VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Faithful and Loyal Wife Would Never Cheat on Me [Final] [Jellyfluff Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice very short story of a loving couple.

    Husband's suspicions starts when wife gets a new boss and starts working long hours. She also suddenly starts becoming more open sexually.

    Not many sex scenes in this short story.

    Only couple scenes with Bull_man.

    Refreshing ending.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    +2: game really makes you go through some emotions, despite being short, the game keeps you in suspense and anticipation of something big being revealed till the very end;
    +2: perfect set up (I am talking about name of the game) - it's only heightened all the feelings we go through, it's like an adult stereotype - wife has BBC boss at work and jada jada, of course the set up suggests some wild thoughts;
    +1: the ending, that was fucking hilarious.

    I wouldn't call it a perfect game, it's average, but damn, the way it was executed deserves the highest score)))
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The actors are always facing the spectator.
    The dialogues are a bit long and boring.
    This is just my personal opinion.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Take The Red Pill

    “...and I couldn't imagine life without her”

    You had me there, Dev.
    You had been so adept at creating suspense, right from the first lines, that I had had to unpack the image file without having to wait to enjoy the ending. And yet, I kept wondering where the catch was.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I had no idea what to expect of this when I read the reviews, but I thought... why not. It's a short little story so let's check it out.

    And since it is a short game, I will give it a short little review...

    "What a nice, little surprise."
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, and I am not joking!

    The internet is filled with jokes, but they are direct and loud. Someone investing a lot of time into the kind of humour we experience here is rare, very rare. Well observed and soft in its execution, taking just the right time to unfold. Reminded me of the social commentary comedies from the 80s and 90s. Well done dev, well done! Maybe your talent is wasted on porn games...
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Most of the people who clicked on this game would probably have been confused as to whether or not it is an NTR game. So here's a summary with spoilers.

    This game is NOT an NTR title. It seems to be a parody of the genre and some common tropes that arise in it. The wife is faithful to her husband at the end of the day, our protagonist who's a moderator of an adult game community manages to somehow keep his marriage afloat. And, our stereotypically named "Tyrone Bullman" is actually a happily married gay man.

    Disclaimer: I am someone who enjoys playing NTR games. For the length of this review, I will attempt to be as objective as possible and not go into any intricate discussions of morality, or pass any untoward judgement on anyone.

    The good:
    - The renders are great, and sex scenes are well-done.
    - The game sets out to achieve one thing from the very beginning: to poke fun at certain common tropes, and groups of people. Considering that, the game stays very much on track and does exactly what it intended to do. Hence from an objective standpoint, I think the writing can be considered good.
    - Due to the heavily stereotypical nature of things, it comes across as a lighthearted, quick 10 minute play through which has its own merits I suppose.

    The bad:
    - As previously mentioned, it takes a more light hearted, teasing tone, so if you're looking for something to get your rocks off to, this isn't it.
    - While it seems very much intentional to make the title and themes seem as ambiguous as possible before playing the game, I think it might actively work against its success.
    To elaborate, the title would tend to attract NTR-lovers, who would proceed to play the game and either hate it at worst, or be bored at best. The target audience of the game seems to be people who hate the NTR genre, however the seemingly NTR-related insinuations in the title may actively push them away and make them not want to try the game.

    As a whole, the game isn't really for me or anyone with similar preferences to mine. It's also relatively short with no choices, ending up as more of a linear visual novel than anything else. However, I also think the majority of people who frequent this website will find it to be a decent game that is very clear about its identity and succeeds at it - hence the 4 star rating.