Hello everyone, MKM's creator here!
Recently a fan of the game tipped me off about his thread, saying that there were some good suggestions and constructive criticism here. I gave it a look and indeed there's some interesting stuff.
So I wanted to say thanks to the people who took the time to play my game and share their thoughts and ideas. I know that it might sound strange to thank people given the forum's nature, and it is true that I would certainly appreciate your direct support, but it is what it is and I'm at least glad that people are having a good time and enjoying my little game

it is a good feeling to know that people are enjoying your creation so it makes me happy as well.
Lastly, as I was anticipating dusting off this account (I just don't have much of an "online presence", in a manner of speaking) since being told about it, I remembered that signatures are a staple around here so I decided to hack together a new signature for MKM.
If you're unable to support the game's development directly, then using the sig is a nice alternative as it helps to spread awareness of the game. But of course that is up to you and if you enjoyed the game enough, no pressure ;-)
That's about it, please look forward to more fun times and content in the future!
Best Regards