
Aug 3, 2017
Nabbed the save file from kdfn's earlier post, and made the long walk home to the teleporter stick. Also nabbed a few upgrades that were missed, but I doubt that I've found them all, so don't think this is a 100%.

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Aug 3, 2017
You'll find arachne on the rooftops further east in the town of Tamaresh, which is basically as far east and down you can go. Gotta go past the mine, not into it.
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Jul 15, 2018
Personally, I'd really love alternate animations for some of the enemies if you have their associated fetish disabled. This'll probably make me sound like a fucking idiot considering how much the game focuses on it, but I'm not into vore, so if I choose to disable it in the options, just having straight-up nothing play for some enemies feels worse than if I actually saw the vore animations.

Add that to the fact that half of the feminine enemies/bosses (what I'm really wanting to play and see the animations for) seem to have vore animations even when it doesn't really make "sense" is another punch in the gut. Like, as much as I don't want to see it, I can understand the lamia and lizardwoman having vore animations, because of the animals they're based on and all that, and as far as I know they're also just popular "preds" when it comes to vore stuff.
But when I lose to a big muscular minotaur lady, I'm expecting something completely different, like something to do with lactation because that's the eternal connection of cows and milk. Her having a huge dick out-of-nowhere is fine, kinda plays a little too much into the "big muscular amazon-bodied woman also with a penis!" stereotype for my tastes, but I can look past it. The fact that her animation is cock-vore though, feels really "random" and just doesn't feel like it meshes with her design.
The mushroom dickgirls in the cave also feel guilty of "randomly" having a cock-vore animation. Especially because the animation in question has the mushroom girl with a normal-sized dick waving it in front of Maya's face, then a few seconds later, *poof!* - her dick is now massive and she's shoving Maya inside it, turning Maya into cum and it just feels like snuff at that point.

Oh well, though. I'll just have to accept this game's probably not for me, even if I like a few of the scenes like the kitsune and bat-girl.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
Is this the current end of the graveyard area?
I have no idea how to get further east...

Somehow managed to get past it. Yes, it is indeed the end.

Do you plan to add game over animations to regular enemies?
It's such a loss that e.g. the fairies just release you even if your health reaches 0.
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Active Member
Dec 3, 2017
Just got into this after months since the last time. Does anyone have a list of all the H-scenes? I'm always afraid of missing something when it comes to these games. Also, why are there three futa enemies, but only one actually fucks MC? That's kinda weird.
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Aug 8, 2018
is there a save with latest update but with all old upgrade bonuses collected ? (because it takes hours to colect them all)


Jun 5, 2021
I'm fairly certain you can just carry your saves over.
Specifically, it's a good idea to download the new version, physically move the save files over, and to run it before deleting the old one, just in case.

EDIT: Having played through the new content, can I just say I really appreciate the new area having most of the non-cave enemies (to date) in the same general area? It might not be a gallery, but it's handy to avoid having to remember which teleport goes with which critter.
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Active Member
Aug 24, 2018
Does Flame Sword work? Have it in my inventory but it isn't activating by pressing up + S (or default attack key)


Active Member
Apr 10, 2018
Does Flame Sword work? Have it in my inventory but it isn't activating by pressing up + S (or default attack key)
For me, the skills seemed to break if I lost the game with them. I saved after I got them all, then went and tested the new animation (very nice by the way). Once I respawned I found that I couldn't seem to use any of the abilities. I reloaded the save though, and it still worked fine. I suspect it is a bug of some sort.
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Apr 25, 2018
For me, the skills seemed to break if I lost the game with them. I saved after I got them all, then went and tested the new animation (very nice by the way). Once I respawned I found that I couldn't seem to use any of the abilities. I reloaded the save though, and it still worked fine. I suspect it is a bug of some sort.
How did you get into the next level? I can't get past the swamped graveyard
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