slotting her with the generics leaves an out in the event there is not time to develop her sometime in the future. So, she is a unique and can potentially be expanded in the future but is classified as a generic for now due to not being expanded upon and to give a way to make her presence properly mesh in the event she is not expanded upon.

I do hope that you find this information useful and that you enjoy the Tengu even more should she ever be expanded upon, Gwedelino.

She is getting a complete overhaul as she is being drawn by a different artist. , the artist responsible for the art for the Succubus Campers, Catherine, Heather, and Jennifer, is responsible for Vili's redraw as well as the upcoming redraw for the generic Imps as well. It's still Vili, her sprite is still recognizable as her, but there have been a few changes to her design and the art being in 00tani's style rather than NickBeja's style along with her increased baseline bust as well as an even larger option. You could probably classify her and the Imps as being a bit more smug and a little less bratty now.

I do hope that this is an adequate answer to your question, FaekNaem.

Now as for the update news, as has previously been mentioned, v23.9 is focused on implementing Stella's artwork as well as fleshing out her content a little more so that it can actually be enjoyed. In addition to this, a teaser sketch of the new generic Imp artwork and a teaser for Vili's new artwork, both by , can be viewed by supporters. Thank you to Oluap and lazyrick for mentioning this information.

In addition to working on Stella, v23.9 has seen a little balance work that will make player characters stronger ahead of the v24 Labyrinth update that will move the story forward. All players will receive 1 extra per level, this change is retroactive, so you'll see a boost to your overall power once v23.9 arrives. Additionally, there are some extra perk points awarded for lower levels, 1 at level 5, 2 at level 10, and 2 at level 20 to be specific, and the level requirements for perks have been cut in half. So you'll be able to power up some more before having to face, or evade, the Hellhound Guardians of the Labyrinth.

As for Stella, her first encounter and its repeat variants have been tuned up and her personality fleshed out a little more. She's still cheerful, but she should have more personality beyond just that trait and is now more distinct from the generic Mimics. Here is a brief changelog about what you may expect with regards to Stella in v23.9:

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I do hope that everyone interested in this update news finds this at least a little useful.

Now on the modding news front, the Oneiros mod has been updated and now uses Beris' art for the Minotaur dream. A second update to Oneiros separates the mod dreams from the random dream system and adds them to its own menu of dreams. If you used the previous mod, make certain to delete it before installing the new version due to changes in the mod's structure.

Oneiros v1.4 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

The Sitting Mod has received a few fixes and tweaks to give some of the attacks a little more power.

The Sitting Mod v1.33 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

The Challenge Mod has received an update targeting the Mystic Forest and Forest Dungeon, a second update for Lizard Girls, and two bugfixes that also include a small amount of content:

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The Challenge Mod v1.32 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

The Basic SFX mod has received a compatibility update for MGD v23.8.

The Basic SFX mod v3 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

The Moaning Forest has received two updates that will be detailed in the following changelog.

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The Moaning Forest v0.9 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

Waifupocalypse has received a small bugfix update fixing a music call for Imps.

The new Waifupocalypse update can be downloaded from Github .

rmjwmmd has released a new Dragon Girl mod that also includes the Whelpling along with 7 other new Dragon Girls. Changelog for the Dragon Mod is as follows:

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The Dragon Mod v1.01 can be directly downloaded from Discord .

I do hope that everyone interested in this modding news finds this at least a little useful.
Yeah I can understand where you guys are coming from. Sorry if my comment came off as me hating or anything, I love the game, I just thought it would be better to have a CG or CGs for an enemy attack that IS used more than once in a single fight, instead of one for a character that not everyone might even like.

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
Yeah I can understand where you guys are coming from. Sorry if my comment came off as me hating or anything, I love the game, I just thought it would be better to have a CG or CGs for an enemy attack that IS used more than once in a single fight, instead of one for a character that not everyone might even like.
Err, what? 'A character that not everyone might even like' literally applies to every girl in the game.
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Hopeless DIO

Aug 14, 2017
No shit genius, what I'm saying is multiple CGs small CGs for multiple generic enemies would be better and more efficient than 1 CG for 1 enemy that doesn't even use it in a fight.
There’s also the cost/worth aspect to it as well, commission EX 5 CGs that wouldn’t get in for a while due to artist limitations/lack of funding, or commission 2 CGs for a “unique” monster like Venefica.
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Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
No shit genius, what I'm saying is multiple CGs small CGs for multiple generic enemies would be better and more efficient than 1 CG for 1 enemy that doesn't even use it in a fight.
She does use it in her fight? That's the second nonsense thing you've said. Why not just say that you don't like Aiko, which I assume is the real issue you have with it.
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Feb 8, 2020
I tried the Dragon Mod today and thought it was rather good. One small criticism, that the Dragon's Peak on the map shows up really small, I almost didn't notice it had been added, especially since it's a dark brown in a slightly lighter brown area.
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Jan 2, 2019
where is the auto for automatically progressing chat? Was it removed?

Edit: found out, press right arrow Button
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
No shit genius, what I'm saying is multiple CGs small CGs for multiple generic enemies would be better and more efficient than 1 CG for 1 enemy that doesn't even use it in a fight.
you're the one talking shit here:rolleyes:
aiko uses the titfuck stance at least once per fight her loss scene is also a paizuri:love:
+ you can request a titfuck when visiting:love:
and threshold-sensei decides which girl receives cgs and how many:sneaky:

also what the fuck do you mean by "small CGs" aiko's cg too big for you?
you want tiny/little pics?
what's wrong with you?
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Jan 2, 2019
I believe the bar where it is is automatically hidden unless you mouse over where it is. It should be at the top of your screen, just put your cursor around there and it should pop up.
I found it, when you go and press arrow right key then the menu appears again

Actually you were right its at the top, i was mousing over the bottom...
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