how to get money fast
T tangre Active Member Jun 13, 2017 769 467 Mar 16, 2024 #22 The market needs an automation system of some kind. It will take forever to make $10,000 the way it is.
The market needs an automation system of some kind. It will take forever to make $10,000 the way it is.
J jonas132 Member Aug 13, 2019 106 297 Apr 12, 2024 #24 impossy said: What is the best way to gain hearts? Click to expand... Iirc it's buying costumes and leveling up your assets. In theory cinema should provide a lot of it, but my game bugged there
impossy said: What is the best way to gain hearts? Click to expand... Iirc it's buying costumes and leveling up your assets. In theory cinema should provide a lot of it, but my game bugged there
I impossy New Member Oct 15, 2017 13 4 Apr 13, 2024 #25 jonas132 said: Iirc it's buying costumes and leveling up your assets. In theory cinema should provide a lot of it, but my game bugged there Click to expand... Gotcha, I played only a bit, it seems rather grindy for both resources so I didn't know exactly what I was doing wrong or if there was a better way.
jonas132 said: Iirc it's buying costumes and leveling up your assets. In theory cinema should provide a lot of it, but my game bugged there Click to expand... Gotcha, I played only a bit, it seems rather grindy for both resources so I didn't know exactly what I was doing wrong or if there was a better way.
J jonas132 Member Aug 13, 2019 106 297 Apr 13, 2024 #26 impossy said: Gotcha, I played only a bit, it seems rather grindy for both resources so I didn't know exactly what I was doing wrong or if there was a better way. Click to expand... It's actually manageable if you don't spend your hearts by pressing E too much during all scenes. And money are easily stack after office unlock. But overall, yes, resourse gain overhaul is needed here
impossy said: Gotcha, I played only a bit, it seems rather grindy for both resources so I didn't know exactly what I was doing wrong or if there was a better way. Click to expand... It's actually manageable if you don't spend your hearts by pressing E too much during all scenes. And money are easily stack after office unlock. But overall, yes, resourse gain overhaul is needed here