- Nov 21, 2018
- 441
- 385
Most likely the two onis. Threshold already has their art, but he needs to code it in. He might add one of the three mountain succubi as well.who is the next art going to be of? Feng?
Most likely the two onis. Threshold already has their art, but he needs to code it in. He might add one of the three mountain succubi as well.who is the next art going to be of? Feng?
This piece of lore will likely be expanded upon in the future, Elly may be a source of some information regarding the enchantment eventually. But to give an answer now, the enchantment that prevents harm works off of intent to a degree, so while armor may be meant to protect the wearer, armor with offensive additions would likely register as intent to harm since one could argue the only reason for such an inclusion would be to harm others by either luring them into coming into contact with the wearer or the wearer of such armor trying to initiate contact with their opponent.I have a lore question.
Could we just equip armor covered in sharp objects and let enemies injure themselves by trying to have sex with us?You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
That is correct, but some of this will get into spoiler territory.I believe that's fine. If I recall correctly, Sofia says she can eat your soul but chooses not to. So there should be ways around the enchantment.
Oh man, that's great. I already love how there's a decent amount of body variety in the game, especially in regards to the more muscular girls (Belle content when?), but thought it was lacking in the chubby/plump/fat department.and a third that provides her with a pleasantly plump physique for those with a preference for women being a little plush.
What's wrong with Lillian in the new update?Hello everyone, here's a little a good and mixed on a pair of additions to the upcoming update. The mixed news is that Lillian is having her content revised a little due to feedback as a number of users have found Lillian to be a little jarring and not coming off as Threshold has intended. How that will ultimately take shape is not quite known yet, but if you've found Lillian's presence a little problematic after her most recent update, rejoice, for her content is being tweaked.
Personally, I'm curious to see how the current Lillian would have developed as the story went forward. However, the criticisms being levied are that Lillian comes off as a psychopath that is close to the point of being committed due to various elements. Some criticisms hold that she is too delusional with regards to the lurid reality of the continent of Lucidia and the town protecting her views such as Amber not allowing her into the shop or Vivian having an empty cafe area for Lillian devoid of debauchery. Then some add in the scene where she sighs before using magic to hurl a guy hitting on her out of the Church and then returns to her usual cheerful demeanor as she makes her way to the player as further signs of instability.What's wrong with Lillian in the new update?
I never got to that scene yet; I can see why a lot of people didn't really like that scene as it goes to far.Of course, this is actually not the first time Lillian sparked controversy that led to a rewrite. Before the recent update for her, Lillian's previous scene for rewarding the player with the Demon Layer just involved an imp shaped training dummy. However, before that, there was a scene where Lillian captured an actual imp and was practicing using the Demon Layer on said imp while interrogating her. Here's the scene for those who are curious:
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So Lillian's initial content runs have a history of being intense and precipitating feedback that leads to content tweaks. What the result will be this time I couldn't say for certain, but however it turns out, it is something to look forward to.
I do hope that this answers your question in a satisfactory fashion, Belphegor007.
Until I read the post that people thought Lillian's character wasn't serious enough and the imp whipping was too silly I didn't realize anyone thought we were supposed to take the setting or characters seriously. The game is basically putting up a billboard saying that the whole situation is a show for some purpose of the Demon Queen, all the people we encounter are either participating to survive or actively willing, and we're in very little real danger no matter the situation. As a plot that's fine, the game uses it to inject fun into otherwise serious or scary situations, and so it can have characters that take character tropes to the extreme. Like, something's wrong with Lillian being adorably naive to the nth degree, but Evelyn being an alcoholic bureaucrat that complains about the paperwork when you tell her the Demon Queen's right hand woman nearly killed you is OK? Perpetua being a ridiculous Tsundere (or whatever the Japanese term for female rival is) in a completely childish way is fine, but Lillian is too childish?I've ruminated a bit on Lillian's character, and the topic of how well written she is. My conclusion now also add that this depends on how seriously we're supposed to be taking the setting. To preemptively clarify, by serious, I mean mainly that we're to think of things as though we're in a real place, interacting with real people, and hearing of, witnessing, and taking part in real events.
I've been focusing mainly on Lillian, and her writing problems/lack thereof depending on where you stand. But this can apply to others as well.Like, something's wrong with Lillian being adorably naive to the nth degree, but Evelyn being an alcoholic bureaucrat that complains about the paperwork when you tell her the Demon Queen's right hand woman nearly killed you is OK? Perpetua being a ridiculous Tsundere (or whatever the Japanese term for female rival is) in a completely childish way is fine, but Lillian is too childish?
I'm not going to deny being a weirdo who likes to overthink things that probably don't need to be analyzed this deeply. But, the game is still a story, it still has lore, characters with at least some thought put into their history and current views, and at least the skeleton of a plot. You're definetly not wrong for not being as weird as I am, but analysis is still an aspect of the entertainment I consume that I enjoyYou're trying to paint this all with a vaguely intellectual brush, and failing. It's a porn game. None of it is real.
I can't argue with such an honest and earnest response.I'm not going to deny being a weirdo who likes to overthink things that probably don't need to be analyzed this deeply. But, the game is still a story, it still has lore, characters with at least some thought put into their history and current views, and at least the skeleton of a plot. You're definetly not wrong for not being as weird as I am, but analysis is still an aspect of the entertainment I consume that I enjoy
Perhaps my problem is that I like trope-y characters played for laughs, like the scene that was rewritten to be less funny and the idea that all the people in town feel bad for her so they go out of their way to avoid breaking her innocence. So, that translates into me being annoyed that something I like got changed to something I like less to appease someone else, and leaves me wondering why the people complaining have a problem with a "religious extremist" but not with everyone else being a rapist. I guess I just don't understand why people would actively petition for a character to be less interesting.I've been focusing mainly on Lillian, and her writing problems/lack thereof depending on where you stand. But this can apply to others as well.
But, one thing, I think the supposed issue is that her being a religious extremist is more of an unsettling aspect of her character rather than just childish. It paints the town wide conspiracy to keep her from learning about what a pile of degenerates they all are in a worrying light. That she might snap and do something dangerous to herself or others instead of it just being a comedic situation where a bunch of people are trying to keep her innocence intact.
Perpetua being the way she is seems more or less fine regardless of how immersed you are in the setting. She's a goofball with a harmless delusion of grandure and if we are taking things seriously, her antics still make sense as something that would happen in a real world with these fantastical elements.
I am of mixed opinion about Evelyn and some of her reactions. She's actually one of the character's I'd like to see a bit more personal dialogue with. I don't think any one thing with her has super worrying implications if we're taking her seriously, but at the same time I can't recall much in the way of us getting to know her inner thoughts like with Lillian, so eh.
All things considered, I don't take the setting like every little detail is supposed to be a facet of a real place that could be. But, the fact that some of these characters have real hardships or flaws leads me to think that we ought to not just write off everything as a silly cartoon world.
You've got a good point. I do personally enjoy Lillian's characterization both on a haha person does silly thing level and thinking about her more deeply and how someone with her viewpoints managed to get where she is. And her being potentially dangerous is more a possibility, not quite my honest interpretation. Where I would argue is more the equivalency of this to rape being such a large portion of the setting.Perhaps my problem is that I like trope-y characters played for laughs, like the scene that was rewritten to be less funny and the idea that all the people in town feel bad for her so they go out of their way to avoid breaking her innocence. So, that translates into me being annoyed that something I like got changed to something I like less to appease someone else, and leaves me wondering why the people complaining have a problem with a "religious extremist" but not with everyone else being a rapist. I guess I just don't understand why people would actively petition for a character to be less interesting.
This world and setting are being written in ways that can support people that just want to accept a light-hearted world of sex battles with beautiful monster girls and those who want to take things more seriously and examine it more critically. Disgaea and Kirby are serving as inspirations for how the story, lore, and setting are being built. Essentially there is a nice, fluffy veneer there to make the world look happy, enjoyable, outlandish, and so on, but if you start to dig deeper, this quickly falls apart and the setting is much darker than it initially appears or would look if one just accepts what happens at face value.All things considered, I don't take the setting like every little detail is supposed to be a facet of a real place that could be. But, the fact that some of these characters have real hardships or flaws leads me to think that we ought to not just write off everything as a silly cartoon world.
It's cool that the game's writing facilitates both casual players who want to get to the (pretty good) sex battles and smut, and people who like to dig in an go over the world with a magnifying lens. I wouldn't quite interpret the world as secretly a nightmarish hellscape, at least, not any more than our world is and was. Personally, I take a more hopeful message with the contrast between how things are now vs the setting's past both recent and distant. The bloodshed's mostly in the past, people like Sophia who were alive in those times are activley seeking to become better people, and in general the only people who don't seem to prefer the way fighting works are mostly innocents who don't really understand how terrible war truly is. I also totally missed that bit with the cell phone, assuming it to be just some piece of magic working in place of tech, that raises some interesting implications I'll have to think about.So while the continent of Lucidia does largely just appear to be a generally nice and safe location filled with delightful romps of sex as battles rather than fighting with sword, claw, fang, and spell, this more comforting facade is only a relatively recent development due to the work of a few more contemporary demon queens like the former one who tried to steer the world towards peace and the current Demon Queen who is allegedly responsible for the non-violence enchantment which prevents more traditional war efforts from functioning on Lucidia. Not to mention the fact that this sweet, fluffy coating quickly starts to fall away if you go digging around for lore and learn more about the world and its history at large.
I do hope that you find this informative, Mustang Flex.