bro, there is a search bar in the top of the page, just use it -.-I stuck in the mission : "Go to Street and talk with Marckus" . Where is Marckus?
????Eu gostaria de saber se há mais missões, eu só peguei o caderno da Maria, algum princial ou busca lateral
Despues de Maria tienes el Pink Club,vete donde te dieron el masaje a la iquierda del todo esta el clubEu gostaria de saber se há mais missões, eu só peguei o caderno da Maria, algum princial ou busca lateral
where you got the massage from maid go left it's last door(outside)i cant see the pink club in city, pls help me
as soon you leave your home go left,keep going,he next to bus stop in streetI stuck in the mission : "Go to Street and talk with Marckus" . Where is Marckus?
it's a bug,send me save i'll put the no more contentAlready finished Morgan's quests & bang both his mom & aunt, but this pops up. What cube is he talking about? I dont have any "cube" in my inventory.
send me save i'll put no more content,it's a bugGot the same question. Looks like it's a bug. Can't remember exactly, but i seem in previous version there were an orange "no more quests available" sign.
send me save,i'll look at it,also are you using 0.8.2Stuck in an endless loop here. after doing work for dragunov. got timer to go to morgans house. then go to show, morgans mom sees MCs dick. then wake up timer still there. if ran out will be teleported back to dragunov entrance. tried going to smartphone, tried save reload repeat for a couple of hours(sick and tired of same scenes). tried redownloading again then repeat since the bug on going to bath after helping laura but still unable to progress. any one got other ideas???
Reason why I use controller instead mouseI've got to go the pinky club for maria. I go there at night and try to talk to the receptionist and clicking on her doesn't do anything. Am I bugged?
Edit: Nevermind, I clicked the square on the ground in front of the desk while randomly clicking around and it activated the quest. No fucking idea why that's the trigger but god damn it pisses me off.
you have to choose gentlemen gang, my save has all done to that point,just run or teleport to gang pub you want
download Symphony of the night fix,the 2 files go into data folder or press esc/item/essential item/click phone/close the sparkles should appear in shower,do that for mc and lauraIs there some bug after the dialog with Maria (after helping laura drawing her comic) where you have to take a bath,? I cannot find where to take the bath
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Wow thanks for that much effort helping everyonedownload Symphony of the night fix,the 2 files go into data folder or press esc/item/essential item/click phone/close the sparkles should appear in shower,do that for mc and laura
hey Chicho do you have a save at the begining of the party i want to see all scenes there....?download Symphony of the night fix,the 2 files go into data folder or press esc/item/essential item/click phone/close the sparkles should appear in shower,do that for mc and laura I had the same problem, but fixed it with thisCan anyone help me stuck on creating laura’s porn comics not able to take bath or do anything i have tried every thing but can’t for further then that so please help me.
also I cant use w bottoun for bug fix and booker of face and cant exit house please help
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