Another "loyal" wife, huh ?? Wonder how fast this one's gonna become the town's official cumdump... never mind, scratch that. I see token Jamal's already at it in preview pics 4, 5 and 6. The guy's wife look like she need a well-hung guy or more to clap her cheeks senseless whenever she in the mood for a good dicking and a complete braindead poor excuse of a man to hold her hand, kiss her and all that vanilla bullshit, but most importantly, to spend all his hard-earned money on her worthless ass and maybe even help her 'clean up' the mess Jamal and his bois leave after they done with her holes. Gotta love 'modern' relationships.

Have to say, why does this type of title sounds kinda offensive, something like calling a fat person skinny and an ugly guy beauty ?? Why beat around the bush when we all know in advance what's gonna happen here ??
Happy fapping, y'all.
And what about the 3rd way ? Kill every motherf*er that look at or approach her ? that would be nice too.
Nobody's to blame if a wimpy dude like this pixelated idiot can't stand up for himself and his wife. That's RL shit.
Women want strong, confident, attractive men to marry and have kids with, not lousy, wimpy, beta cucks fapping to seeing them get fucked by randos and token Chads/Tyrones. No sane woman wants a spineless idiot like that as the father of her children, not their biological one at least, but some of them may end up with this type of losers after they got run through by all the men they were attracted to and they settled down or found themselves other sluts to fuck.
In this fictional case, the only person that needs a serious ass-kicking is the husband. If that doesn't help him have an
epiphany and reconsider some of his life choices, nothing will. Dude deserves to lose his wife and his right to have kids. Life's a nasty, spiteful bitch like that. Can't do anything about it except be prepared for the grind and stay alpha.