Alright, listen up, cuz this ain't gonna be pretty, just like this game ain't pretty. Seriously, where do I even start with this mess? Okay, first off, "game"? Nah, man, don't even insult actual games by calling this thing a game. It's more like... a slideshow with words, and not even good words. We're talkin' some seriously D-grade writing here, folks. Like, did a middle schooler write this during lunch break? Probably.
And the story? "Story" is a stretch. It's the same old garbage you've seen a million times before. Nothing new, nothing exciting, just plain boring. You know exactly what's gonna happen from the jump, and guess what? It happens exactly like you think. No surprises, no twists, just a straight shot to Snoozeville.
Choices? HA! Don't even get me started on the choices. They're faker than a three-dollar bill. You click stuff, thinkin' you're makin' moves, but nope! The game laughs in your face and does whatever it was gonna do anyway. So, yeah, your choices are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Pointless. Utterly pointless.
Then there's the visuals... sometimes they're okay-ish, I guess, like maybe a 2 out of 10 okay. But then BAM! Right in the face, you get hit with some seriously ugly, low-rent renders. It's like they hired two different artists, one who kinda knew what they were doin', and one who... well, didn't. And the "animations"? Dude, blink and you'll miss 'em. Seriously, might as well just be static images for all the "animation" you get.
And the sound? Oh, the sound. Or should I say, the lack of sound? Heartbeat. That's it. Just a heartbeat. Is this supposed to be deep or somethin'? Nah, it's just cheap and lazy. Makes the whole thing even more boring, if that's even possible.
Characters? Forgettable. Except maybe the wife, 'cause, you know... But everyone else? Blah. The main dude is a total loser, whiny and pathetic. And his "friends"? What a bunch of jerks. Just straight-up bullies. No depth, no nothin'. Just cardboard cutouts with mean faces.
Honestly, save your time, save your money, save your brain cells. This thing is a waste of everything. It's short, it's boring, it's predictable, and it's just plain bad. Don't even bother. Seriously. Go watch paint dry. It'll be more entertaining. Trust me on this one. Hard pass.
And the story? "Story" is a stretch. It's the same old garbage you've seen a million times before. Nothing new, nothing exciting, just plain boring. You know exactly what's gonna happen from the jump, and guess what? It happens exactly like you think. No surprises, no twists, just a straight shot to Snoozeville.
Choices? HA! Don't even get me started on the choices. They're faker than a three-dollar bill. You click stuff, thinkin' you're makin' moves, but nope! The game laughs in your face and does whatever it was gonna do anyway. So, yeah, your choices are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Pointless. Utterly pointless.
Then there's the visuals... sometimes they're okay-ish, I guess, like maybe a 2 out of 10 okay. But then BAM! Right in the face, you get hit with some seriously ugly, low-rent renders. It's like they hired two different artists, one who kinda knew what they were doin', and one who... well, didn't. And the "animations"? Dude, blink and you'll miss 'em. Seriously, might as well just be static images for all the "animation" you get.
And the sound? Oh, the sound. Or should I say, the lack of sound? Heartbeat. That's it. Just a heartbeat. Is this supposed to be deep or somethin'? Nah, it's just cheap and lazy. Makes the whole thing even more boring, if that's even possible.
Characters? Forgettable. Except maybe the wife, 'cause, you know... But everyone else? Blah. The main dude is a total loser, whiny and pathetic. And his "friends"? What a bunch of jerks. Just straight-up bullies. No depth, no nothin'. Just cardboard cutouts with mean faces.
Honestly, save your time, save your money, save your brain cells. This thing is a waste of everything. It's short, it's boring, it's predictable, and it's just plain bad. Don't even bother. Seriously. Go watch paint dry. It'll be more entertaining. Trust me on this one. Hard pass.