Ummm I mean she IS your actual biological sister.... sooooo it makes a lot more sense to me that the player has major problem seducing her flat out and that she would have interest in non relative before she has interest in the player xD Cucking is with one actual GF or wife and being force to watch powerlessly not one blood relative

that's regular life... So yeah I think there is a need for that scene I understand the taboo fetish people have I don't think the author is refusing flat out to go there he just trying to make it at least 1% plausible as opposed to bring her a "pokemon" card and bam she start ridding you like a champ without ever being interested in any other male in her life -_-
there is nothing realistic about this game where every single girl wants to smash you, your dick is the biggest evar, every single woman that exists is a 20/10 available supermodel with impossible curves, and our character is some super spy that major gangs are all fighting over.
Sarah in the original game was a cute fantasy it doesn’t need the “realism” of her kissing the bully douche that has been threatening us, cucking us and being a little shit the entire game.
Sarah was also by far the hardest girl to get with, with a few ways topermanently lose her and deadlines and shit. The NTR threat at the end added that extra thing to make this harder.
In the original game, we uncover a secret journal that showed she was kind of a perv and always had these fantasies about her brother and was pulling away intentionally near the end. That’s a low more “realistic” than this game.
Where from what we can tell he had no attraction to her brother, is more or less getting blackmailed, and after we break her up with Christian she’s all of a sudden obsessed with us and wants his dick? Despite being more “normal”? That’s not realistic.