Look, this is whats going on.
Pam, Nadine, Brenda and Sandra are done. They all say "Hello Mc!"
Carol wont get enough D from Mc. She keeps asking for her drink which takes you to her sex scene.
Phil: "Im sorry I dont have more photos"
Charles keeps asking for help about the Card.
Ivy accepted one drink and got hit with Alzheimer right after.
Sarah and Christian still in the kitchen. She says "leave us alone"
Shasha and the chick all the way upstairs dipped after doing their scenes.
Jason is on the 2nd floor playing xbox with his buddy

Amy: "Fuck off" Sheila: "A pleasure" Daisy: "get out of here loser" Hannah: "dont bother me weird dude" Beth: "Hey are you looking at my tits"
Tom: "Have fun!! the contestant will be announced shortly" NOW YOU SEE... Ive made over 10k playing poker, spent enough time with Marckus and Morgan to be labeled as a pRoUd GaY mAn. Literally skipped over 40 hours with them and nothing.
Mc is losing his sanity, hes becoming self aware... hes beginning to question the existence of a god. Is he doomed to wonder this house for eternity? Someone.. save him </3