Let me clarify a few things. Yes, I'm remaking the game. Many people complained that the game's progression with the affection system was not very intuitive and grindy. I couldn't fix that thing in the 1.0 since it meant modifying how the game works in its core and rebuilding it from scratch. In the meantime, I wasn't satisfied with Isabel since many people told me they liked Mom and Hollie more than her and I felt quite the same. Also, I made some new models and a new menu so I decided to rework the game fixing everything people complained about in the meantime. Of course, I'm adding more stuff as well, more scenes, more outfits, etc. Characters have a new route with old and new scenes and the old affection system has been replaced with a new interaction system. I will wait until I will add Hollie and Grandma back into the game to publish an update here.