This sounds sweet but given how quickly MC goes from just meeting the monmusu girl to being her forever mate, I wonder if they secrete love potion when they win at mating a human

Ngl, that would be pretty hot to make cannon.
In MGE, monster girls naturally produce "Mamono Mana" like an aura. This energy is highly corruptive and erodes normal mana into it. By just existing, they corrupt the mana around them.
" Additionally, a major characteristic of mamono mana is that it has the power of “erosion”; it actively binds with other mana and converts it into mamono mana. "
" The most noteworthy property of modern mamono mana is that when added to the mana of other races, in other words, when eroding it and converting it into mamono mana, it causes the amount of assimilated mana to tremendously increase. That is to say, binding one mamono mana with one human mana can result in a total amount of mana as high as three or four. Furthermore, even if you crash less than one mamono mana into two mana, not only will they not cancel each other out, instead due to erosion, the total amount will increase, and all the mana will effectively end up being engulfed by the mamono mana. blablabla, more math jjk babble " - Sabbath Grimoires
For females, it turns them into monster girls.
" If a human woman's body is showered in large amounts of mamono mana, even the mana she originally possessed will all convert into mamono mana, and the inside of her body will be filled with mamono mana instead of human mana, triggering “monsterization”, transforming her body and even her mind into that of a monster. " - Sabbath Grimoires
Seems kinda like mind control but the books imply that the Mamono Mana is just enflaming those desires that were already there.
For males, even just the energy itself acts like a aphrodisiac, viagra,
" Ordinarily, when a man ejaculates, he's releasing vital energy outside of his body, so he should experience feelings of malaise and fatigue, but since that which is released is replenished on the spot by even more mana, instead, it turns out that the more he engages in sex, the greater his vigor and stamina will surge. Because of that, although the penis should normally wither and lose power, even if a man pours mana inside a monster countless times, his erection will continuously tower without withering, and it's possible for man and monster to continue having sex according to one another's insatiable lust and urges. "
" Men end up ejaculating repeatedly in a single night to the point that it seems as though they have been milked dry. The pleasure and ecstasy experienced from having the mana sucked out of themselves certainly is so potent that it causes men to hallucinate as if they had their entire life drained out of them along with it, but of course, the mana is continuously replenished, so there's no way that a man could actually be milked dry to the point of death. " - Sabbath Grimoires
And life support???
" As long as they're having sex, a man and monster married couple don't even need to utilize any other means of energy replenishment such as eating, etc. and they're still able to live. " - Sabbath Grimoires
" Also, it's said that the lifespan of men who become an incubus becomes dramatically longer. Since they can keep living by having sex with each other, their lifespan is roughly the same as the monster that they're coupled with. Just like monsters, their appearance stops aging at a certain stage. It could be as a boy, as a young man, or as a mature man. Since an incubus is a being that's convenient for a monster, they change depending on the tastes of the monster that they're paired with. In this way, an incubus is none other than an ideal male to a female monster. " - Fallen Maidens
For monster girls with no special abilities, magic, etc. it's more like love is being fucked into the guy. The pleasure of sex with them alongside the Mamono Mana heightening lust and emotions is just too good to forget (Kenkou likes to put this a lot on the encyclopedia entries.), like those doujins where the female lead is seduced by the guy by being ahegaoed, except here it is reverse(also works yuristyle. It is how some monster girls monsterize other females.)
That's just default Mamono Mana. Some races have much more powerful effects.
" A man showered in their mamono mana will become fiercely aroused by the sight of them sound asleep, and rape them in their sleep. Even so, they won't wake up, experiencing sex as a dream. " - Dormouse
" When the cotton fluff drifting in the air reaches a man, their sweet fragrance and thick Mamono Mana contained within burst all around, acclimating a man's mind and body with the fragrance and energy of a barometz. On this occasion, a man won't go wild with lust on the spot and immediately rush off to find them, but he'll strongly desire the fragrance imprinted in his brain, and become able to sensitively sniff it out, and naturally he'll be drawn to the source of the fragrance which is their main body. " - Barometz