What you mean by that didn't have played the new update yet. But the way you described Natassja is it that she worked as a stripper for a night the actual fuck ssly dev didn't knew you would have made Nat fall so down. Ugh hope MC dumps her and goes back to Val she's a woman with standards❤
I mean working as a stripper makes me completely think of Nat as a slut, a whore.
Ugh unimpressed
So after Val and Nat coming face to face does Nat takes MC and leaves?? Coz that was the last update which I played. Later didn't got time for but today I decided to come back for Motherless again but by looking at the recent comments I've somehow lost interest though.
Nat worked as a stripper completely naked which MC didn't liked, after returning home they sleep together and when they wake up MC is like - " Yeh cool, mom, you enjoyed shaking it for random strangers/were turned on in the outfit bla-bla-blah but yah love you mum let's move in together and forget everything". What the fuck seriously damn that's utterly messed up and disgusting.
Damn that means Nat used to work and still is a mere stripper, slut, a freakin whore disappointed. Ssly didn't expected this shit plot duh.
Welp I was gonna install it but I thought before installing why not I give a rundown through the current updates what all I've missed so came to last pages and came across this shit ssly just made me loose interest completely.
Woah now I wouldn't go that far. Like I said it's still an amazing game and even if I was/am upset by those Nat scenes I would never say it makes the game unworthy as a whole and it's not a super gratuitous NTR scene in the club or anything-and there are plenty of games with said scenes to be actually upset about-again not saying I like/agree with most of Nat's actions but I understand them especially with how much she was manipulated and it certainly adds depth/color to the story. Can't be all sunshine or you'll just get burnt, right?
Bottomline it's upsetting but even as someone easily triggered(Clearly) at the moment I wouldn't say stop playing. Amazing game, stellar dev, don't let tantrums like mine throw you off entirely(I'm mostly over it anyway lol)
She danced one time in her underwear because she was broke, don't blow it up to be more than it is.......
Oh I was definitely more upset about it than is reasonable, no denying that, I mean she didn't make out with/etc any of the clubgoers, was basically left with no other options than to do this for a night(else she'd end up on the street-which is undoubtedly worse than a night of stripping)and she was heavily manipulated for all of the previous events I was upset with so it could've been much worse and it's not like I'm unempathetic to her-but to not be upset at all by your mother being turned on-even for a few hours-while she was essentially forced to strip/dance for strangers less than a day after she'd last seen you/slept with you while wearing the outift she was forced to wear for years after you were tricked away from her is probably slightly less reasonable of a reaction(Unless that's part of your kink which is a different discussion).
Anyway super excited for the new update Mr
²-like I said no matter what my reactions to the above scenes(And even in my dislike of them I appreciate the skill of writing them/etc) overall you've got an amazing game, top 10 potential for sure, looking forward to seeing how it develops and supporting financially when I can