
New Member
Oct 6, 2018
I fail to see how this thread becoming less active as a result due to there simply being nothing new of substance to talk about for months on end is really a bad thing.
You haven’t established why the thread continuing to receive posts despite a languid development pace is a bad thing either, though.

As far as I’m aware, MGD does not contain subliminal messaging. Everyone posting here is doing so of their own free will. Presumably because they find making posts about the game in some way engaging. If people want to do that then, irrespective of the effort being put into the game, where is the harm?

It’s not as if this thread drying up completely is going to prompt Threshold to knock back half a dozen espresso and kick development into overdrive.

- The dq wasn't the only one fucking around, and it wasn't just 1 demon queen, why cast the barrier now? This particular queen is a coward? Possibly true, with the ssingular instance we actually get a glimpse at the queen's personality, she's somewhat of a homebody? OR maybe even a NEET at the worst.
I think being the Demon Queen allows her to avoid the title of NEET, if only on a technicality.

That said, I don’t think she’s a NEET regardless. In the sparse category of ‘things known about the Demon Queen’ is the fact that Sofia thinks she’s interesting. Which is both high praise coming from someone with Sofia’s disposition, but also not something I think she’d say were the Demon Queen simply squatting on the throne without any further aspiration beyond self preservation.

She might be a coward. But if she is, it’ll probably be a ‘I’m scared but forcing myself to do the thing anyway’ sort. According to Sofia, again, the title of Queen is voluntary, not just something the strongest monster gets by default. Which means its current holder chose to take it, despite surly knowing that doing so would place her in a lot of crosshairs. Not exactly a cowardly choice.
Last edited:
Sep 5, 2022
MGD isn't a game that's theory worthy, not in a "I'm not wasting my time on that" kind of sense, but rather that it just doesn't have enough content to make a theory on.
What makes a good theory would be a ration of 60-80% evidence and support the rest with healthy speculation. A game which is 'theory worthy' would be one that's cryptic, reveals alot yet nothing at the same time, constantly leaves simply crumbs for you to find, leaving you to connect the rest. MGD clearly isn't this in the slightest, even the theoriess you could make (conspiracy behind the adventurer guild, venerae's true intentions, who really casted the barrier, who corrupted perpetua and venefica and what are their goals) leaves you.... you guessed it, just questions. First you quesstion, then you theorize, but there's just not enough evidence to even form a theory, and this is jut the result of amateur writing along with thresh not even wanting to make a game like that.
pack it up bois he hath spoken and there shalt not be any more theories

On a more serious note, I agree, this game isn’t meant for any serious lore discussion. Thresh isn’t out to make that sort of game with MGD, and the game clearly prioritizes the “waifus we made along the way” as opposed to some grand adventure.

Damn. Thought the next update dropped and got excited but no, its just people schizoposting over a porn game.
I feel your pain, I’m still waiting for the Aphrodia district update, or whatever the next district in the capital will be called. I periodically check on this game only to find “livewire alleyway encounters” like bro, gimme the other two succubus campers, their presence in the capital has been established ages ago and all we’ve seen so far is Catherine doing god’s work deflecting any Karens who go to her shop.

Noah Neim

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2020
Just like I said that the effort to discuss lore and world building should somewhat mirror the developers effort of creating said lore and world building in the first place, I also think that a threads activity level should mirror the effort and recent output of a games development. Far be it from me to start another cycle of "this game makes barely any progress" talk, but it can hardly be denied that this game barely makes any freaking progress anymore these days. I fail to see how this thread becoming less active as a result due to there simply being nothing new of substance to talk about for months on end is really a bad thing. Sounds like a natural development to me that would fix itself automatically when at some point an update will drop that includes more than 1-2 fuck scene dialogues, 1 cg and some mild balancing changes.
Fair, I still enjoy every "this game barely makes any progress" arguments though, for now atleast.
I'm at the end of my life cycle though, soon enough I'll stop caring, no worries

I think being the Demon Queen allows her to avoid the title of NEET, if only on a technicality.

That said, I don’t think she’s a NEET regardless. In the sparse category of ‘things known about the Demon Queen’ is the fact that Sofia thinks she’s interesting. Which is both high praise coming from someone with Sofia’s disposition, but also not something I think she’d say were the Demon Queen simply squatting on the throne without any further aspiration beyond self preservation.

She might be a coward. But if she is, it’ll probably be a ‘I’m scared but forcing myself to do the thing anyway’ sort. According to Sofia, again, the title of Queen is voluntary, not just something the strongest monster gets by default. Which means its current holder chose to take it, despite surly knowing that doing so would place her in a lot of crosshairs. Not exactly a cowardly choice.
Possibly true, but reminder, interesting isn't quite clear praise. Also, Sofia herself right now is somewhat of a neet, you can discount it on accounts of her having a job but her job is just giving out fake badges to whatever shmuck that makes it there, rest of it is spent sleeping and petting ancilla. Of course it's still praise coming from her, point is, you can be interesting and a neet. Though that's just a worst case scenario.

pack it up bois he hath spoken and there shalt not be any more theories
That's right, my word is law, obey me lowly creature. :KEK:


Apr 26, 2021
Dreams is very light on femdom, and in fact you really only get femdom through defeat scenes which no one experiences, unless they do it on purpose. (Which is like saying ROBF is a femdom game.) The actual sexual content that matters is almost exclusively either maledom, or switch with a maledom leaning. Like Kotone, Jora, defeating Himika and Mizuko, defeating Shizu and having her go from "interested" to liking you. All the inn girls etc etc. Pursuing Tabitha, the tentacle lady, and the weird monster lady.
"Very light on femdom" I don't know how you could say that considering how many femdom scenes even the characters you bring up have; Kotone with her hypnosis, and the semen tap scenes in the inn. This also ignores Venefica, as most of her content has her as dominant, and Vivian's training scenes. But the most obvious source of femdom in the game is the loss scenes, I should note I'm also talking about the scenes where you fail at something that isn't combat like the BonBonBun investigation, the loss scenes make up a massive amount of of the games scenes as pretty much every enemy needs at least one. I will grant you that the game is pretty easy so you can avoid these scenes very easily, but the game being easy enough that you can avoid most of them doesn't mean they don't exist it just means the game is easy.
Mar 22, 2023
"Very light on femdom" I don't know how you could say that considering how many femdom scenes even the characters you bring up have; Kotone with her hypnosis, and the semen tap scenes in the inn.
You know what.

I'll eat that.
I was wrong in phrasing that way. I meant to say the average sexual experience is very light on femdom.
I'mma make up an example game.

Let's say you're playing a game where the scenes are decided by how you run into the enemy. Run into them head on, you dom them, and you win. Let them run into you (run into your back or side), they dom you, and you lose..

Every character in this game technically has 2 scenes. If you look at the CG list for that hypothetical game it's split right down the line. But playing the game is a completely different story. You'll basically only see one side of the experience, because that's how you progress. That's where the incentives are, and the game's difficulty is to the point where it's not challenging to be the winner.

I should've been more specific in what I said, but that's what I meant regarding MGDs.
The game is chock full of femdom-focused content, moreso than mutual and otherwise.
You're right. I mispoke. That was not what I originally meant to say.
I'll quote a wise man from before. The characters are not that deep. At best, they're fine. What you're describing in your example is fairly surface-level characterization, and you can find it in an 80's toy cartoon.
I can't tell if this is a dig at 80s toys cause my man... Do I got some toys to show you.

Jokes aside, it depends on the person and to me, they're developed enough.

Kotone is an exception with the effort I won't deny, but just like all optional content in the game, the amount of effort the devs are willing to put in varies with their interest. I don't think it's right to expect that kind of effort for every NPC, especially since players all have varying sexual interests.
Sep 5, 2022
damn y'all got some raging discussion going here

meanwhile my most burning question is why, after reaching full relationship with Aiko, does she let PC fade away after he loses to her in battle despite saying before the battle that she simply wanted him to go back to the bedroom and offering to carry him back. like....why?


May 3, 2018
I can't tell if this is a dig at 80s toys cause my man... Do I got some toys to show you.

Jokes aside, it depends on the person and to me, they're developed enough.

Kotone is an exception with the effort I won't deny, but just like all optional content in the game, the amount of effort the devs are willing to put in varies with their interest. I don't think it's right to expect that kind of effort for every NPC, especially since players all have varying sexual interests.
Skeletor was all memes and moustache twirling. Tell me I'm wrong.

I have to mostly disagree only because writing, like any other creative endeavor, is a process of constant improvement. People who remain static have either peaked, or they've arrogant enough to believe they're just that good. Regardless, Kotone set a precedent for Threshold, whereas others like Vili are fine as they are in a game with less emphasis on its characters. As-is, Threshold needs to decide if he wants a waifu sim with sex battles, or a sex battle game with serviceable characters.


New Member
Oct 6, 2018
Possibly true, but reminder, interesting isn't quite clear praise. Also, Sofia herself right now is somewhat of a neet, you can discount it on accounts of her having a job but her job is just giving out fake badges to whatever shmuck that makes it there, rest of it is spent sleeping and petting ancilla. Of course it's still praise coming from her, point is, you can be interesting and a neet. Though that's just a worst case scenario.
Praise wasn’t quite the right word choice. What I meant to imply is that Sofia is stupid old, thinks she’s seen everything worth seeing in the world, and has her positive feelings dulled by soul withdraw. The list of things she finds genuinely interesting is probably very small, and I assume the Demon Queen must be doing something of note to have gotten on it.

Though you are correct that it’s not impossible to be interesting and a NEET. Hopefully not how things will turn out. Between Sofia and Vii, I think the game has hit its quota of lazy, absurdly powerful shut-ins.

I'm fairly certain holding office doesn't prevent addition titles form being accumulated. At best, she couldn't be called a full NEET because she's still required to engage with her subjects now and then. But, outside those obligations?
No, but some titles exclude others. I was just being tongue in check about the NEET acronym including ‘not in employment.’ Demon Queen could have all the associated personality traits turned up to 11, but she has a job*, so technically not a NEET.

*At least, I going to count Queen, especially when it’s not a hereditary position.

My point is, despite Sofia finding the DQ interesting, she's also not enthusiastic about performing as her leader commands. If she was sent to the first dungeon as a deterrent, it stands to reason that once someone like Vili showed up, Sofia would have been called back. I get the impression there is a lot more to that "interesting" than should be assumed at face-value.
In terms of being called back, I think you could make the same statement about the oni sisters. Neither they nor Sofia require the protagonist to defeat them seriously to receive the knock-off sigil. Vii proves Sofia isn’t the only monster with the reality warping shenanigans required to keep the forest dungeon running, and the oni aren’t even involved in dungeon maintenance in that way. Both could be replaced with other monsters, if the Demon Queen wanted to free up her up her most valuable subordinates.

(Side note, I will not at all be surprised if the casino boss also sandbags, when she arrives in 2027)

Anyhow, DQ has decided that the sigil tests are going to be done by her commanders, despite the task being below their capabilities. Not sure why, fingers crossed there’s eventually a satisfying explanation.

My point would be that Sofia’s lack of enthusiasm doesn’t necessarily mean lack of support. She just got assigned a job she can do with zero effort, intentionally so according to Ancilla. Why try harder when you already meet your obligations effortlessly.

Heck, a try hard Sofia could likely stonewall every adventurer who comes calling. But doing so probably violates the terms of her employment, same way she’s limited to only stocking certain types of monsters in her dungeon.

Unless it was taken out of necessity to maintain order within the ranks, which is an actual thing that can and has happened before.
Could be. There’s already lines in the game that suggest the Demon Queen is the reason all the commanders are on the same page.

But someone’s leadership being a necessity for a nation to win a war isn’t a necessity in the same way as say, an atmosphere is for you and I to keep breathing. We can’t choose to breathe sans atmosphere, but a cowardly demon queen could choose to not sit the throne, necessity be be damned.

Outside of the scenario where some third party is strong arming her into ruling, I think it’s safe to say she is there by choice, which puts a limit on how cowardly she can be.


New Member
Dec 26, 2022
I finally got mods to work on Android 14, here's a guide so that you can access the "Android/Data" Subfolder:

I also used File Manager Plus from the Google Play Store.

(P.S. I recommend adding one mod at a time to avoid errors, I only had one mod that wasn't working out of 9)
  • Heart
Reactions: JungleNuts


Oct 17, 2017
You know what.

I'll eat that.
I was wrong in phrasing that way. I meant to say the average sexual experience is very light on femdom.
I'mma make up an example game.

Let's say you're playing a game where the scenes are decided by how you run into the enemy. Run into them head on, you dom them, and you win. Let them run into you (run into your back or side), they dom you, and you lose..

Every character in this game technically has 2 scenes. If you look at the CG list for that hypothetical game it's split right down the line. But playing the game is a completely different story. You'll basically only see one side of the experience, because that's how you progress. That's where the incentives are, and the game's difficulty is to the point where it's not challenging to be the winner.

I should've been more specific in what I said, but that's what I meant regarding MGDs.

You're right. I mispoke. That was not what I originally meant to say.

I can't tell if this is a dig at 80s toys cause my man... Do I got some toys to show you.

Jokes aside, it depends on the person and to me, they're developed enough.

Kotone is an exception with the effort I won't deny, but just like all optional content in the game, the amount of effort the devs are willing to put in varies with their interest. I don't think it's right to expect that kind of effort for every NPC, especially since players all have varying sexual interests.
Yo, pal

I see you made this thread your own social : D

So, anything new?


May 21, 2018
I see this forum is as lively as ever... anyways i was kinda bored so Ill leave a little crackpot lore theory.

The demon queen and the goddess are in coots. why because the situation really benefits both sides when you think about it.
The goddess get the following, no bloodshed, prayers, power (through the coins which seem to be a sort of energy source) and a controllable world state (probably more too this as well). Also any time we try to find out about her its rather strange? (Angel interactions and her artifacts).

The demon queen gets to satisfy the needs of her people the monster girls, a stable kingdom that is constantly evolving and no needs to worry about a proper war.

However it should be noted that their is a 3rd faction that is pulling the strings who doesn't like the way things are going and there hasn't really been enough about them to guess what they truly want but they are definitely opposed to the goddess, demon queen and humanity ( I think...)

anyways that's all.

Noah Neim

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2020
I see this forum is as lively as ever... anyways i was kinda bored so Ill leave a little crackpot lore theory.

The demon queen and the goddess are in coots. why because the situation really benefits both sides when you think about it.
The goddess get the following, no bloodshed, prayers, power (through the coins which seem to be a sort of energy source) and a controllable world state (probably more too this as well). Also any time we try to find out about her its rather strange? (Angel interactions and her artifacts).

The demon queen gets to satisfy the needs of her people the monster girls, a stable kingdom that is constantly evolving and no needs to worry about a proper war.

However it should be noted that their is a 3rd faction that is pulling the strings who doesn't like the way things are going and there hasn't really been enough about them to guess what they truly want but they are definitely opposed to the goddess, demon queen and humanity ( I think...)

anyways that's all.
Yeah we know. :KEK:


Feb 8, 2019
Wow uh, I guess nothing seems to have changed for now in this thread as usual.

Happy 2025 folks! Yeah, I can't believe I am still sticking around here. I think I can do better things in life than just replying to a porn game discussion.
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