I tried to talk to her at Sweet Treats at the morning but the dialogue is nothing special.
Have you
watched her morning stream yet? you need to do that before you talk to her about it.
Add to that the fact that even you said that when you tested what I said, I was correct.
When did I say you where wrong? I made an assumption, you corrected me(most rudely I must add) and then I said you where right

I just added my opinion as to why I think that practice is not a good one, since this is you know, a forum. But meh, take it any way you want.
By the way, saying that
your dad works at Nintendo won't prove anything to me or others, since I can't corroborate that (or won't bother), that doesn't really vouch for the quality of your work that much, and who's telling you I'm not the same? in some regards at least,
If you think I am wrong, that is fine, you are entitled to your opinion, but if you think it is that easy, then go ahead and do it yourself, and stop telling other people how to make their games. Go ahead and make a free voice track for it, for a free dlc for everyone, you can even try to crowdfund it. Best of luck, but you will forgive me if I don't expect much.
Why would I? I'm not the dev of this game nor I'm interested in this game in getting one, on my first comment on the matter I was talking about it in general or broad terms, but you're the one who somehow got the idea that I seriously wanted the dev to add voice to this game, but seeing how you are, now I'm not surprised I guess.
This, by the way, was the bit I'm arguing you over: "I particularly love how you think anyone can just go hire a team of seiyu ..." ect. and the bs after it, because I do think that, because I've known people who had, never said I'll be easy or cheap, I've even gone and explained how complicated(not hard) could be, but literally anyone can do it.