VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - My Wife Loves Cosplay [v0.11] [Tanami Town]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Game Version: v0.10

    Let me start by saying that it's hard to disagree with Consistently_1nconsistent's review. I share many of these observations.

    The game has distinctive and pleasant graphics. The idea of using cosplay to show Yuki (the wife) in many different outfits and perhaps later role-playing is very good and opens up many possibilities for ideas.

    Unfortunately, the weakest point of this game is the story. I can understand the netorare fetish, i.e., a situation where we are cheated on by our partner. However, here the main character takes the theme of being "unaware" to absurd and even comic proportions. The author, of course, could have done this on purpose without considering it a flaw.

    Maybe it's a matter of how seriously each of us takes the porn we consume, but personally, the heartache, pain, and anxiety at the thought of the potential betrayal of the love of my life, and the desire to laugh at the behavior of the character I play, give me serious cognitive dissonance.

    Personally, I would be much more interested in a story in which the main character and his wife communicate honestly with each other and together determine where they set their boundaries, which may be moved or take different forms as the story progresses. Call me soft, but I think the netorase theme is infinitely more interesting and emotionally engaging than simple betrayal (netorare).

    Ultimately, I recommend this game if you are a fan of betrayal and you don't mind the very high bar of suspension of disbelief that is required to play this game, at least for me.

    In the current version, it took me about 30 minutes to complete the entire content.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is alright. Not really my thing but that's alright. The story though. Man. This is absolutely terrible. Basically the boyfriend (the MC) just found out his girl loves reading NTR manga. She disappeared at the convention for a long ass time and he doesn't put two and two together. I shouldn't say doesn't because he can, but that ends the game instantly. So the only option the reader has is to have him literally ignore all of the evidence that she is indeed cheating on him. This is to the point of absurdity. Literally watching it in front of his face with a Chad who claims that the MC is just taking photos of the Chad's girlfriend (who's clearly Yuki, the MC's girlfriend). This starts when he literally sees his girlfriend walk down a hallway in make-up, disappears, and suddenly there's a girl dressed in the exact outfit that would match her make-up and her exact body type getting railed by the Chad. And instead of walking down and checking it out he just sits back and watches it, too afraid to sack up and approach because, "what if it's not her." If it's not the only thing you've done is ruined someone else's day. Tough. What the ... anyway. This eventually leads to the MC taking photos of a cosplay model, aka the Chad's own girlfriend (wink). She's conveniently got a blindfold on, the exact same makeup and body of the MCs girl. And somehow at no point does the MC ask, "could I see your face, I just like to look someone in the eyes when I meet them." But nope, this is "the ruse" and the MC is clearly dumbest man on the planet.

    Look if you're into NTR this isn't a comment against you. You do you, mate. Seriously, not judgement here. But this story is so bad, even in the NTR space, it's unreal. And that's the problem. It's literally unbelievable. Nothing here gives the suspension of disbelief. The idea that anyone would be so gullible as to not put these pieces together is simply just not possible. It would be one thing if this guy was into it and was intentionally setting up these situations to get off on his wife's infidelity, but that's absolutely not the case here. He can't force the issue at any point even to just get her to admit it and the MC absolutely refuses to acknowledge the egging feeling that he's clearly missing something here. You are never given the scenario of the MC learning about it and discovering he's actually into it, which could result in him banging Yuki far better than he's ever been capable of before, making for a hot scene where he treats her like the slut she is.

    Unfortunately, this is actually worse than most of the cucking games out there in the VN space (which GD there are a lot), only in this the MC isn't able to even watch a large chunk of what's being done to him so the reader misses out too. What's the point then? So how can this be fixed? Make the MC smart instead of frustratingly stupid. Let him figure it out fairly quickly and try to set up his girlfriend. Actually have him follow her. When he finds out she's been cucking him allow the reader to decide "am I okay with this or not?" If they choose "yes" have this become his kink - wanting to see his girl get railed by some other guy. Using that as his sexual motivation when he sleeps with her. Next, have the MC set her up with other guys for a porn site he's started to fund their cosplay, travel and expenses. All of this while she has no clue he's in on the scheme. Have him watch from a distance in another hotel room with hidden cams to catch it all while he engages in his own fun. Whether that be with another girl or not should be up to the reader, but this could be done at the conventions they visit, hotels they stay in, after parties, restrooms, whatever. Then have her find out what he's been doing and see how she reacts. Does she accept it, does it excite her, will she take responsibility for her own actions and fess up, put a stop to her affairs or does she help bring in more talent for their games? This should be based on whether she feels the MC has been paying attention to her needs as well. If she accepts what she's done and what he's done, she could approach him with either another man to bang her in front of him or a fellow cosplayer to fuck him in front of her. If the fellow female cosplayer, it could be to test herself. See if she could handle what he's endured watching what she'd done "behind his back."

    Anyway, this is just an idea. Feel free to use it. I won't mind in the least. The problem with most NTR NVs is the lack of substance to the stories beyond just cheating. And having the MC be so gullible is just tragic. It's like asking a couple to unlock their phones and switch them for an hour, the guy says "sure" but the his girl refuses and this goomba just says, "nah, it's fine. There's no way she has anything on there that'll jeopardize our relationship." Living in ignorance is one thing. This is willful ignorance. The MC is afraid of loosing this girl so bad he'll just ignore all the signs because she let's him touch her, which happens less and less in this story btw. The month long no sex because of a bet she made with her Chad lover was absolutely obscene. This isn't some old couple who have lost their sexual drive for one another. What man would put up with that shit? Evidently this wet rag. And the more she's banged outside of their relationship the less the MC gets laid from Yuki whom he banged three times in a row within the first ten minutes of the opening. Come on, no man wouldn't question this.

    But with all that said, this game wasn't terrible. I've definitely seen worse, but this is by far one of the worst stories I've ever pushed myself to finish. And it's literally the MC's lack of intelligence and unwillingness to scheme as well. But this is clearly not for me. I still wish the Dev the best of luck and I genuinely hope for their success. If you like this title don't let my opinion change you outlook and show the dev some support by becoming a contributor. Write your own review. Point out the things you like and/or the things you'd change.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    totally not worth the small download. three scenes less than 5 minutes of read and zero choices. basically this is my girlfriend and she likes to the read netorare maga and I just found out... maybe in a year of so when there is a bit more content. but right now its not worth the 15 second download.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    So far the story is good and ramping up at a good pace. I thoroughly enjoy the artwork alongside it as well hope to see this project finished. Not much content yet i will say i would wait on it if you want a rich and more diverse story. It seems there may be two separate paths at some point but I'm not a dev so I'm not 100 percent sure on this so look out for that. but again this game so far takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete at version 0.4 so please take into consideration the games at its baby steps and figuring its pacing out.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    good art, good story, good cucking.

    plays on the clueless husband, wife is a whore and a slutty bitch who cheats behind your stupid ass and i absolutely love it. wish i had a woman like this.

    cant wait to see what happens next.