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Aug 20, 2017
call me crazy and call me stupid, but I think he might actually have something to show this time. If he wanted to he could have just said the same thing as last time "I'm working on MGI, stop asking about it" and no one would have doubted him. But this time he's putting pressure on himself by saying he has something he wants to show, its probably not going to be anything groundbreaking, but I think he has at least something.
View attachment 2279781
You're actually crazy. I mean that in a loving way, honestly, but Redamz is fucking insane. He's a habitual, compulsive liar.
He used to actually post to this forum, like 4years ago. In which he would say things like "The (entire) game will be done by the end of the year!"
"You don't know the work I've done behind the scenes!" etc.

It's the same old grift. Endless promises, endless denial of bought assets he never made himself, endless delays, endless "look I'm making a new character", I'm jingling keys please don't pay any attention to my failures.

Let's not sugar coat this shit, development started in 2015. It's been seven years. It's been so long that it's from the year when the Charlie Hebdo murders happened. This motherfucker will continue to stuck his thumb up his arse and laugh as the money comes in and he occasionally uses 1% of it to buy some assets and pass it off as work. He's the epitome of first mover advantage. He was one of the first on the scene, and he will ride that wave for as long as he can.


May 28, 2019
On Twitter, he stated that he left Patreon a year ago because they were demanding creative control over his game, which he did not like. So, despite the fact that his Patreon gives a review message, it is actually closed down by the developer himself.
So they told him he had to deliver on his promises and he told them no as that is the only thing they care about on control. And he kept collecting till they closed his account. If he had closed it, it would not exist to be reviewed.


Jul 17, 2018
So they told him he had to deliver on his promises and he told them no as that is the only thing they care about on control. And he kept collecting till they closed his account. If he had closed it, it would not exist to be reviewed.
Do you have a source for this?

Iirc he paused his patreon months before Patreon actually did something about it.
As far as the 'narrative control' side of things, didn't Patreon come after him because of implied (and I guess actual, in the case of the Halloween build) incest between Ara and Faranne?

Edit: Okay yeah, you can see from the last three posts on Kemono what happened.
12-30-2020 he pauses billing for January 2021 going forward
4-28-2021 he announces officially leaving Patreon


Mar 19, 2022
So they told him he had to deliver on his promises and he told them no as that is the only thing they care about on control. And he kept collecting till they closed his account. If he had closed it, it would not exist to be reviewed.
I honestly couldn't care less. I simply wrote what he said on Twitter. I tried this game a year ago and was just curious how it went.
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Sep 24, 2018
looking at OutlawTexasRed's timeline of MGI progress over the years made me think:
going by the first playable release in 2016, we are entering year 8 of development and while the recent new years eve post of Redamz rekindled hope in some of us, the overall consensus seems to be rather pessimistic (or rather realistic? Depends on your point of view, really)
So let's enter the realm of speculation and say Redamz drops the bomb tomorrow. It's hot and it's ready. The finished MGI release we've all been waiting for is here. All main plot events + side stories are done, all sex scenes are done, polished up textures, no bugs or glitches, sound is on point, etc.
You get the picture: 100% finished product.
How much more content would be needed to accept 8 years of development with close to 3 years of radio silence?
Because at this point, based on previous development speed, is it even possible for him to release a "satisfying" build of MGI?
Sure there'll always be haters, those that no matter what you place in front of them will complain and talk trash. But the longer the wait, the higher the expectations rise for the final release all while Redamz posts a single update bit in a year like "VR support is dead, not doing that" (2019) and "idk if final game will have new sex scenes at all" (2022) to shoot down any believers that flew to close to the sun.

Aren't we far past the saving grace point of what a final product could realisticly be and this has basically turned into a waiting game of "how high will the dumpster fire burn once the lid is opened"?


Jul 17, 2018
Assuming we get the full game we all wanted MGI to be?
If it is, as you say, everything it was ever advertised to be/we wanted it to be?
If anybody still holding out that this actually happens in our lifetimes is vindicated?
Their faith in Redamz finally pays off?

Egg on my face.

IF it is everything it was suppossed to be, though, be kinda neat, yeah?
We all were initially drawn to the game for a reason, and to see that idea fully realized as a feature-complete, 3D, monstergirl-themed, dating sim, with boners in it?
Well, I think I could get over the egg.

That'll never fuckin' happen though and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he adds more gods-damned, slogfest, crab-collecting or fps segments just to piss in our collective cereal.
Apr 4, 2021
looking at OutlawTexasRed's timeline of MGI progress over the years made me think:
going by the first playable release in 2016, we are entering year 8 of development and while the recent new years eve post of Redamz rekindled hope in some of us, the overall consensus seems to be rather pessimistic (or rather realistic? Depends on your point of view, really)
So let's enter the realm of speculation and say Redamz drops the bomb tomorrow. It's hot and it's ready. The finished MGI release we've all been waiting for is here. All main plot events + side stories are done, all sex scenes are done, polished up textures, no bugs or glitches, sound is on point, etc.
You get the picture: 100% finished product.
How much more content would be needed to accept 8 years of development with close to 3 years of radio silence?
Because at this point, based on previous development speed, is it even possible for him to release a "satisfying" build of MGI?
Sure there'll always be haters, those that no matter what you place in front of them will complain and talk trash. But the longer the wait, the higher the expectations rise for the final release all while Redamz posts a single update bit in a year like "VR support is dead, not doing that" (2019) and "idk if final game will have new sex scenes at all" (2022) to shoot down any believers that flew to close to the sun.

Aren't we far past the saving grace point of what a final product could realisticly be and this has basically turned into a waiting game of "how high will the dumpster fire burn once the lid is opened"?
So long as he finishes the story and adds new sex scenes I think I'd be satisfied, but that's only because I never gave him any money, so I don't have any skin in the game. But I imagine those who did donate to him are expecting so much more than just the bare minimum, because they need to justify not only the 8 years of waiting, but the money they spent expecting a finished game to me made.


Active Member
Dec 6, 2019
yeah its definitely a long shot, but he said something about his experiment reshaping the world and characters, so I'm going to bet its got something to do with the games original intent being a town management sim

updated the timeline too lol
Quoting your timeline:
"2022-08-07: On his discord Redamz claims that MGI is going well story wise, but he hasnt made any new porn
scenes because he finds them boring to make. He also claims to have restructured the chapters and
is about 70% done with the main story"

... "but he hasnt made any new porn scenes" ...

Wait what!? Does he honestly think that people care that much about the story or what? I hope for the love of God he's at least written "porn scene goes here" because if he thinks people paid him that much every month because they were extremely interested in the story I'm pretty sure he's wrong.

I mean I can understand getting burnout but this potentially means one of two things:
1) the full game will have little to no extra porn scenes (dead)
2) He's going to have to force himself to make tons of porn scenes one after another because instead of doing story AND porn he just focused on story meaning he's potentially forcing himself to make all the porn at once which he claims is boring. (potentially shit quality scenes because of burnout)

I feel like if there are any MGI believers out there they should abandon all hope tbh.


Active Member
Dec 6, 2019
Monster Girl Project got brought up a few times before I think, I've never played it but it looks pretty good
From the looks of it it just seems to be a disconnected series of events kinda like monster girl island when he releases events before they make it into the game. Is there an actual like whole game thing or is it only available as the events? Is downloading all the individual parts the intended way to play or did the dev plan on making a whole game?


Mar 28, 2019
From the looks of it it just seems to be a disconnected series of events kinda like monster girl island when he releases events before they make it into the game. Is there an actual like whole game thing or is it only available as the events? Is downloading all the individual parts the intended way to play or did the dev plan on making a whole game?
That game is also "Abandoned" and someone sad, that " Last update to the thread was 2 years ago " so.....


Active Member
Dec 6, 2019
That game is also "Abandoned" and someone sad, that " Last update to the thread was 2 years ago " so.....
The monster girl curse. RIP. I like MGI more than that other game anyways because that other game seems to have mostly humanoid monsters whereas MGI isn't afraid to *actually* make the girls look like monsters instead of what most people consider monster girls which is just a human woman with body paint and/or fur and some ears and/or a tail.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2019
Wait what!? Does he honestly think that people care that much about the story or what?
Yeah, I said the same thing a while ago when he decided to add lore dumps and shit into the game. As if the stupid minigames weren't enough. People play this game for the sex scenes, not for the stupid lore or mini games.
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Active Member
Dec 6, 2019
Yeah, I said the same thing a while ago when he decided to add lore dumps and shit into the game. As if the stupid minigames weren't enough. People play this game for the sex scenes, not for the stupid lore or mini games.
I honestly don't mind him adding minigames or whatever side content as long as the porn is also being added. Minigames can make for nice time wasters while you're busy trying to recharge from your last nut or whatever but with that being said minigames should be skippable for those who just wanna nut.

Also despite my previous post I am kind of interested in the lore but I'm also *heavily* invested in the porn and I'm confident most patreons funded the game for the porn aspect. Imo he probably should be working on whole chapters of the game and getting them finished. If he *only* works on story then he's gonna have fuck all to show for it like he does now but if he worked on a little bit of everything not only would patreons be able to see that he is actually making progress but they'd also have something to play. I guess that's partially why he dropped patreon because instead of having to work on everything at once he decided to just do one specific aspect with nothing to show for it. I mean he even mentioned "restructuring the chapters"... about 8 years into development! That's a heavy red flag if I ever seen one because it kinda sounds like he's gonna be doing more fucking around like he hasn't even decided on what he wants to do with the game yet. I'm surprised he hasn't had a set in stone idea of the story and the games structure because I would have thought that would be the first thing you have to get right ASAP to avoid a potential assload of work reworking the game into your new "vision".

Btw does anyone here know if he's working on the project solo and how much he was making on patreon? I feel like a remember him making a ridiculous amount of money on patreon. I think I remember him even being the #1 Porn dev on patreon so I would have thought with the kind of money he was earning he'd be employing other people to do various shit and get the game out within a reasonable time frame. He could have found a quality animator or mapper or whatever to help him make extra porn scenes and maps while he wanted to focus on story but afaik he didn't do that.
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New Member
Mar 13, 2019
in contrast to everyone hating on the production of the game, from what ive gathered the reason theres not been updates is because the "updates" have been strictly through discord, theres been some updates there. And MGI "Prologue" which would be more akin to this version, will be separate entity from the full game.

Also from what ive gathered, the creator may want to finish the scale before making a larger scale update on it online, but im not fully sure on that
3.60 star(s) 25 Votes