Maybe not bright lights, but us voyeurs (of which we all are) need enough to tell what's going on. I haven't seen the scene (tongue twister I know) so I can't comment at all on it except to mention I'm one of the "lights at least partially on" kinda guys. Someone give us a teaser damnit!
You da man Trope. I think the lighting is subtle, and sufficient. If it was a greyscale it'd be good Noir. But don't go darker my man, or we'll have to send The Gnomes (tm) to your place..
I finished the latest update. So a few words about it. Each update in which Scarlett is good. Each update in which there is a lot of Scarlett is even better. This is my subjective opinion.
I like Scarlett's new nickname. Koala are cute. Just like Scarlett.
Good, innocent Scarlett as an anal whore? Shocking experience.
A few days ago you led me to Gremlins. Now I know why.
Something very bad happened with the super waist Scarlett. These MC boxers should fall into her ankles.
I still don't know who Martha is in this game. More mother or lover. She is sometimes overprotective.
Emma packaging scene. Life itself.
A matter with women and disappearing toilet paper. Life itself.
New girl (Charlie). Very interesting. I'll wait and see.
Eileen. What is its natural hair color actually? I just noticed dark roots. And the pubic hair is pink.
Kaira has a new hairstyle. I like it because I like braids.
Pink Ferrarini. It's like a pink Paris Hilton Bentley. A funny idea with Pigletto. Enzo probably shudder in the grave.
Not enough Alexia in the update. She only appeared again for a moment.
Waiting for a date with Amanda.
And that's it. Bravo Trope. I liked it.
Scarlett was in the background (sexually) during all Season 2 because she was waiting for the confirmation (or not) of her sisterness. Now that it's revealed, she needed a big scene.
I wanted to play with the contrast between sweet and lustful Scarlett. Anal Koala resumes it.
Let's say the boxers had a cord to tie them.
Martha is both mother and lover (that's the trick in the incest version, right?) Having her show both sides in the same update was great.
Emma is there to provide some laughs while packing. She also has her most unselfish choice in the whole game. A great update for her as a secondary character and for her development.
I know some people will miss the student replaced by Charlie, but I like her better. I'm surprised no one tried to write an email to her address, though.
Kiara already used the braid on their date for lunch. I love how it looks on her.
The pink Ferrarini and the Pigletto were fun to do. Sorry for the bleeding eyes.
Unfortunately, Alexia's reason to be home only allowed for that mini scene.
Amanda and Eva will have their first dates in the next updates. Kiara, Meemaw, Debbie, and Lisa too.
Too many first dates!!! The next update will have, at least, one of them.
I loved doing the scene with Martha, and not only because she's my fav. It's a long scene that allowed me to show other parts of her behavior. Daring, sweet and motherly.
I was a bit bored of "sweety", "my love", and "my life" so the trend with the nicknames started with Norah in the last update, and continued with Scarlett, Charlotte, and Kalyani.
Emma will be next in the pregnancy tests. I have some ideas that look fun beforehand. Let's see how they look once written/rendered.
I have also some ideas for Kiara's date. I won't disclose if it will be in the next update, though.
Daphne and Erika will show up in the next update. I promise. I try to not have any girl living in the house missing two back to back updates. Not everyone can have sex, but their stories can advance.
While no Zeus is disappointing. Maddie herself is still a great person and one of fav li in this game so it will be alright. So it's good to hear that she will be in next update.
Another question -- I noticed a (locked) scene in the gallery on day 21 about someone named "Nellie" -- behind the blur, I can see dark hair styled similar to Martha, and red bikini or lingerie. Who is this and why don't I remember seeing her? I presume I made a choice somewhere that eliminated her, but I don't remember what it might have been...
Another question -- I noticed a (locked) scene in the gallery on day 21 about someone named "Nellie" -- behind the blur, I can see dark hair styled similar to Martha, and red bikini or lingerie. Who is this and why don't I remember seeing her? I presume I made a choice somewhere that eliminated her, but I don't remember what it might have been...
She's Norah's alter ego in the My Residence game. If the player isn't in that girl's path, mini scenes (three/four sentences and one render) from My Residence replace some lewd scenes. The girls are "dollyfied" and it allows me to justify what the MC does in that time instead of "you go to sleep".
She's Norah's alter ego in the My Residence game. If the player isn't in that girl's path, mini scenes (three/four sentences and one render) from My Residence replace some lewd scenes. The girls are "dollyfied" and it allows me to justify what the MC does in that time instead of "you go to sleep".
It shouldn't give that message. The call to the blinking image is c20s001_090a that uses c20s001_090aa, c20s001_090ab, and c20s001_090ac images, that are there.
I just checked and it works fine on my side.
She's Norah's alter ego in the My Residence game. If the player isn't in that girl's path, mini scenes (three/four sentences and one render) from My Residence replace some lewd scenes. The girls are "dollyfied" and it allows me to justify what the MC does in that time instead of "you go to sleep".
She's Norah's alter ego in the My Residence game. If the player isn't in that girl's path, mini scenes (three/four sentences and one render) from My Residence replace some lewd scenes. The girls are "dollyfied" and it allows me to justify what the MC does in that time instead of "you go to sleep".