I was thinking this thread could really use an FAQ on the main page, because the same questions really do get asked a lot.
But would people even read it?
2 or 3 pages ago someone answered the question someone asked 1 month ago, like random answer to a very specific problem and 20mns later someone asked the same question that was asked 1 month ago without anyone posting anything between the answer and his question... So yeah not sure about the reading thing.
Some FAQ could be nice but the OP is dead since the launch of part 3, because they can't use the actual mtl version of the game (for reason) so the version is outdated and without any english translation for part 3.
So people are going to come here anyway.
And at the end of the day the search option exists and if you can't find your answer at least someone could feel good for helping you (or not xD)
Personally I get my dose of feel good vibe every morning when I wake up and I can answer 1 or 2 questions that someone asked during the night. Most of the time it's just a link to the most user friendly mtl or some easy answer.