Wow! Lots of quality responses. Let me try and respond a little:
Well... I haven't really developed a vanilla path beyond the first day, but I can kind of see what you mean: the specter of NTR haunts the vanilla paths. I think about it this way: I
could create the purest of vanilla paths. Make a world where there are no other men, just you and your virgin bride. And the game is how to convince her to have sex with you. Maybe at critical points the MC is faced with choices like, "should I buy her chocolates, flowers, or wine?"
To me, that sounds incredibly dull. There are some very beautiful, well-designed games that do this. I have much respect for their developers as well as their fans, but I personally lose interest in their games very fast. I don't think I have it in me to create a game like that.
So, there will be other men in the vanilla paths. Some of them will be rich, some will be powerful, some will be intimidating in some way or another, and all of them will provide moments of frustration. That's what antagonists do. If you can't handle the existence of male antagonists, this game is not for you.
So what will make the Vanilla paths different from Rocky Road? If you make all the right moves, you don't need to worry about other guys enjoying your virgin bride. Period. That's my plan.
(But if you
don't make all the right moves...)
These are fair questions. I mainly put the question mark after avoidable because I don't want people approaching this like a Disney film in which happy endings are guaranteed. Even in the vanilla paths, if you, the player, fuck up, outcomes will be disappointing. The question mark serves as a warning.
Perhaps the challenge for me would be to, as a next step, make a vanilla path that would satisfy fans of vanilla ice cream, many of whom already detest the game and are predisposed to hate any further installments. Could I win them back?

Probably not, but I do like a challenge!
It's true that the situation you describe is far from Vanilla. Why, it's almost more like... ROCKY ROAD!
This is an outstanding and valuable comment, and it means a great deal coming from the guy who's breathed much life into the game due to his audio efforts.
I have a few questions for KoGa3:
- You mentioned you don't like your virgin bride anymore, at least in CS:RR. For that storyline, I see the MC waking up on Tuesday coming to a similar conclusion. Would there be anything the bride could do to redeem herself? Would there be any way the MC would drag himself back to college for more humiliation? I ask because I have Wednesday pretty well mapped out, but Tuesday I'm struggling with some of the points you bring up.
- I realize that I went way off the rails here regarding my intention to make a continuation of Wifey's Dilemma. I have no idea if 3Diddly's ever even checked MVB, but if he did he'd probably be like, "WTF?!? This has nothing to do with what I started..." That said, what is it about Wifey's Dilemma that intrigued you and made you crave a continuation? Perhaps I could work harder to weave some of those elements in my continuation.
Anyway, great comments everyone! Thanks for taking the time to provide input, even if you're not happy. Perhaps the next update will have two storyline updates... Gifted Tease: Rocky Road and a Vanilla flavor (Innocent Angel, perhaps?).
Stay healthy!